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Writers’ First Friday Link Party! Share Your Best Post Here

Carol Tice

Woman-party-hat-arms-upI’m excited to introduce a new feature here designed to help writers who read this blog grow their own blog audience. It’s a monthly link party!

I learned about link parties at the New Media Expo, from the wonderful women at the blog Six Sisters’ Stuff.

Apparently, link parties are common in lots of other blog niches, like food and crafts. But I’d never seen one for my type of blog, about freelancing, writing, and blogging.

Here’s the thing: There are now nearly 6,000 subscribers to this blog, and over 24,000 writers read it every month.

I know a lot of you are great writers! And have blogs of your own. (Because when you leave a link in the comments, I often head over and check it out.)

I’ve been asking myself how I could do more to help you promote your own blogs…and then I learned how to make a link party.

This is a great opportunity for you to bring a wider audience to your blog, by sharing a post link here on this post.

Instructions are below — look forward to seeing your posts linked below!

P.S. — just have to come back to apologize that I didn’t manage to enable voting properly on this link party…but I’ve researched it and hopefully we will have voting after posting closes next time!

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