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My Best Resources For Freelance Writers

Carol Tice

How to become a freelance writer: My best resources. Makealivingwriting.com

Every day, writers email me and ask how to become a freelance writer. Where is the door that you go through where you can start earning a living as a freelance writer?

Well, I’ve created a door.

There’s so much to know when you’re getting started as a freelance writer — how to find and approach clients, what to charge, how to negotiate, and more.

But now that there are nearly 900 posts on the blog, it’s increasingly difficult to find the most useful posts that answer your particular question. Sure, I’ve got those categories in the ‘we talk about’ sidebar, but it’s still a lot of slogging given how many posts there are, and you end up looking at the most recent posts on the subject, not necessarily the best ones.

My best new writer resources in 1 spot

That’s why I’m finally getting my act together and creating resource pages that bring together the very best Make a Living Writing posts of all time on popular topics. The first page is now up, which offers my best resources for new freelance writers:

What resources have I got for you on this page? I’ve stashed links to a dozen of my all-time most useful posts for new freelance writers, for starters.


Then there are a few other super-helpful free and cheap items that are perfect for when you’re just getting started. Plus, this page also links you to the most recent posts aimed at new freelance writers, too.

In other words, it’s a one-stop-shopping spot for learning how to become a freelance writer.

It’s easy to get overwhelmed and confused as a new writer, if you read through scores of posts on a topic. I’m hoping this resource can serve as a primer for launching your freelance writing career.

As you’ll see, there are no dumb questions to ask! This resource page starts at the very beginning and teaches you the lingo, defines the career, and gives you those first steps.

I’ve known for ages that I needed to create topic pages on popular topics, to help you quickly find the best resources for your situation…but it takes a little work to get them in place.

This is the first in a series of resource pages I’m developing on important topics I write about here on the blog. With help from my awesome team, I’ll be creating additional resource pages on blogging, self-publishing, how to move up and earn more as a freelance writer, and more.

What would you like to know about freelance writing? Leave your hot topic here — I’d love your feedback on what other resource pages you’d find useful.

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