How to Get Paid More Than $50 an Article

By Carol Tice This week I’m answering a question from new writer Gina Alianiello — she writes: Carol, you mentioned ads for copywriting jobs that are higher paying, but I never see them. Where do I look for ads that pay $50 and above for article writing?...

7 Ways Out of Writer’s Block

By Carol Tice I haven’t written much about writer’s block in my year of blogging about writing, because it’s not a big problem in my life. But I’ve read complaints from so many other writers about it, I feel I should help here. When the rare...

How to Move from Blogging to Writing for Publications

By Carol Tice Today, I hit the mailbag to answer a question from WM reader Anna McDonald. Here’s her situation, and her question: I live in a very wealthy area and have a blog on a women’s view of sports. Because of my connections in the community and the...

Content Mills: Why Aspiring Writers Should Avoid Them

By Carol Tice As many WM readers and readers of my Make a Living Writing Blog may already know, I am not a fan of content mills. I advise the writers I mentor to avoid them, and many of my mentees approach me with the specific goal of kicking their mill-writing habit....

How I Got Paid $300 a Blog Post

By Carol Tice Many readers of my Make a Living Writing blog have heard me mention in passing that I had a big assignment at the end of last year that paid $300 per blog. I got a few requests for more information on how I ended up making so much for blogging, when so...