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36 Parenting Markets: Freelance Writing Jobs for Stay at Home Moms

Evan Jensen

Parenting Pays: Writing Jobs for Stay at Home Moms. Makealivingwriting.comIt’s no secret that jobs for stay at home moms can be hard to come by.

Where can you get a job with a wildly flexible schedule that leaves you time for things like:

  • Meal prep
  • Laundry
  • Soccer-mom duties
  • And the inevitable “your-kid-just-threw-up” phone call from the school principal?

Some work-around-your-schedule jobs for stay at home moms might be just the right fit to make money.

But if you know anything about diaper duty, local play dates, or how to handle tween-age drama…writing skills + life experience = Money.

There’s an entire niche of parenting websites and magazines with freelance writing jobs for stay at home moms.

Check out this list of 36 paying markets, and start pitching…right after that terrible-twos tantrum is over.

Freelance writing jobs for stay at home moms

In almost every metropolitan area, you can find a family-friendly magazine that pays freelance writers for features, profiles, play-date destination round-ups, and parenting-advice stories.

And there are many others websites, blogs, and magazines (regional and national) with writing assignments and jobs for stay at home moms.

Find a parenting market, website, or magazine you want to write for? Here what to do next:

  • Study the market to get to know the audience and advertisers. And read the writers guidelines.
  • Pay attention to voice and style. Is there mom-to-mom advice, recommendations from child development experts, or a mix of both? What do the headlines, subheads, and lede paragraphs look like?
  • Develop an original story idea, and do a little research. Has the topic been covered in the last 1-2 years? Know a couple sources you can interview? Is there something that makes your angle fresh or newsworthy?
  • Write a killer query letter, and send it directly to the editor (not the generic editor@ black hole of email addresses).
  • Repeat the process, and get more writing jobs for stay at home moms.

Ready to start pitching? Here’s the list:

1. ADDitude Magazine

Ever wonder how parents deal with raising a kid with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD/ADD)? Here’s a hint, it’s not all rainbows and unicorns. Yet, about 11 percent of kids (6.4 million) have attention deficit, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Managing editor Wayne Kalyn is always looking for fresh pitches that include first-person articles by parents, employers, and teachers with personal experience working with ADHD kids. FYI – Freelance writer and Den member Jennifer Theuriet has written for this niche parenting magaizne.

Rates: Pays an average of $100 to $200 per assignment.

2. Adoptive Families

Did you know an estimated 150,000 kids are adopted every year in the United States? Based on census data and information from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, about 2 million people in the U.S. were raised by adoptive parents.

It’s a life-changing event for kids and parents, and managing editor Eve Gilman says she’s always on the lookout for stories that help parents through the adoption process and provide practical tips on parenting.

Rates: Varies, depending on assignment.

3. Alaska Parent

Know what it’s like to be a parent with kids in the state also known as “The Last Frontier?” Check the editorial calendar link for a 2019 update. Develop a story idea, and be sure to follow the query guidelines to submit a pitch.

Rates: $40 to $200 per assignment.

4. Atlanta Parent

Know where all the family-friendly hot-spots are in Atlanta, Ga.? Want to write about issues that impact parents and children in the community? Have an idea for an Atlanta-based profile on a parent, kid, or family with a compelling story to tell? Pitch editor Tali Toland.

Rates: $100 and up.

5. Bay Area Parent

Know where the kid-friendly hangouts are in the Bay Area: Marin County, San Francisco, the Peninsula, the East Bay, Santa Clara and Santa Cruz? Pitch a story idea to editor Jill Wolfson. Or read the guidelines and pitch a feature story idea , or Q&A profile for the Mom’s Minute department. If you want to write for the Bay Area Parent blog, pitch editor Amy Ettinger.

Rates: $0.25 per word.

6. Brain, Child

If you’re looking for a parenting magazine that still features long-form essays about motherhood, this is it. Brain, Child features essays from 1,500 to 4,500 by mothers about raising kids, work-life balance, personal development, and more, says editor Marcelle Soviero.

Rates: Varies, depending on assignment.

7. Carolina Parent

This monthly magazine features stories and content for parents and families in North Carolina. Check the 2019 editorial calendar for themes per issue, and special editions. Pitch magazine ideas to editor Beth Shugg. She’s also the editor for the Where Traveler Raleigh-Durham blog published by Morris Media. 

Rates: $75 to $300 per assignment.

8. Charlotte Parent

Michelle Huggins is the editor for Charlotte Parent magazine. She says queries should typically be submitted three months in advance of publication. Queries should focus on stories, events, and ideas, that provide useful advice and resources for parents with kids in the Charlotte area.

Rates: $50 to $150 per assignment.

9. Chesapeake Family Life

Your best bet for breaking into Chesapeake Family Life is pitching a feature story on a person, place, family, or special event with an original angle about family-friendly living in Maryland, says editor Ann Levelle.

Rates: $75 to $200 per assignment.

10. Chicago Parent

If you’ve heard the chatter about paid essay writing becoming extinct, Chicago Parent hasn’t received the memo. A 400 to 500-word first-person essay with your take on raising kids in the “Windy City” is one of the best ways to break in says editor Tamara O’Shaughnessy. The magazine also publishes news and features about parenting and family life in Chicago. For the “Going Places” department about family-friendly things to do in Chicago, pitch editor Elizabeth Diffin.

Rates: $25 to $100-plus per assignment.

11. Cincinnati Parent

What do you know about Cincinnati that’s off the beaten path, different, or unexpected that even locals might not know about? If you can identify a story idea with a fresh angle, or something completely new to Cincinnati parents, editor Susan Bryant wants to hear from you. Check the 2019 editorial calendar for monthly themes to help you pitch ideas. 

Rates: Varies, depending on assignment.

12. Fatherly

Mom’s aren’t the only ones who swap stories about grocery-store meltdowns, parenting advice, money matters, and the curiosities of raising kids. Dads do too. Got some “fatherly” advice that might help other dads, or a funny experience with your kids to share? Pitch a story idea to Fatherly editor Andrew Burmon. Add video with your pitch to get noticed.

13. Georgia Family

When Olya Fessard launched Georgia Family magazine about 26 years ago, she did it to help parents find opportunities in the area to help their kids learn and develop. Since then, the magazine has grown to over 15,000 subscribers who want to read about Georgia-based events, travel, family matters, and lifestyle. Submit queries to editor and publisher Olya Fessard. 

Rates: $20 to $80 per assignment.

14. The Green Parent

This UK-based magazine covers green-living (UK) topics on raising children, alternative health, and environmental concerns. “We are particularly keen on features written in the first person about a real-life experience,” says editor Melissa Corkill.

Rates: $100 to $200 per assignment.

15. Grown and Flown

Your kids may be grown and gone, but you never really stop being a parent. Plus, you might have some advice to share for new parents, or a story idea for this blog. Pitch guest post ideas to Assistant Editor Christine Burke or email grownandflown@gmail.com.

Rates: Based on assignment.

16. Gulf Coast Parents & Kids 

Before Gretchen Cook was the editor at Gulf Coast Parents & Kids, she was a freelance writer. And she knows what it’s like to hustle, pitch magazines, work with editors, and make a living writing as a freelancer. “The key to successful publication,” says Gretchen, “having the right topic in front of the right editor at the right moment.”

To break into this magazine, you’ll need to pitch story ideas about parenting, family life, and things to do in the Gulf Coast. And if you really want to get Gretchen’s attention, pitch a seasonal story idea months in advance based on the magazine’s editorial calendar.

Rates: $25 per article and up.

17. Hudson Valley Parent

Can you be the editor of a parenting magazine, even though you don’t have kids of your own? That’s Cassidy Brighton. But she’s the perfect fit, having grown up in the area with rich family ties, lots of friends, and institutional knowledge of Hudson Valley over the last few decades.

If you’ve got a story idea about summer camp, school, health, family life, and things to do for parents and kids in Hudson Valley, send a query to Cassidy. While the magazine mainly works with local writers, Cassidy says, she open to pitches from writers outside the area.

Rates: $80 to $120 per assignment.

18. Indy’s Child

Here’s a hint about landing magazine assignments. Pitch the right editor, and it’s possible to tap into a fountain of work. For example, if you read the details for Cincinnati Parent (No. 11), you’ve already met editor Susan Bryant. But she’s also the editor for Indy’s Child, among other publications. Pitch family-friendly story ideas about life in Indiana based on the editorial calendar to Susan Bryant.

 Rates: Varies, depending on assignment.

19. MetroParent

If you want to tap into this magazine for parents and kids in southeast Michigan, study back issues and get familiar with sections and departments, first. Then pitch editor Julia Elliott. Freelance writers Kristen Gough and Diana Christensen have both written for MetroParent and worked with Julia Elliott on a long list of assignments. “I’ve found that she encourages creativity, exudes professionalism and always expects excellence. I’m glad I’ve been able to work with her,” says Gough.

Rates: $50 to $350 per assignment.

20. Minnesota Parent

This parenting magazine covers a wide range of topics about parenting, family life, and kid-friendly things to do in Minnesota. Be sure to study the editorial calendar before pitching editor Sarah Jackson. Freelancer Tina Mortimer has completed multiple assignments for Minnesota Parent, and says, “Sarah is not only a wonderful writer and editor, she’s someone I consider a mentor…She has been more than generous with her guidance, feedback, and support.” 

Rates: Varies based on assignment.

21. Mommy Nearest

Can having kids make you crazy? The next time your kids whine in agony, “Mom, I’m so bored,” what should you do? What are the best board games for kids and parents to play together? Those are just a few of the blog posts you”ll read on the blog Mommy Nearest. Got a guest post idea? Pitch Editor-in-Chief Rory Halperin.

Rates: Based on assignment.

22. Mothering

Want to write about natural and eco-conscious living for parents with kids? Mothering covers topics like alternative childbirth options, breastfeeding, natural family planning, homeschooling, healthy nutrition, and co-sleeping. To break in, you’ll need to be able to validate your ideas with research, interview expert sources, write in journalistic style, and send your pitch to editor Amy Tokic. 

Payment: $200 to $500 per article.

23. Nashville Parent

If you want to write about family-friendly events in Nashville, this is the magazine to pitch. Managing editor Chad Young says the magazine mainly covers topics, events, and issues for families and parents with kids from newborn to age 14. And he should know, he’s been at the helm of every issue for more than a decade. 

Rates: Based on assignment.

24. New Jersey Family

You might pitch New Jersey Family editor Angel Madison via email, with a story idea about family life in The Garden State. But that’s not the only place you’ll find her. Angel is also the master of the magazine’s social media accounts on FacebookTwitterPinterest, and Instagram. The window for pitching stories for 2017 issues may be closing, but you can get an idea of what this magazine is looking for by reviewing the 2019 media kit.

Rates: $25 to $100 depending on assignment.

25. North State Parent

If you want to break into North State Parent, a magazine that covers family life in northern California, you’ll need to do your homework before you pitch editor Lisa Shara. You’ll get her attention with stories that nurture the bonds of “family” and community, especially if you can find an angle for a story that promotes healthy and developmentally-appropriate environments for children. 

Rates: Varies depending on assignment.

26. The Points Guy

Ever tried to travel cross-country with kids? Or maybe you know how to navigate the madness, rides, shows, and travel plans for a trip to Disneyland? The Points Guys is a site dedicated to helping people maximize credit card points and miles when you travel. Pitch guest post ideas for the Family Travel section to Managing Editor Alberto Riva.

27. Portland Family Magazine

Know what’s it like to live in the Rose City with kids? In a city that likes its unofficial slogan, “Keep Portland Weird,” there’s ample opportunities to write about the accomplishments of others, things to do, and family matters like health, travel, education, holidays, special events, and much more.

“We believe that local community members want to read something meaningful,” says Managing Editor Melissa Kniazeva, “something that enhances their relationship with each other and with their community.”

Rates: Varies depending on assignment.

28. Raising Arizona Kids

If you didn’t get the manual on how to raise a child, Raising Arizona Kids was created to be the next best thing. Its target audience is adults, ages 25 to 59, trying navigate the sometimes murky waters of being a new parent to raising teenagers in Arizona. “Articles should be written to inform, enlighten, challenge, support, amuse or touch these parents as they grow within their new roles, seek ways to enhance their children’s lives and face the pressure of combining careers and parenting,” says editor Kara Morrison.

Rates: $50 to $250 and up, depending on assignment.

29. Ravishly

Can you convince a toddler to eat broccoli, like a kind of child-whisperer? Or maybe you’ve got a story idea to tackle a tough issue like miscarriages, gender identify, pregnancy, and parenting to help others? Ravishly’s “Families” section is perfect for guest posts of that nature.

“We celebrate the mess of being human,” says Editor-in-Chief Joni Edelman. “…what makes us tick, what ticks us off, plus pictures of our dogs or cats. Inclusivity is important. We laugh. We cry. We do it all together.”

30. Romper

This Bustle Digital Group site gets millions of views every month. Mostly female readers interested in content about pregnancy, motherhood, relationships, fashion tips, and the latest in news and entertainment. Got a guest post idea for Romper? Spend some time writing a highly-clickable headline. Managing Editor April Daniel Hussar is a self-described “badass headline writer.”

Rates: Based on assignment.

31. San Diego Family

San Diego Family Magazine connects readers to businesses in the San Diego County,” says Publisher Sharon Bay. “It focuses on families with children between zero and 16. It has a great monthly calendar of events, local resources, education and health topics plus much more. If you want to write for this magazine, check out the editorial calendar that includes a list of hot topics, along with themes and deadlines for upcoming issues. Then send your queries to Managing Editor Lisa Gipson.

32. She Knows

SheKnows publishes a mix of content for a female audience, including the kind of girlfriend talk you’d likely hear a group of moms discussing over coffee after dropping the kids off at school. Food, family, health, entertainment. For more, check out this Q&A with a SheKnows editor. Pitch parenting guest post ideas to Editor Amelia Edelman.

33. Simply Family

Billings, Mont., landed on the map as a railroad town and later became a hub for oil refineries after one of the largest discoveries in U.S. history. And while much of the U.S. struggled during the recession, Billings and the surrounding area grew by 57.8 percent, making it the largest city in the state.

With over 157,000 people living in the area, Simply Family is the magazine for stories about parenting and family life for people living in Yellowstone County. Executive Editor Stephanie Toews says the best way to break into the magazine is to pitch a story idea with a strong local angle of interest to parents of a newborn to college-bound teens.

Rates: Varies depending on assignment.

34. Western New York Family Magazine

The odds are ever in your favor for landing an assignment for Western New York Familymagazine. About 90 percent of the magazine is written by freelancers. Check the 2019 editorial calendar to develop story ideas about having a newborn or special needs child for the April issue (deadline is Feb. 1), and other family-related topics later in the year. Pitch story ideas to Editor Michelle Miller. 

Rates: $40 to $150 per assignment.

35. Working Mother

What’s it really like to be a working mom and parent? It’s not always easy, but it’s certainly possible to make it work, enjoy life, and be a role model for your kids. That’s the focus of Working Mother magazine. Have an idea for a story? Check out the Contacts page to pitch the right person. 

Rates: $100 to $300 per assignment.

36. Your Teen

And you thought being a teenager was hard? It’s just as challenging for parents, and it’s why Your Teen exists. This print magazine and site with a blog publishes content aimed at helping parents guide their kids from the teenage years into adulthood on a wide range of topics. Pitch story ideas to Parenting Editor Sharon Holbrook.

Rates: $0.10 to $0.50 per word, based on assignment.

Parenting pays: Start pitching story ideas

If you’re still scouring online job boards and classified ads trying to find jobs for stay at home moms, take a break. You can make money writing about toddler meltdowns, diaper fails, play-date destinations, and the business of being a mom.

Looking for writing jobs for stay at home moms? Let’s discuss on Facebook or LinkedIn.

Evan Jensen is the blog editor for Make a Living Writing. When he’s not on a writing deadline or catching up on emails, he’s training to run another 100-mile ultra-marathon.

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Freelance Writing Jobs: 39 Online Magazines That Pay $100+

Freelance Writing Jobs: 39 Online Magazines That Pay $100+

Freelance Writing Jobs for Online Magazines. Makealivingwriting.com.

Wondering where to find your next freelance writing jobs during COVID-19 craziness?

You’re not the only one. It’s a volatile time for almost everybody. But businesses, magazines, and digital publications still have freelance writing jobs they need to fill.

In many niches, the demand for well-written articles and writers who know how to dig up solid research, interview sources, and hit tight deadlines is even greater than pre-pandemic.

How do you get some of that work? There’s an old-school skill that works in any economic environment. Pitch great story ideas to editors.

And if you don’t get a response right away…keep going. Just about every editor is scrambling to fill their editorial calendars right now.

Show up in their inbox with a fresh idea, and you’re a lot more likely to land an assignment than if you sit back and do nothing until “things get better.” Make sense? Good.

To save you some time, we’ve compiled a list of 43 digital magazines you can pitch right now. Check out the list and get to work.

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