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Writing Sites That Pay $30 to $50: 21 Niche Markets for Freelancers


Niche Writing Sites That Pay $30 to $50. Makealivingwriting.comAre you on the hunt for writing sites that pay to land your first assignment?

Or do you want to break into a new niche?

Sometimes going after smaller clients is a great way to gain experience, build confidence, and improve your portfolio.

In this post, you’ll find 21 niche writing sites that pay $30 to $50 per assignment.

These aren’t quit-your-day-job kind of writing gigs. But they’re a perfect place for freelancers starting out to get paid to write, earn more than content-mill wages, and work with real editors.

And for more seasoned freelancers, pitching writing sites that pay entry-level rates can be a fast way to get the samples you need to go after higher-paying clients.

Looking for writing sites that pay in your niche like travel, lifestyle, technology, software, parenting, or the craft of writing? Check out the list:

Travel and lifestyle

1. Travelista Club

Back home from an amazing trip? Or love to write about the must-see places and things to do in your city? The Travelista Club pays $40 (Australian Dollars; as of October 2017 this is about $30 USD) for travel articles about the places you’ve lived in or visited yourself.

[UPDATE 6/28/21: Travelista has posted the following announcement on their submission page: “Due to the recent decline in revenue from advertising and sponsors, we have had to close our paid writers program.” They are still accepting unpaid posts if you’re looking for a clip.]

2. Nifty Homestead

Looking for a place to break into the niche of organic living, growing your own crops, and raising animals? Nifty Homestead pays $50 per assignment and is looking for how-to articles, guides on homesteading topics, and list posts to help new and seasoned homesteaders.

3. Horse Network

Horse Network pays $50 for articles about horse health, equestrian hobbies and more related to horses, plus a bonus if your article is shared 1,000 times on social media. Your best bet for breaking in? Pitch an article idea about horse health, horse and human interest stories, or a profile on a person raising or racing horses.

4. Yoga Basics

Like yoga? Know the difference between Downward Facing Dog and Corpse pose? Or do you know an instructor who teaches classes you can interview for a story? Get paid to write about yoga at Yoga Basics. This site pays $30 for articles and is looking for writers who can submit one or two articles per month.

5. Plum Deluxe

Plum Deluxe pays $30 for articles about a variety of topics related to entertaining, special occasions, tea time, tea parties, well-being, spirituality and mindset. Trying to break into this niche? Plum Deluxe encourages new writers to pitch story ideas.

6. IWA Wine Accessories Blog

If you need a clip in your portfolio about wine before you pitch a major magazine like Wine Enthusiast or Wine Spectator, this is a great place to start.  This site publishes blog posts about wine and wine accessories and pays $50 and up.

7. Theme Park Tourist

Need proof you can find writing sites that pay in any niche? This site pays $50 (plus bonuses for high traffic) for articles about theme parks. Theme Park Tourist is a guide for visitors and theme park fans. And you’ll get the editor’s attention if you submit a pitch on Florida theme parks or Disney attractions.

8. The Travel Tribune

If you want to get paid to write about your cross-country backpacking adventure, overseas excursion, or  know someone who is a world traveler, send a pitch to The Travel Tribune. This site pays $50 for travel articles 1,000 words and longer by knowledgeable travelers.

9. Wanderful

Wanderful pays $50 for blog posts about women and travel. They’re looking for pieces on travel tips, global issues, traveling as a trans or queer woman, travel issues impacting women of color, and other ideas that may interest their audience of women who love venturing around the globe.

Social impact and causes

10. Women’s Voices For Change

This site publishes content about issues that impact women over 40. Have an idea for an article? Women’s Voice for Change accepts personal essays, political and social analysis and commentary, and articles on other topics in fashion, culture, arts and business. This site pays $50 per post.

Technology and software

11. Router Freak

Like to geek out over networking and technology topics? Know how to explain tech topics in plain language? Router Freak pays $30 for articles about computer networking and topics of interest to network engineers. Personal experience preferred, and new writers are welcome to pitch ideas.

12. Digital Ocean

If you can write about technical topics for an audience that includes software developers and network administrators, this may be a good market for you.  Digital Ocean pays $50 and up for software tutorials and guides.

13. iPhone Life Magazine

If your life revolves around apps and messaging on an iPhone, you probably have a story idea you can pitch iPhone Life Magazine. This print and digital magazine pays $50 for iPhone and iPad-related articles. For your best chance of getting accepted, pitch an idea about iOS apps or Apple gear.

14. RankPay

Know the ins-and-outs of SEO, content marketing, and social media strategy? Or want to write an article about news and emerging trends in digital marketing? RankPay has an audience of people who want to stay abreast of news and trends in this industry. Pays $50 per article.

15. Real Python

Looking for more tech writing sites that pay? If you know the Python computer language or can interview programmers who are, pitch an idea for an article or tutorial about coding using Python. Pays $50 and up.

16. SigTutorials

Want to write about advanced PhotoShop techniques, digital imaging and editing? Pitch an idea to SigTutorials, which pays up to $50 per assignment. How-to guides and tutorials are the typical format for published pieces.


17. The Work Online Blog

The Work Online Blog pays $50 for articles that pertain to online work, freelancing, contracting and blogging. Your best bet for breaking in? Submit a pitch for a list post or how-to article on a work-at-home topic. [EDITOR’S NOTE 6/28/21: This site is no longer functioning.]

18. Craft Your Content

Craft Your Content is a writing site dedicated to helping writers get better at the craft, develop their own voice and style, and build a freelance business. This site pays $50 and higher for articles about writing craft, business and entrepreneurship.

19. The Freelance Dance

Have an article idea about freelancing, ghostwriting, or starting a writing business? Pitch editor and founder Cruz Santana. Pays $50 for articles. Interested in article ideas that help new freelancers get started.

Parenting and Education

20. Stork Guide

What to expect when you’re expecting, and what happens after Junior is born. That’s the kind of advice you’ll find at The Stork Guide. This site was created to help expectant moms and new parents handle the joys of raising newborns and toddlers. Get paid $50 to write each assignment, and story ideas for first-time moms are encouraged. [EDITOR’S NOTE 6/28/21: This site is no longer functioning.]

21. Practical Homeschooling Magazine

Did you know an estimated 1.7 million kids in the United States are home-schooled? It’s a growing trend in education, and Practical Homeschooling Magazine is on a mission to make it a positive experience for parents, teachers, and students. Practical, how-to-articles on homeschooling and personal experiences are encouraged. Pays $50 per assignment.

How to pitch writing sites that pay

If you’re ready to pitch a markets on this list, consider these tips to boost your odds of landing an assignment:

  • Read the guidelines. Most of the sites on this list publish guidelines to help you pitch appropriate ideas. Read the guidelines. This may seem obvious, but you’d be surprised how often writers don’t follow the rules.
  • Proofread your pitch. Ask a fellow writer to proofread your pitch, or get feedback on how to improve it in the Freelance Writers Den. At the very least, proofread your pitch before you hit send to catch any mistakes and improve your odds of success.
  • Accept feedback. If you hear back from an editor with a “no thanks,” don’t get discouraged. A rejection or constructive criticism can help you get better.
  • Keep growing. Pitching is a numbers game. The more markets you pitch, the better your odds of landing an assignment. And as you gain experience, you’ll be able to move up and earn more.

Good luck and keep pitching!

Know any other writing sites that pay $30-$50? Let’s discuss on Facebook — this blog is always looking for more starter markets that pay.

Kaitlin Morrison is a freelance healthcare and finance writer in Moses Lake, Wash. You can find her online at www.kaitlinmorrison.com

Freelance Writers Den: Ready to grow your income? Sign up for the waiting list.


Get Paid to Write Poetry: 14 Markets for Freelance Writers

Get Paid to Write Poetry: 14 Markets for Freelance Writers

Can you actually get paid to write poetry? Yes. I’ve written poetry for a long list of publications, and ultimately published a book of poetry. It’s not the only way I make a living writing, but submitting poems for money is certainly one of my income streams.

Write for Magazines: 21 Publications That Pay $500+ Per Assignment

Write for Magazines: 21 Publications That Pay $500+ Per Assignment

Get Paid $500+ to Write for Magazines. Makealivingwriting.com

Want to write for magazines?

It’s a great way to make a living writing if you pitch the right publications. How about $500 or more per assignment?

If you’ve been cranking out magazine stories for $50 to $150 a pop, you may be wondering if that’s really even possible. That’s often the going rate for local, regional, or small-circulation magazines.

If you want to write for magazines, and have limited experience, these are great places to get some clips, and earn some money, but it shouldn’t be your last stop.

Many consumer and trade magazines pay $500 or more per assignment. And the pitching process is pretty much the same as smaller pubs:

  • Identify a magazine you want to write for
  • Study the submission guidelines
  • Develop a solid story idea
  • Do a little research and interview a source
  • Write a killer query letter, and pitch your story idea to an editor

If you can do that, you’ve got the chops to get paid well to write for magazines. But you need to know where to look for those $500-plus assignments. Check out these 25 magazines to get started.