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Hunting for Work? 15 Tips to Track Down Freelance Writing Jobs

Evan Jensen

How to Track Down Freelance Writing Jobs. Makealivingwriting.comAre you on the hunt for freelance writing jobs?

If you’re not looking in the right places, you might spend a lot of time chasing tracks that lead to nowhere.

Maybe you’re in a barren client landscape. Or you’re surrounded by hoards of other hunters looking for freelance writing jobs. Or maybe you took a wrong turn, and you’re completely lost.

It happens. But don’t panic. All you need to do is reorient yourself and get back on track.

If you haven’t seen any well-paying freelance writing jobs lately, it doesn’t mean they’re not out there. In fact, there’s more than enough to go around in almost every niche.

So how do you track down good freelance writing jobs? Use these tips to find work. Happy hunting.

1. Freelance Marketing Famine? 4 Ways to Find Hungry Clients

When Matt Seidholz started looking for freelance writing jobs, he went hunting in all the wrong places. He was nearly starving and down to bare bones rations. In order to survive, he had to rethink his hunting strategies to find better clients. Here’s how he did it.

2. Follow This Freelance Recipe for a Tasty Letter of Introduction

What’s the different between a letter of introduction that lands you a new client and one that fails? The recipe you’re following and the ingredients you’re using. Make a Living Writing blog editor Evan Jensen shows you how to write a tasty LOI to find work.

3. 5 Prospecting Steps to Scoop Up Well-Paid Freelance Work

Ever felt like your prospecting efforts are like panning for gold in a river or rock bed without any gold? That’s a complete waste of time. But it doesn’t have to  be that way. Freelance writer Charles Owen-Jackson shows you how the right prospecting efforts can lead to to pay dirt.

4. Freelance Marketing: Shape Up Your Pitch to Get More Writing Clients 

Are your freelance writing efforts a little overweight and out of shape? If you’re feeling like you’re not getting the results you want, get off the couch and whip your pitch skills into shape. Freelance writer Jen Theuriet shows you how to hustle to get better freelance writing jobs.

5. Networking for Introverts: The Terrifying Mistake That Created More Freelance Leads 

When self-described introvert and freelance writer Julie Johnson made a simple mistake, she found herself face to face with one of her worst fears. Instead of running away, she decided to stick around. And it turned out to be a great way to find more freelance leads. Here’s how.

6. Magazine Article Tips: Your Fail-Proof Checklist for a Killer Query

Hunting for magazine writing assignments? You can sift through writer’s guidelines for hours, but until you do a few specific things, you’ll have a tough time landing an assignment, says Carol Tice. Use this checklist to write a killer query letter and land your next magazine assignment.

7.Freelance Marketing: The Curious Q&A Strategy to Get More Clients 

They’ve got questions. You’ve got answers. If you’re looking for more freelance writing jobs, there’s a curious way to find clients that not everyone knows about. Freelancer Beth Casey shows you how to use this Q&A strategy to reach more prospects.

8. Pitch This Exceptional Breed to Get the Best Freelance Clients 

How do you track down big-game clients ready to pay you pro rates? Look in the right places, target the best niches, and watch for clues to help you avoid wandering off course. Follow the path Carol Tice recommends to find your best freelance clients.

9. 3 Simple Ways to Find Better-Paying Freelance Writing Jobs 

Ever feel like it’s a pipe dream to find freelance writing jobs that pay pro rates? You might be in a barren client landscape. But that doesn’t mean great clients aren’t out there. Grab your hunting gear and use these three simple strategies to find better freelance writing jobs.

10. How to Attract Customers Who Are Your Ideal Freelance Clients

How about some inbound leads for freelance writing jobs? It’s an ideal form of marketing, but you might be chasing prospects away without even knowing it. Here’s how to set up your camp and scout around to lead prospects straight to you.

11. Looking for Leads? Connect With Former Colleagues to Find Freelance Work 

When former park ranger Sandy Mickey took a career detour for freelance writing, she needed to round up some client work…fast. Within two weeks, she landed her first client, a one-year contract, and a steady stream of inbound leads. Here’s the route she took to make it happen.

12. One Shy Writer’s Lazy LinkedIn Strategy for Landing Great Freelance Clients 

What if you’re a shy freelance writer who doesn’t care for marketing? Well, if you’re not hunting for work, you’re not going to last. But what if there was an easy, non-intimidating way to hunt for clients? Freelancer Amy Dunn Moscosco shows you how to leverage LinkedIn to get noticed, even if you’re not an extrovert.

13. Plug Into This Marketing Machine to Be a Six-Figure Freelance Writer 

Want to hunt down great clients and enough freelance work to be a six-figure freelance writer? Freelancer Lori De Milto shows you how it’s done.

14. Get More Leads With This Unconventional Marketing Method for Freelance Writers 

Sending query letters to magazine editors and pitching marketing directors are both great ways to hunt down freelance writing jobs. But they’re not the only ways to find clients. Freelancer Derek Lewis shows you how to use an unconventional hunting strategy to get more writing jobs.

15. Freelance Marketing: 40 Ways to Get More Writing Gigs

How do you hunt for freelance writing jobs? Hunker down and wait, scout around, keep moving from one camp to the next? There’s more than one way to get more writing gigs. Here are 40 ways to find freelance writing jobs.

Hunt down freelance writing jobs

Want to hunt down well-paying freelance writing jobs? They’re out there. You just need to look in the right places, use the right tools, and stay in the hunt long enough to track them down. Grab your gear. You can do this!

How do you find good freelance writing jobs? Leave a comment below, and let’s discuss.

Evan Jensen is the blog editor for Make a Living Writing. When he’s not on a writing deadline or catching up on emails, he’s training to run another 100-mile ultra-marathon.

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