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26 Simple Hacks For Creating Must-Read-and-Share Blog Content


How to Create Blog Content Readers Love. Makealivingwriting.comDid you have blog content all figured out back in 1996?

It was the same year Oprah started her book club, the Tickle Me Elmo doll made its debut, and the medical drama E.R. dominated TV ratings. You know, stuff people were in love with a couple decades ago.

If you’re being totally honest, blog content probably wasn’t on your radar back then.

But is was for this one guy…named Bill Gates. He said:

“Content is where I expect much of the real money will be made on the internet, just as it was in broadcasting.”

In today’s digital world, effective blog content is part of the marketing machine to get clicks, likes, follows, more subscribers, and even generate revenue. And if you know how to do it, clients are gonna want you.

Ready to learn how to write blog content readers (and your clients) love? Here’s how:

Blog content is king

It’s been 23 years since Gates made his “content is king” prediction. And it’s still true. When you write great content for a client or your writer website, it helps:

  • Establish a relationship with your audience
  • Create reader loyalty
  • Encourage engagement with your audience
  • Build Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
  • Position you as a thought leader
  • Boost your blog’s growth

But what if people aren’t reading your blog content?

Maybe your blog’s traffic is pitifully low. You don’t even get the social shares you so desperately want. Or maybe your readers aren’t reading your content. Then what?

No matter how well written, crafted and researched your content is, it means nothing if you can’t get your readers to actually read your posts.

So, check out these 26 hacks for creating blog content people love. These are the same tips, tricks and secrets that pro bloggers use to hook and engage readers.

1. Create actionable content

The idea here is to offer at least one thing that can be done quickly to get fast results. People love instant gratification, which is why readers will stay, hooked to see how many other actionable tips you’ll share.

Quick tip: You can give great value to your readers by solving a problem or issue  they have been dealing with with clear-cut steps on how to fix it.

2. Compile FAQs

If you pay attention, you’ll notice the same questions in your niche pop up repeatedly on blogs, forums, social media groups and on sites like Quora. The next time you see these questions, collect them. Then compile a list of Frequently Asked Questions with your best answers. You can bet your readers will gobble it up.

Questions about freelance writing? Check out this collection of FAQs.

3. Share resources

No matter what people are trying to do, they tend to spend a lot of time researching resources.

For example: Which blog plugins should they use? What gear do they need to train for a marathon?

You can make your readers fall in love with you and your content by sharing your most trusted products and resources. They’ll save time, they’ll save money. What’s not to love?

4. Provide examples

Sometimes information just goes over your readers’ heads. You can help clarify concepts by providing specific examples. This not only helps engage readers, it also helps them move towards taking action since they now have a clear example of what to do.

5. Compile lists

People love lists. That’s why even comedians tap into “top ten” lists. You too can keep your readers engaged by sharing lists. Some list-post examples from Make a Living Writing:

6. Create templates

If you really want to provide something useful to readers, then give them the tools they need to take actions. Templates make a great choice for this purpose. Examples include:

  • Sales letter templates for copywriters.
  • Invoice templates for small business owners (our freelancer invoices guide has a lot of info on this).
  • Headline templates for bloggers

 7. Provide step-by-step instructions

Not all of your readers know what you know about a topic. So when you say something like: “Install a WordPress blog,” your readers might be scratching their heads. That’s why you can keep readers engaged and moving forward by providing exact instructions for complex processes

8. Tell stories

A good story draws a reader in and hooks them on an emotional level. That’s why you’ll want to share inspirational, funny or even parable-type stories to help you get your point across.

9. Create infographics

Not everyone learns well from reading words only. That’s why you might consider creating an infographic, which is a visual representation of data and information.

For example: “How Metabolism Really Works…” or “The 5 Steps to Creating a Blog Post”

10. Provide worksheets

Worksheets are another good choice of tools for helping readers take action on what they’re learning.

For example: You might provide readers of your finance blog with a debt-management worksheet.

11. Offer checklists

Checklists do two things that readers love:

  1. They condense a complex process into a series of actionable steps.
  2. And they serve as a useful tool to use when it comes time to take action.

Quick tip: For best results, make sure your checklists are printable. And then encourage your readers to actually print them out and use them. Check out this list of FAQs for freelance writers.

12. Offer tips for a specific problem or strategy

Instructional content is great. But what’s even better is when you offer tips on top of that content. Tips are useful. They help people take action. And they even make readers feel like they have insider information. All of that adds up to engaged, satisfied readers.

13. Explain complex subjects in layperson language

A lot of people hate combing through scholarly articles with a lot of jargon. That’s why you can thrill your readers by explaining complex subjects and articles in simple everyday language.

For example: If you’re catering to people who want to lose weight, then you can explain the latest article on gut metabolism (rather than linking to it and expecting your readers to slog through it).

14. Break big subjects into bite-sized bits

If you’re sharing “how to” information on a big subject in a place like your blog or newsletter, then break this subject up into a series of posts or emails. Not only does this make the information less overwhelming, it also gets your readers excited about the next installment.

15. Provide new twists on old methods

Our brains actually light up and we get a little pleasurable rush of neurotransmitters when we learn something new. This is why you’ll want to provide new ways of doing things and other novel information to your readers.

But remember, you don’t need to come up with something entirely new. Just presenting old information in a new way (such as via an infographic) might be just enough to kick those pleasurable neurotransmitters into gear.

16. Create mind maps

Creating mind maps for non-linear thinkers is a welcome addition alongside your regular content. It gives everyone a new way of looking at and consuming the information.

Quick tip: You can start making mind maps by using software such as SmartDraw.com or LucidChart.com

17. Share analogies, metaphors and similes

This sort of language makes the content more memorable and engaging, which keeps people hooked.

For example: Don’t just say something is slow. Instead, say it’s as slow as molasses in January. (Or, better yet, make up your own sayings to keep your content fresh!)

18. Engage reader senses

A lot of writers tend to describe something visually, but they neglect the other senses. Don’t do this. Instead, bring in as many as possible.

For example: Let’s imagine you’re telling a story about failing to avoid temptation at a bakery when you’re on a diet. Here’s what you can describe:

  • The smell of fresh-baked bread when you first walk in.
  • The sound of the bell dinging above the door when you walk in.
  • The sight of the delectable pastries.
  • The taste of a raspberry-filled pastry.
  • The feel of the raspberry dripping off your chin.

In short, bring your readers right into the scene with you!

19. Give them what they want, slip in what they need

Any content you create should be something that people really want (otherwise they won’t read it). But you can also slip in what they need, which will make the content even more useful to them. 

For example: People who are looking for money-making information WANT tips for fast results. But they also need strategies to create long-term success. So you might create a report that shares fast ways to make money, while slipping in strategies for building a thriving business over the long term.

20. Overcome resistance

Sometimes as people read your content, they start thinking, “I don’t believe you.” You can help overcome this resistance and build credibility by:

  • Sharing your relevant experience with the topic. E.G., You’re sharing your own weight-loss secrets.
  • Sharing the results you’ve achieved for yourself or others. E.G., Tell readers that you’ve taught other copywriters, and talk about their successes.
  • Sharing any relevant degrees, accolades or awards you’ve won. E.G., If you’re talking about how to write a good novel, then talk about any book awards you’ve won.

21. Capture their imagination

If you can get people thinking about how they’ll feel when they use a product you’re promoting or the information you just provided, the you are one step closer to getting them to take action.

For example: “Imagine how you’ll feel when you open your email to see dozens of sales notifications filling your inbox…”

22. Create a slippery slide

Every time you sit down to write content, keep the “slippery slide” concept in mind. This is where every word of your content hooks the reader and brings them to the next word…, which brings them to the next word… and so on. They start at the top of your content and slide all the way down to the bottom, effortlessly.

You can do this by:

  • Arousing curiosity
  • Showcasing the benefits of the content
  • Using emotionally laden words and imaging
  • Being sure the content is about your reader and his problems

Make the content relevant to the reader in every way, and you can bet she’ll keep reading.

23. Format for easy readability

No one likes to read never-ending walls of text. That’s why you’ll want to break up big blocks of text with:

  • Enticing headlines
  • Bulleted lists
  • Animated .gif files
  • And anything else that breaks up the monotony of the text and engages the reader.

24. Be an authority

People are more willing to read and trust content coming from an expert or authority in the niche. That’s why you’ll want to establish yourself as an authority. For example:

  • Share your best content so that people can see for themselves that you’re an expert.
  • Share testimonials from people who refer to you as an expert.
  • Be confident when you share your strategies, as this naturally helps position you as an authority.

25. Arouse curiosity

One very good way to keep readers reading is to simply make them curious about what’s coming up.

For example: “In just a few moments you’ll discover the fat-loss trick Hollywood celebrities use when they need to lose a fast 10 pounds…”

26. Offer illustrations

A well-placed illustration provides these three benefits:

  1. It breaks up big walls of text, which makes the content easier to read.
  2. It draws the readers’ eyes back into the content, which is always a welcome benefit.
  3. It provides a visual illustration to help explain the content. In other words, it adds value to the content.

For example: If you’re sharing information about how to do specific types of exercises, then you can really engage your reader by providing illustrations for each exercise.

Write blog content clients (and readers) love

As you create content,  you always have one main goal: keep your readers reading. Using  these hacks will make it so much easier to engage your audience so they’ll want to read every word of your latest post. So now it’s your turn. Put these hacks to work for you to create better content that your readers will absolutely love!

Need help writing better blog content? Leave a comment and let’s discuss.

Sue Dunlevie is the blogging coach at Successful Blogging where she helps bloggers “‹make money. Get her free report: How To Attract 1000 Subscribers In Just 30 Days.

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