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Grow Your Writing Income Next Year by Making This Key Change Now

Carol Tice

Plant in dried cracked mudAs the year winds down, do your thoughts turn to your writing goals for the coming year? I know mine do.

Now’s the time to lay the groundwork to earn more in the months ahead.

But it’s also a busy time for many of us — there’s shopping, travel, vacationing, kids at home, visiting, decorating the house, and more.

Still, there’s one change you can begin making right now that I promise you will set the stage for a more lucrative freelance New Year. This will take a minute a day, tops.

It involves taking quick action to eliminate the single biggest problem freelance writers face.

Do you know where that massive stumbling block is located? Well, go to a mirror and take a look at your head.

In my experience, the top problem freelance writers face is right there, between your ears.

Here’s what needs to be different

The biggest thing that needs to change to grow your writing income is your attitude.

We fill our heads with “that’s too hard” and “I’m scared” thoughts, and then we don’t get paying gigs.

So this coming week, focus on changing how you view yourself as a freelance writer. Pop out that negative self-talk tape you’re playing, and write a new one to use for 2015. Yes, I do recommend you physically write it down.

Depending on what you’re struggling with, your attitude change might include:

Whatever aspect of your attitude needs adjusting, now’s the time to start thinking differently. It takes time to change our thought patterns — and its not easy.

Give yourself a few weeks to build your confidence now. Repeat your new attitude statements daily, and you’ll roll into 2015 ready to go after better-paying gigs.

What’s your new, improved attitude for next year? Leave a comment and share it.

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