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14 Buzz-Generating Tips for Writers to Crush Social Media Marketing


Generate Buzz: Social Media Marketing for Writers. Makealivingwriting.comYou don’t have to be a digital genius to know social media marketing can generate a lot of buzz.

But does it work for freelance writing?

Think about it this way. Right now there’s an estimated 2.5 billion people on social media platforms like Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Pinterest, and others.

And some of those users are editors, marketing managers, and business owners.

Tap the social media marketing hive just right, and you could have a swarm of prospects and clients buzzing you for work.

For example, fitness writer Jessica Collins scored a $3,000 project from a Tweet. And YouTube helped Angela Atkinson develop a $100K-a-year freelance writing and coaching business.

Sounds pretty sweet, right? Use these 13 social media marketing tips for writers to generate buzz.

1. The 3 Worst Mistakes You’re Making on Social Media – Self-Publishing School

Bella Pope, content management & branding specialist at Self-Publishing School has spent the last 6 years in the world of marketing, content creation, and books (& publishing) and that taught her a lot of things about what gets people’s attention in this world. In this webinar, she tells us all about what really matters in social media marketing for writers and aspiring authors.

2. How One Freelance Writer Found a $3,000 Gig – On Twitter

Freelance fitness writer Jessica Collins practically gave up on Twitter as a useless platform to find freelance work. But before throwing in the towel, she made some simple changes to her Twitter profile and sent out a Tweet that changed everything.

3. How to Get Noticed on Twitter – 15 Tips for Writers

Want to know how Carol Tice scored a guest post assignment on Copyblogger and connected with $2-a-word assigning editor at a high-profile website? Give your Twitter profile an update and use this platform to generate buzz. Here’s how:

4. How to Boost Your Freelance Writing Career With Live Tweeting

Live Tweeting isn’t just for certain political leaders or reality-TV commentary. It’s a social media marketing strategy you can use to get noticed, make connections, and land more freelance work. Here’s how freelancer Susan Johnston Taylor used live Tweeting to get featured in a trade pub and introduced to top editors in her niche.

5. 10 Ways Writers Can Use LinkedIn to Find Freelance Gigs

LinkedIn may have joined social media marketing platforms with a long fuse that took a while to catch on. But now it’s got an estimated 500 million users, and loads of features to help you carve out a freelance niche as a professional writer. Use these LinkedIn strategies to find freelance gigs.

6. How I Found My First Freelance Writing Client – on Facebook

If you’re struggling to land good clients in your niche, spend more time on Facebook. That might sound like a crazy waste of time. After not getting any bites from other forms of marketing, this writer tapped into Facebook to land her first client and a sweet ghostwriting gig. Follow these four tips to find clients on social media.

7. 48 Best Apps and Tools to Improve Your Freelance Writing Life

Check out #32 on the list. If you’re struggling to manage your social media marketing efforts on multiple platforms to carve out a nice, generate buzz, and land freelance work, use this app.

8. Good-Paying Jobs for Writers in Social Media

What do you get when you combine social media marketing and copywriting skills? The street cred to charge big companies $200 an hour, and in-demand skills to earn a six-figure income. Check out these social media jobs for writers, and advice from recruiters and hiring managers.

9. 21 Ways to Market Your Writing: The Social Media Edition

If you want to generate some buzz to get more freelance work, social media marketing is one of the best ways to reach a lot of people fast. But there’s more than one way to tap the hive. Here are 21 ways to create a swarm of interest for your freelance writing services.

10. 3 Reasons Freelance Writers Need to Build Their Social Media Audience Now

Don’t have a following on social media…yet? You should. And it’s never too late to get started. Find out why investing a little time in building a social media audience now can pay off big later. And learn how Carol Tice used social media to connect with hard-to-reach sources like venture capitalists and billionaires.

11. Freelance Marketing: The Curious Q&A Strategy to Get More Clients

This social media marketing strategy can put you in front of more than 100 million users and become a recognized expert in your niche…fast. All you have to do is answer a few questions. Here’s how it works.

12. Use This Easy Storytelling Strategy to Get Freelance Writing Jobs

Here’s another social media marketing strategy you can use to connect with prospects in your niche. The best way to leverage this platform to find freelance work is something you’re probably already good at…tell stories. Freelance writer and social media marketing pro Stacy Caprio used this strategy to generate dozens of leads and thousands in potential contracts.

13. Pinterest Marketing for Freelancers: 6 Steps to Pinning and Winning

And you thought Pinterest was just a place to show off DIY projects, crafts, and recipe photos? That might be true when Pinterest got started. But now the platform has more than 205 million users. And some of those users are editors, marketing managers, and business owners. Here’s how writer Dawn Smith uses Pinterest to generate freelance writing leads.

14. How to Overcome Abuse and Become a Full-Time Writer

Freelance writer Angela Atkinson needed a way out. Her life was spiraling out of control, and she needed to freelance writing income. When she finally found her niche, she discovered a way to use YouTube to get more freelance work and coaching clients, and ultimately hit the six-figure income mark. Here are 9 ways to use YouTube for social media marketing.

Generate buzz for freelance work with social media marketing

If just a tiny fraction of professionals in your niche discover you’ve got mad writing skills, a sweet portfolio, and the chops to create killer content for their product or service, a lot can happen.

Social media marketing can be a powerful way to help you carve out a niche, generate leads, land clients, and ultimately move up and earn more as a freelance writer.

Generating buzz from social media marketing? Let’s discuss on Facebook or LinkedIn.

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