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Writing Jobs That Pay $100+: Hunt Through These 75 Options

Evan Jensen

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Hunting for Work? Writing Jobs That Pay $100+. Makealivingwriting.com.Wondering if any well-paying freelance writing jobs are actually out there?

It might seem like those writing jobs are about as elusive as Bigfoot.

You know…you hear about other freelancers landing writing jobs that pay pro rates, but you’ve never seen anything like that.

Sound familiar?

You may not be a Bigfoot believer. But the truth is, there are plenty of writing jobs out there that pay well in almost every niche (business, travel, science, health, technology, finance, and more).

If you’ve been struggling to find writing jobs that pay well, chances are you haven’t been looking in the right places.

FYI…almost no sightings have ever been reported from places like content mills and bid sites.

If you’re on the hunt for better-paying writing jobs, it’s time to steer clear of those places and seek out assignments that will help you move up and earn more.

How about a little help to point you in the right direction? Check out these 75 markets that pay $100 or more.

Looking for ways to increase your freelance writing income? Become part of the Freelance Writer’s Den online community!

Business & Finance

Check out these 12 markets to find writing jobs in business and finance.

1. Craft Your Content

What drives online traffic for businesses more than anything else? Content. Craft Your Content publishes articles about grammar, business, tips to boost creativity, and productivity habits to help freelance writers. Pitch Owner and Managing Editor Elisa Doucette.

Pays: Up to $100 per assignment

2. Copyhackers

Copyhackers publishes content about digital marketing, copywriting, brand development, sales, funnels and conversions. Pitch ideas to Joanna Wiebe.

Pays: $325 per assignment.

3. Elite Personal Finance

Founded by Mike James, Elite Personal Finance features content about finance, credit, home loans, identify theft, and investing for a primarily millennial audience.

Pays: $100 per assignment

4. Green Entrepreneur

Green Entrepreneur covers one of the fastest growing industries in the United States…cannabis. Fun fact: A recent survey shows sales of cannabis-based health and beauty products are rising rapidly. Got a story idea about the business of cannabis? Pitch Executive Editor Jonathan Small.

Pays: Up to $1.50 per word

5. Groovewallet

Groovewallet founder Paul Kim pays writers for articles about money management, saving, side hustles, and ways to make money.

Pays: $100 to $200 per article

6. Income Diary

Income Diary Founder Michael Dunlop publishes tech-focused articles about creating websites, driving traffic, and leveraging the power of social media.

Pays: Up to $200 per assignment

7. iWorkwell

iWorkwell publishes content by subject matter experts or journalists with interview skills about HR issues, running a successful organization, and how to hire and keep good employees.

Pays: Up to $250 per assignment

8. LiisBeth

LiisBeth caters to a unique audience of business readers…feminist-focused entrepreneurs. Managing Editor Margaret Webb is looking for pitches about entrepreneurship, innovation, policy, and more.

Pays: $200+ per assignment.

9. Listverse

Listverse publishes list-style posts about a wide variety of topics, including business, like 10 Secrets Businesses Don’t Want You to Know or Top 10 Innovative Products of the Last Decade. Got an idea for a business-focused list post? Study the guidelines before pitching.

Pays: $100 per assignment

10. Narratively

Have a compelling business story to tell? It might be a good fit for one of Narratively’s departments: Reported Stories, Hidden History, Deep Dives, or First-Person Stories. The more offbeat, the better your chances of acceptance. Each category has specific guidelines and examples.

Pays $150 per assignment

11. Scrap

Did you know Oregon just joined the ranks of about 10 states with a ban on those plastic grocery bags? That’s a trend that’s going to have an impact on the scrap and recycling industry, which is what this trade magazine is all about. Pitch story ideas to editor Rachel Pollack.

Pays: $800+ for feature stories

12. Smart Business Trends

Smart Business Trends publishes Q&A-style content about WordPress themes, hosting services, content management, email automation, and more for business professionals and entrepreneurs.

Pays: $100 to $200 per assignment.

Fitness & Health

Here are five markets where you can find health and fitness writing jobs.

13. Chatelaine Magazine

Chatelaine is a popular monthly Canadian women’s magazine that covers health and fitness topics, including the latest in health and science research, but in reader-friendly language. Pitch story ideas to Managing Editor Laura Brown. Improve your chances of acceptance by including details for sidebar, infographic, quiz, or other graphic element, be sure to explain.

Pays: $1 per word

14. Eating Well

Eat healthy, enjoy good food. If you can develop a story idea that combines both, Editor-in-Chief Jessie Price or Associate Nutrition Editor Julia Westbrook want to hear from you. Best way to break in. Pitch a story idea for one of the front-of-book sections of the magazine.

Pays: $1 per word

15. High Times

High Times publishes cannabis-related content about health and fitness, advocacy, politics, and more. Pitch story ideas to Editor Sean Cooley.

Pays: $100 and up per assignment

16. Idea Fitness Journal

What will the business of health and fitness look like in 2020? This trade magazine is published by the IDEA Health and Fitness Association. Editor-in-chief Sandy Todd Webster is looking for articles for health professionals about personal training, nutrition, gym ownership, training special-needs populations, and more.

Rate: Pays $100 and up.

17. Psychology Today

If you’re curious about human behavior and current research in psychology, you’ve got something in common with Psychology Today Editor-in-chief Kaja Perina. Pitch story ideas like the Kenau Reeves effect, tips to beat perfectionism and other topics about human behavior, brain science, and more.

Pays: $1 per word

Lifestyle & Family

There’s big market for lifestyle, family, and parenting magazines. Pitch these publications to land assignments and find writing jobs in this niche.

18. A Fine Parent

A Fine Parent publishes content to help busy parents navigate the challenges of raising kids, positive discipline, developing healthy family relationships, and more. Pitch story ideas to founder and editor Sumitha Bhandarkar.

Pays: $100 per assignment

19. ADDitude Magazine

Managing editor Wayne Kalyn is always looking for fresh pitches, including first-person articles by parents, employers, and teachers with personal experience working with ADD and ADHD kids.

Pays: $100 to $200 per assignment

20. Alaska Parent

Check out the editorial calendar for the summer, fall, and winter issues of Alaska Parent. Then pitch a story idea Develop a story idea, and be sure to follow the query guidelines to submit a pitch.

Pays: Up to $200 per assignment

21. Atlanta Parent

Know where all the family-friendly hot-spots are in Atlanta, Ga.? Want to write about issues that impact parents and children in the community? Have an idea for an Atlanta-based profile on a parent, kid, or family with a compelling story to tell? Pitch editor Tali Toland.

Pays: $100 and up for feature stories

22. Bay Area Parent

Know where the kid-friendly hangouts are in the Bay Area: Marin County, San Francisco, the Peninsula, the East Bay, Santa Clara and Santa Cruz? Pitch a story idea to editor Jill Wolfson. If you want to write for the Bay Area Parent blog, pitch editor Amy Ettinger.

Pays: $100 and up

23. Carolina Parent

This monthly magazine features stories and content for parents and families in North Carolina. Get the current media kit and editorial calendar for themes per issue, and special editions. Pitch magazine ideas to editor Beth Shugg. 

Pays: $100 to $300 per assignment

24. Charlotte Parent

Michelle Huggins is the editor for Charlotte Parent magazine. She says queries should typically be submitted three months in advance of publication. Pitch story ideas about events, activities, and resources for parents with kids in the Charlotte area.

Pays: Up to $150 per assignment

25. Chesapeake Family Life

Your best bet for breaking into Chesapeake Family Life is pitching a feature story on a person, place, family, or special event with an original angle about family-friendly living in Maryland, says editor Ann Levelle.

Pays: Up to $200 per assignment

26. Chicago Parent

Got a personal story to share about raising kids in the Windy City? Pitch a 400 to 500-word first-person essay about it to editor Tamara O’Shaughnessy. It’s one of the best ways to break into this magazine. Got a story idea about family-friendly things to do in Chicago, pitch editor Elizabeth Diffin.

Pays: $100 and up for feature stories

27. Clubhouse

Clubhouse magazines is published by the Christian organization, Focus on the Family. It’s a children’s magazine aimed at 8- to 12-year-old kids, and publishes both fiction and non-fiction articles, says Editorial Director Jesse Florea.

Pays: $150 and up

28. Country

What’s it like on the farm? Chances are pretty good there’s some funny and unexpected things that happen when you live in the country. And that’s what this magazines likes to share with readers. Pitch story ideas to Copy Chief Deb Mulvey.

Pays: Up to $250 per assignment

29. Dope Magazine

This is a lifestyle magazine for cannabis and marijuana that covers topics in business, health, pop culture, politics, and more. Pitch story ideas to editor David Bailey.

Pays: Up to $150 per assignment

30. Dotdash

Dotdash is the preferred content provider by companies like VeryWell, The Spruce, Investopedia, and others. They’re looking for freelance writers who are experts on a wide range of topics to write for brands in insurance, software, subscription boxes, tutoring, fitness, and liquor. Email Editor Ilana Kaplan for more information.

Pays $200 per round-up list post

31. The Green Parent

This UK-based magazine covers green-living (UK) topics on raising children, alternative health, and environmental concerns. Best way to break in? Pitch a first-person essay about a real-life experience to Editor  Melissa Corkill.

Pays: $100 to $200 per assignment

32. Green Spring Media

Know something about life and culture in the Twin Cities, the North Start state, and the Upper Midwest? Pitch story ideas to Senior Editor Reed Fischer. Best way to break in? Write a feature for one of these two departments: First Person or True North. Green Spring Media publishes Minnesota Monthly and other regional publications.

Rate: $100 and up

33. Harper’s Bazaar

Harper’s Bazaar is the oldest lifestyle publication in the U.S. that first appeared in 1850. Today, the magazine covers a wide range of topics on politics, society, the environment, and culture with in-depth reporting, narrative writing, and storytelling. Pitch Features Editor Olivia Fleming or check the masthead for editors of other departments.

Pays: $2 per word

34. Hudson Valley Parent

Got a story idea about summer camp, school, health, family life, and things to do for parents and kids in Hudson Valley, New York? Pitch Editor Cassidy Brighton. Open to pitches from writers outside the local area.

Pays: Up to $120 per assignment

35. MetroParent

If you want to tap into this magazine for parents and kids in southeast Michigan, study back issues and get familiar with sections and departments. Then pitch editor Julia Elliott.

Pays: $200 and up for feature stories

36. Mothering

Want to write about natural and eco-conscious living for parents with kids? Mothering covers topics like alternative childbirth options, breastfeeding, natural family planning, homeschooling, healthy nutrition, and co-sleeping.

To break in, you’ll need to be able to validate your ideas with research, interview expert sources, write in journalistic style, and send your pitch to editor Amy Tokic. 

Payment: $200 to $500 per article.

37. New Jersey Monthly

Want to write about life in The Garden State? New Jersey Monthly publishes stories about art, tourism, environmental issues, science, technology, and culture. Check the 2020 editorial calendar and pitch story ideas Editor Ken Schlager

Pays: $750 to $2,500 per assignment

38. Raising Arizona Kids

Editor Kara Morrison knows kids don’t come with an instruction manual. And once you navigate the toddler years, raising teenagers in Arizona is a whole new adventure. Raising Arizona Kids publishes articles to help parents manage the challenges of raising kids from newborns through high school.

Pays: $200 and up for feature stories

39. Western New York Family Magazine

Check the 2020 editorial calendar to develop story ideas about summer activities, vacation and travel, education, fall fun, and more about family life, activities and events in Western New York. Pitch story ideas to Editor Michele Miller. 

Pays: Up to $150 per assignment.

40. Working Mother

What’s it really like to be a working mom and parent? It’s not always easy, but it’s certainly possible to make it work, enjoy life, and be a role model for your kids. That’s the focus of Working Mother magazine. Have an idea for a story? Check out the Contacts page to pitch the right person. FYI: Maricar Santos is the associate editor for Working Mother.

Pays: $100 to $300 per assignment

41. Your Teen

What’s it take to raise a successful and well-adjusted teenager? If you’re a parent of a teen or tween, you could probably use a little advice from an expert or someone who’s been in your shoes. Your Teen publishes content to help parents guide their kids from the teenage years into adulthood on a wide range of topics. Pitch story ideas to Parenting Editor Sharon Holbrook.

Pays: Up to $300 per assignment

Politics & History

Pitch these conservative and liberal publications to find writing jobs that pay $100 or more.

42. The American Conservative

Interested in political writing from a conservative perspective? You’ll need solid journalism skills to report and write about current events, trends and issues for The American Conservative, a magazine published by the American Ideas Institute. Pitch story ideas to Editor James Antle III.

Pays: $150 and up depending on assignment

43. The Atlantic

Think The Atlantic, is too big of a consumer magazine for a newbie to pitch? Think again. It’s where freelancer Douglas Fitzpatrick landed his first magazine assignment for a piece about the career trajectory of Donald Trump that landed him in the White House. The Atlantic covers news and analysis on politics, business, culture, technology, national, international and political life. Want to write for The Atlantic? Study the magazine and pitch an idea with a query first.

Pays: $150 to $1,600 depending on assignment.

44. Early American Life

Early American Life magazine features stories about the United States from the late 1700s to life in the mid-1800s. Articles cover topics about history, architecture, antiques, crafts, and travel destinations for people interested in early American life. Pitch Executive Editor Jeanmarie Andrews

Pays: $500 to $2,000 per assignment

45. The Nation

The Nation is a liberal-leaning publication that covers national and international affairs,  Stories include analysis of breaking news, politics, social issues and the arts. Pitch story ideas to Editor D.D. Gutenplan or check The Masthead to pitch the appropriate editor.

Pays: $225 and up per assignment

46. New York Observer

Like writing about the latest news from the White House? Or have an inside scoop, opinion, or point of view about New York politics? If you can write for a “sophisticated readership of metropolitan professionals,” pitch an idea to Contributors Editor Kelsey Smith.

Pays: $100 per assignment

47. The Progressive

If you want to write about the people, events, and issues shaping social and economic justice, civil liberties, human rights, the environment, and democracy, pitch a story idea to Managing Editor Bill Lueders at The Progressive.

Pays: Up to $1,300 per assignment

48. The Sun

The Sun is a literary-style magazine that publishes essays, interviews, and stories about political and cultural issues. What’s different about it compared to other magazines? No advertising. Got a story idea for The Sun? Pitch Senior Editor Andrew Snee.

Pays: $300 to $2,000 per assignment

49. Tablet

The Tablet publishes stories about Jewish news, ideas, and culture. Recent freelance political pieces published in Tablet include stories about anti-Semitic crime in New York,  the death of Iranian commander Qassem Soleimani, and other issues. Pitch story ideas to Editor Matthew Fishbane, and include a brief summary of your story idea, bio, and writing experience.

Pays: $150 and up depending on assignment

50. Vox First Person

Got a political view and personal experience you’d like to share and get paid to write? Vox First Person wants to hear from you. This news-opinion-style site welcomes opinion-focused articles, essays, and points of view that help explain politics and current events from a first-person perspective.

Pays: $150 and up

51. Washington Monthly

The 2020 presidential candidates, trouble in Lebanon, funding higher education, and the business of Boeing. Those are just a few examples of recently reported stories published by Washington Monthly.

Have an idea for an investigative piece, opinion-based feature, or even book reviews of political titles? Pitch Executive Editor Gilad Edelman.

Pays: Up to $100+

Science & Environment

If you can write about science and environmental issues for a consumer audience, pitch these publications to land more writing jobs.

52. Alternatives Journal

Alternatives Journal publishes stories about science and environmental issues in Canada. Recent stories investigate issues related to climate change and sustainable living. Journalism, research, and interviewing skills required to write for this publication. Pitch story ideas to Editor Leah Gerber

Pays: Up to $400 per assignment

53. American Forests

Did you know there’s an estimated 749 million acres of forest land in the United States? It’s a recreation mecca for many, but the nation’s forests are also facing environmental issues, changes in policy and management, and other issues. American Forests publishes content for recreational forest users, as well as features stories, profiles, and in-depth reporting about forest issues. Pitch story ideas to Editor Lea Sloan.

Pays: Up to $2,000 for features

54. Bee Culture

Bee Culture is one of the most recognized sources about raising bees and harvesting honey. The magazine also covers topics such as pollination, honey plants, gardening with bees, wildlife and woodland plantings, and all the creatures that bees affect and interact with. Pitch story ideas to Senior Editor Kim Flottum. You’ll raise your chance of acceptance if you can provide photos.

Pays: $150 to $200 per assignment

55. Discover Magazine

Discover is a consumer-focused magazine that features stories about medical research, scientific breakthroughs, technology, physics, space travel, and even palaeontology. But it’s written for the average reader, not scientists and academics. Break in by pitching a story idea for the Data section (150 to 500 words) or the 20 Things Column (650 words). Pitch Senior Editor Gemma Tarlach or another member of the editorial team.

Rate: $2/word

56. Earth Island Journal

In the current issue of Earth Island Journal, you’ll learn about the fishing industry in Alaska, the impact of wildfires in Australia, problems with pesticides, and much more. Pitch story ideas about innovations in science and technology, and environmental issues to Editor Maureen Nandini Mitra

Pays: $300 to $1,000 per assignment

57. Folk Rebellion (no longer publsihed)

Folk Rebellion publishes content about psychology, motivation, behavior change, and the latest in neuroscience research. Pitch story ideas for how-tos, profiles, features, and columns to Founder and Editor-in-Chief Jess Davis

Pays: $100 to $350 per assignment

58. Growing Magazine

Grow a garden. Raise crops on a small farm. Improve your greenthumb. Growing Magazine publishes how-to guides, tips, and information for the average reader. You’ll also find stories, features, and profiles about about agricultural science, soil testing, watering and irrigation, and managing pests and invasive species to prevent crop failure. Pitch story ideas to Editor Stephanie Peake.

Pays: $175 to $500 per assignment

59. Hakai Magazine

Combine old-skill journalism skills with science-based curiosity about marine-coastal environments, and you get Hakai Magazine, created by Founder and Editor Jude Isabella.

Articles cover topics including archaeology, ecology, biology, geology, oceanography, anthropology, environment, business, technology, policy, engineering, and history of marine-coastal environments. Story ideas with video or content for infographic get priority.

Pays: $300 and up

60. Mother Earth News

In Mother Earth News, you can learn about things like designing a biogas generator that produces natural gas, building a cabin, how to grow herbs and spices, and much more.

Pitch a story idea about renewable energy, green transportation, natural health, or environmental issues to Editor Hank Will. Best way to break in: Start with a short how-to article (100 to 300 words), before pitching a more in-depth feature.

Pays: Up to to $150 per assignment

61. New Scientist

The truth is out there, and science should be able to explain it. In the current issue of New Scientist, you’ll read about the hunt for alien life, a mysterious illness in China, the longevity of the Y2K bug, and more. The magazine features news and stories about science, technology, health, and the environment. Pitch story ideas to Editor Emily Wilson, or another member of the editorial staff.

Pays: 300 and up per assignment

62. Popular Science

In 2018, Joe Brown took over as editor-in-chief at Popular Science, one of the oldest science magazines in the world published for a lay audience. In the current issue, you’ll read about the impact of climate change heating up, the debut of plant-based pork, the Federal Aviation Administration’s plan to keep track of drones, and more. Best way to break in? Start with a front-of-book pitch in 200 words or less.

Pays: $2 per word

63. Smithsonian

Want to write for the Smithsonian magazine? This popular magazine has a readership of 15 million and features stories about the past, present and future of science, technology, culture, the environment, and more. And you can write about it for the Smithsonian magazine. Check the masthead for who to pitch. Email convention for most Smithsonian staffers is “Last Name, First Initial” @si.edu.

Pays: $1 to $3.50 per word


Tech tips and software tutorials pay well. Take a look at these markets to find tech-focused writing jobs.

64. Digital Ocean

Digital Ocean pays freelancers for in-depth tutorials about software development related to Python and Javascript programming languages.

Pays: up to $400 per tutorial

65. Linode

Linode publishes content about cloud hosting using Linux, Socket.io, NoSQL databases, game servers, Open Change, and Web RTC. Follow the submission instructions, or pitch your idea to Director of Content Angel Guarisma.

Pays: Up to $300 per tutorial

66. PhotoShop Tutorials

PhotoShop Tutorials publishes articles, tips and tutorials about using Adobe PhotoShop, like how to create a clipping mask, how to design a fantasy scene, or how to digitally restore an old photo. Pitch with an outline for a tutorial topic or article idea. Be prepared to provide screen shots and step-by-step instructions.

Pays: Up to $300 per tutorial

67. Smashing

Smashing magazine publishes content about coding, design, mobile design, UX design, graphics, and WordPress. But it’s not just software tutorials. Content also include opinion pieces, guides, and case studies about web development topics. Get familiar with the editorial process and pitch Pitch Editor-in-Chief Rachel Andrew.

Pays: Up to $200

68. WebDesignTuts+

WebDesignTuts+ publishes tutorials about web design, graphics and design elements, layout, and WordPress capabilities. Video or content-based tutorials accepted.

Pays: Up to $400 per tutorial

69. UX Booth

The user interface experience…You probably don’t even notice when this is done well on a website. But it stands out when the user experience is confusing, misses the mark, or doesn’t seem intuitive. UX Booth is on a mission to change that by publishing content about best practices in UX design for developers including visual design, architecture, content strategy, and more. Pitch Editor Amy Grace Wells.

Pays: $100 per article.


Travel writing…it’s one of the most popular niches for freelance writers. If you pitch the right markets, you can land writing jobs that pay well.

70. Alaska Beyond

About 75 percent of Alsaka Beyond magazine is written by freelancers, featuring West Coast stories about travel destinations, personalities, technology, sports, education, investing, architecture and a range of other topics. Best way to break in: Pitch a short piece for “The Feed” department to Editor Paul Frichtl.

Pays: $150 to $700 based on assignment

71. American Way

The estimated readership for American Way is kind of crazy. About 200 million people board an American Airlines flight every year. Check the media kit for reader demographics, cover stories, and departments to pitch story ideas about destinations, food, sports, music, entertainment, and more to Editor-in-Chief Bill Kearney.

Pays: $1 per word

72. Delta Sky

Carol Tice is a regular contributor to Delta Sky. Pitch story ideas about food, sports, lifestyle, business, and travel (including international destinations) to Editor-in-Chief Sarah Elbert.

Pays: $1 per word

73. enRoute

This is the magazine for Air Canada. In the current issue, you’ll read about favorite travel destinations of the year, indigenous food of Canada, Canada’s top surfing destination, and more. Have a story idea for enRoute? Make sure it includes a destination served by Air Canada or Star Alliance airlines. Pitch Editor Sydney Loney.

Pays: $1 per word, Canadian

74. The National

Did you know Amtrack publishes a magazine about the people, places and issues it serves in 500 destinations and 46 states, spread across 21,400 miles of tracks? In the current issue, you’ll read about punk-poet laureate Patti Smith, one photographer’s view of El Paso, Texas to Tuscon, Ariz. by train, the curious history behind the success of the Jack Daniel’s brand, and more. Have a story idea for The National? Pitch Senior Editor Lauren Vespoli.

Pays: $1 per word

75. Southwest: The Magazine

Need some help coming up with stories to pitch Southwest: The Magazine for Southwest Airlines? Check out the editorial calendar for 2020. Writing for the January issue is out. But take a look at deadlines for the rest of the year. Southwest plans to publish stories about summer fun, carousels and carnivals, TV, and winter vacation destinations. Pitch Executive Editor Mark Shimabukuro.

Pays: $1 per word

The secret to landing writing jobs: Keep pitching

Want to land more freelance writing jobs? Learn to study a magazine. Get to know the readers. Sift through the editorial calendar and back issues. Come up with a story idea and write a well-crafted query. Hit send. Then keep pitching to find writing jobs.

How do you find freelance writing jobs? Leave a comment and let’s discuss.

Learn to find, price and land great gigs! Freelance writers den.

Get Paid to Write: 23 Sites That Pay Freelancers $100+

In this list of sites that pay freelance writers, we’ve identified new markets we haven’t featured before. And even though these sites represent a variety of different niches, they all have one thing in common.

These are sites that pay $100 or more for blog posts, articles, essays, tutorials, and other types of writing assignments.

Freelance Writing Jobs: 39 Online Magazines That Pay $100+

Freelance Writing Jobs: 39 Online Magazines That Pay $100+

Freelance Writing Jobs for Online Magazines. Makealivingwriting.com.

Wondering where to find your next freelance writing jobs during COVID-19 craziness?

You’re not the only one. It’s a volatile time for almost everybody. But businesses, magazines, and digital publications still have freelance writing jobs they need to fill.

In many niches, the demand for well-written articles and writers who know how to dig up solid research, interview sources, and hit tight deadlines is even greater than pre-pandemic.

How do you get some of that work? There’s an old-school skill that works in any economic environment. Pitch great story ideas to editors.

And if you don’t get a response right away…keep going. Just about every editor is scrambling to fill their editorial calendars right now.

Show up in their inbox with a fresh idea, and you’re a lot more likely to land an assignment than if you sit back and do nothing until “things get better.” Make sense? Good.

To save you some time, we’ve compiled a list of 43 digital magazines you can pitch right now. Check out the list and get to work.