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For Writers Considering Self-Publishing: 8 Useful Posts

Carol Tice

Writer publishing own e-bookBy Jennifer Roland

Since Carol’s getting ready to spill *all* of her e-book publishing mistakes, she thought you could get in the mood with this handy roundup of posts with e-book marketing tips for self-publishing writers — and writers who’re considering taking the plunge.

  1. Why Freelance Writers Should Consider Becoming Authors: “If you can write an article, you can write a book.” This guest post describes how Nina Amir made the transition from freelance writer to published author – and how it affected her business.
  2. Could Publishing an Ebook Get You Better Freelance Writing Work? In this guest post, Dana Sitar gives concrete examples of how you can position your books to grow your freelance writing career.
  3. Is This the Secret to Using eBooks to Grow Your Blogging Income? Carol takes a look at how Danny Iny has made $250K by giving his books away free. When you’re looking at your overall career, you might want to look at ways you can earn beyond just freelance writing. And books can really position you for success in speaking engagements, mentoring, training, and other income possibilities.
  4. Guy Kawasaki’s Radical Advice for Getting Your Book Published: Awesome advice from Guy Kawasaki on why you need to control the publishing process. He and Carol really dig into specifics you need to think about when making the decision whether you want to be traditionally published or self-published.
  5. 8 Important Questions to Ask Before You Publish Your Book: Once you’ve decided to write your book, you need a killer marketing plan. These questions will help you get the information you need to do that.
  6. My Best Book Marketing Tip for Creating Maximum Buzz: What can you do to set yourself apart in your market? Carol used LinkedIn messages to engage her network in marketing one of her books with a mass-mail technique that’s a bit controversial — be sure to check out the comments! Would this work with your LI network?
  7. What You Can Learn from One Writer’s Unlikely NY Times Bestsellers: Want to know how to drive platform and publicity? Take a lesson from a NYT bestselling writer and do something fun and unconventional. Something that fits your personality.
  8. Are Preview Readers’ E-Book Reviews a Fraud? Reviews, especially on Amazon, are critical for driving sales. But some people have written fake reviews, paid people for reviews, and done other shady things that have tainted the market. Carol gives advice for doing your reviews right – so they can be effective sales tools.

Got questions about self-publishing? Leave them in the comments.

Jennifer Roland is a freelance writer and the guest-blog editor here at Make a Living Writing. She focuses on edtech, lifestyle topics, marketing and public relations, and content creation. Her latest book, 10 Takes on Writing, will be out in late 2014.

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