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Freelance Writing Jobs: 21 Pubs That Pay Tech-Savvy Writers

Evan Jensen

Looking for freelance writing jobs in your niche?

If you can write about technology, finance, or the rise of the fintech niche, we’ve got news for you.

From big companies to start-ups, there’s a massive amount of freelance writing jobs out there, especially if you know how to translate tech talk into reader-friendly copy.

It’s a HUGE niche that ultimately impacts every field you can think of including education, banking and finance, medicine, construction and real estate, ecommerce, digital marketing, even agriculture, and more.

Think about it. How often do businesses and people use smartphones, computers, and digital devices? A lot. And they all have at least one thing in common…technology.

Do you have the chops to write about technology, software, finance, and other tech topics?

Or maybe you’ve been thinking about breaking into this niche. Give it a shot. Tech and finance are lucrative niches for freelance writing jobs.

Ready to connect with editors and marketing directors to pitch your services or submit a well-written query for a magazine assignment?

Check out these 21 tech pubs to find freelance writing jobs.

1. A List Apart

This unique website is looking for thoughtful pieces focusing on web design. They give feedback and notes on submissions until they’re perfect. Articles average 1,500 words. Custom illustrations add value, too.

Rate: $50-$200Ed

Editor: Editor, Aaron Gustafson, can be reached on Twitter. Send ideas by email.

2. American Science

American Scientist accepts pitches for blog posts, multimedia pieces, infographics and other freelance writing jobs. While most of their articles are by invitation, they do accept unsolicited abstracts, outlines, or completed manuscripts. Feature articles run about 4,000 words and are geared towards their readership of practicing scientists and engineers.

Rate: Honorarium

Editor: Editor-in-chief Fenella Saunders is on LinkedIn.

3. Bench

Write for a fintech company that provides automated bookkeeping for small businesses. Bench accepts submissions on spec that deal with topics relevant to their readership of established entrepreneurs.

Rate: Roughly $400-600 USD per article (roughly 800-1500 words).

Editor: Ryan Smith, Content Manager, can be reached on Linked In.

4. BobsGuide

Fintech pub BobsGuide pays for freelance writing jobs in a variety of formats: market commentary, biographical Q & A, research, technical how-to guides, lists, and tips.

Rate: Confirmed pay

Editor: Email editor Michael McCaw

5. Coindesk

Blockchain industry professionals write articles and columns for Coindesk. If you’re a freelancer with relevant knowledge, pitch a story idea or feature. Check out the editorial policy to make sure you’re a fit for this pub. And check out this article (or this one) for tips on how to get in with these guys.

Rate: Yes, but not for op eds.

Editor: Email chief content officer, Michael Casey at mcasey@coindesk.com.

6. Engadget

This pub began as a source of consumer tech news in 2004. The global multimedia company now covers all the latest in technology, gaming, and entertainment. And they pay for freelance writing jobs on consumer-friendly tech topics. 

Rate: Average $.20 a word (last reported in 2018)

Editor: Executive editor Aaron Souppouris is on Twitter. Email him at aaron@engadget.com.

7. Fast Company

Want to write for Fast Company? Go study the magazine’s “work life” section and pitch a thought-leadership piece of 600-900 words. It’s one of the best ways to break in. You can also pitch other story ideas for the magazine by reaching out to the appropriate editor for consideration.

Rate: $100 minimum

Editor: Assistant editor Diana Shi can be found on LinkedIn and Twitter

8. The Financial Times

FT is committed to publishing fresh voices and accepts freelance submission for their opinion page. They profess to have a soft spot for writers “who demolish conventional wisdom.”

Rate: Average $0.38 a word for most freelance writing jobs (rates recently lowered)

Editor: Email San Francisco bureau chief Richard Waters.

9. FinTech Times

Crunchbase describes London-based FINT as the first fintech newspaper. Got a story idea realted to blockchain, open banking and banking transformation, PayTech, RegTech, WealthTech, Insurtech? Pitch an idea to this pioneering-pub in fintech reporting to land freelance writing jobs.

Rate: £28 per hour to £500 a story

Editor: Editorial director Mark Walker is on LinkedIn.

10. Gizmodo

Gizmodo accepts pitches from freelance writers about automation, AI, old tech, tech and internet history. You can also score freelance writing jobs by pitching story ideas about internet culture in a variety of genres: investigations, experiential pieces, profiles of extraordinary people, personal stories and essays. Consumer tech reviews are also accepted.

Rate: $0.20 a word

Editor: Email pitches to features editor, Marina Galperina.

11. Nuts & Volts

Want to land some freelance writing jobs about electronics? Get the writer’s guidelines for Nuts & Volts here and pitch your ideas on new technologies, programming shortcuts, cool circuit designs, product reviews, and more!

Rate: $0.05 a word plus $100 if it’s picked up for the print edition. Full-length articles should be 1,500-2,500 words (not including sidebars). Pays $100 per printed page with a $450.00 maximum payment.

Editor: Email associate publisher Robin Lemieux at robin@nutsvolts.com.

12. Popular Mechanics

Contrary to its name, Popular Mechanics isn’t a car magazine. It’s a tech and science pub. Fastidious writers and researchers can pitch this pub with ideas on innovation in the automotive and science, technology, and other industries. They’re looking for contributions on basically any topic on “how the world works.”

Rate: Pay has been as high as $0.40 a word for freelance writing jobs.

Editor: Editor-in-chief Ryan D’Agostino is on Twitter.

13. Popular Science

Popular Science assigns freelance writing jobs to writers who can tell “amazing stories about scientific and technological advances in every realm.” Submit links to writing samples with your query to boost your chances!

Rate: Around $1 a word

Editor: The editorial staff of PopSci is huge. Find editor-in-chief Corinne Iozzio on LinkedIn.

14. rest of the world

Want to land freelance writing jobs crafting narratives that tell detailed stories on the effect of digital technology on the world’s cultures? Pitch rest of the world. Stories with a critical edge that probe deeply into the how and why of tech’s impact in different parts of the world will catch their attention. rest of world pays for short, front-of-the-book and mid-length pieces as well as profiles and longer features.

Rate: Based on assignment

Editor: Siddartha Mahanta, managing editor, is on LinkedIn

15. Sitepoint

Want to get freelance writing jobs about CSS, SaaS, or HTML? Sitepoint pays freelancers for tutorials and articles on these and general web topics like developer tools; git, git-hub, and open source; performance; browser stats and trends; and task runners. 

Rate: 150 for articles, 200 for tutorials, 300 for lengthier pieces

Editor: Managing editor Joel Falconer can be reached on Twitter

16. T3 Magazine

Each month, three million people visit T3.com and 38,000 buy its print magazine. Send your ideas on the best products for people who want to live smarter lives by email.

Rate: Pay (fair and varies for freelance writing jobs)

Editor: Email Robert Jones, T3’s tech, gaming, and ecommerce editor.

17. Techopedia

Pitch original ideas or work from provided outlines as a freelance contributor to Techopedia. This pub aims to educate and inspire by making tech ideas accessible to the public through the definition of complex concepts, and in-depth analysis and research. Topics include AI, machine learning, big data, blockchain, cybersecurity and others. They are also accepting guest posts from CEOs, CTOs, and CIOs. 

Rate: Competitive; based on experience.

Editor: Cofounder Cory Janssen is on LinkedIn. Contact him at techopedia here.

18. TutorialsPoint

This pub is looking for self-learning materials by experts in topics like web development tech, java tech, information tech, and many others. Their tutorials are offered free to the public and have reached 40 million readers.

Rate: $250 to $500 per tutorial

Editor: Content Strategist and Marketer, Swetha Prasanna Ganavarapu is on LinkedIn.

19. The Verge

A publication of Vox Media, the Verge covers a vast array of tech topics. Content explores how tech integrates with the public, including areas like AI and tech policies, as well as the impact it will have on the future.

Rate: $0.50 to $0.83 a word

Editor: This pub has over a dozen editors. See the masthead on the About page for various editors to pitch or email deputy editor Elizabeth Logpatto

20. VideoMaker

First published in 1986, VideoMaker accepts freelance content that encourages the beginning, grassroots videographer. They’re looking for educational-video production articles in a variety of formats: conceptual training, practical training, features, and opinion.

Rate: Undisclosed, but depends upon factors such as length, research, timeliness, and uniqueness of pieces.

Editor: Find editor-in-chief Mike Wilhelm on LinkedIn

21. Wired

Wired covers how tech and culture intersect, as well as new discoveries and ideas. Pitch stories to the editor of the relevant section of their print (Start, Work Smarter, Gear and Features) and online (Science, Culture, Gear, Business, Politics and Security) pubs.

Rate: $1+ a word.

Editor: Jeremy White is Wired’s gear editor; Gian Volpicelli and Amit Katwala edit the “Start” section; and Matt Burgess edits Security.

Tech-savvy? Start pitching to land freelance writing jobs

Before you pitch any of these magazines or sites, do yourself a favor:

  • Study the site.
  • Read back issues.
  • Make sure you understand the audience and the tech they care about.
  • If the market offers guidelines for pitching, study it before pitching.

And once you send off your pitch, start working on the next one. Advice from THE Carol Tice: Be a writer, not a waiter.

Where do you find freelance writing jobs in tech? Let’s discuss in the comments below.

Kathie Bullard Harris is a freelance health and wellness writer living in the Southern United States. When she isn’t writing copy, she’s working on her forever-in-progress first novel.


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Get Paid $500+ to Write for Magazines. Makealivingwriting.com

Want to write for magazines?

It’s a great way to make a living writing if you pitch the right publications. How about $500 or more per assignment?

If you’ve been cranking out magazine stories for $50 to $150 a pop, you may be wondering if that’s really even possible. That’s often the going rate for local, regional, or small-circulation magazines.

If you want to write for magazines, and have limited experience, these are great places to get some clips, and earn some money, but it shouldn’t be your last stop.

Many consumer and trade magazines pay $500 or more per assignment. And the pitching process is pretty much the same as smaller pubs:

  • Identify a magazine you want to write for
  • Study the submission guidelines
  • Develop a solid story idea
  • Do a little research and interview a source
  • Write a killer query letter, and pitch your story idea to an editor

If you can do that, you’ve got the chops to get paid well to write for magazines. But you need to know where to look for those $500-plus assignments. Check out these 25 magazines to get started.