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Your 20 Favorite Freelance Writing Posts of 2012 — So Far

Carol Tice

Summer for me is time to relax a little, enjoy the sunny weather…and analyze what writers like most about this blog. So I’ve done a little research into the most popular posts on here in the first half of 2012.

Interesting observation: Only three of the top ten don’t start with “How.” You want to learn how to do stuff, it’s clear.

I’m also impressed with how many of the posts have real staying power. Quite a few of the links here were originally written before this year, but the tips in them remain relevant.

I also see several posts on social media here, so I’ll be planning more of those, too.

Finally, I’m thrilled to see several guest posts make the list! I love paying for guest posts as it results in a terrific quality level in the posts I can get from other writers, as you’ll see below.

Enjoy! These are ranked in order of how many views the posts got.

  1. How I Make $5,000 a Month as a Paid Blogger
  2. How I Made Six Figures as a Freelance Writer in 2011
  3. How to Get Noticed on Twitter – 15 Tips for Writers
  4. How Much Can Freelance Writers Charge for Blogging?
  5. How I Became a More Productive Writer by Doing This One, Simple Thing
  6. How I Got 25,000 Subscribers from Pinterest — in Two Months Flat by Taylor Flanery
  7. 10 Reasons Why You Can’t Make a Living Writing by Josh Sarz
  8. 7 Reasons Why I Won’t Write a $15 Blog Post
  9. Marketing 101 for Freelance Writers #11: Here’s Where the Good-Paying Clients Are Hiding
  10. How to Predict Freelance Writer Pay
  11. How to Get Great Blogging Clients…Even if You’re a Teenage Nigerian
  12. 10 Ways Writers Can Use LinkedIn to Find Freelance Gigs
  13. How One Query Letter Got $6,000 in Assignments
  14. The 3 Worst Blog-Writing Blunders: Don’t Make These Mistakes! by Danny Iny
  15. The 10-Step Guide to Fixing the Writer Website Fails That Cost You Clients
  16. Are You Letting Sleazebag Freelance Writing Clients Get You Pregnant?
  17. Why I’m Starting to Pay for Guest Posts on My Blog
  18. 10 Mistakes I Made Publishing My Ebook and How You Can Do it Better
  19. How to Dig Out of the Content Mill Hole and Land a Client — Fast by Elaine Yue
  20. The 13 Business Bloggers All Freelance Writers Should Read to Earn More

Which one is your favorite? Leave a comment and give me some feedback on these — and on what you’d like to see more posts about.


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