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8 Great Articles for Freelance Writers in May — Plus a Video

Carol Tice

8 Great Articles for Freelance Writers in May -- Plus a Video. Makealivingwriting.comIt’s been a tough week of technical difficulties around the blog. As I write this I have a broken header and my tabs are all invisible…but we’ll get it all sorted, never fear.

But I find I have just eight articles for writers I really dug this month. So that’s what I’m highlighting. It doesn’t have to be an even 10 every month, right?

I’m not going to pad it out with other less-brilliant stuff.

Plus I’m making up for it with a hilarious bonus video. So I say we’re even.

Here we go:

  1. 5 Things You Need to Relearn by Ollin Morales on Courage2Create. NOTE: This post is no longer live.
  2. 7 Valuable Lessons Bloggers Can Learn From Construction Workers by Joseph Wesley of Blog Tweaks on Problogger. Shout-out to a regular reader of this blog — nice guest post on Problogger, Joseph…and you know I like your new avatar on Twitter, too.
  3. 12 Insider Interview Tips from 2 Accomplished Writers by Michelle Rafter on WordCount. A seasoned editor herself, Michelle probably could have offered her own advice, but instead did a couple of sharp interviews here and provides a really useful set of tips for newbie interviewers.
  4. Conquer the Writing Process (Or Let it Conquer You) by Melanie Padgett Powers on Engage the Blog. Welcome to an interesting new voice and blog on the best-of list! NOTE: As of 11/2016, this site is no longer active.
  5. How to Kill Writer’s Block and Become a Master Copywriter in Only 3 Hours a Day by Robert Bruce on Copyblogger. I love when Copyblogger uses stuff from great people or events in the past to help us learn to write better…this one’s a terrific example.
  6. How to Plan Ahead And Write a Blog Post To Go Viral by Francisco Rosales at SocialMouths. We’d all like to do this, right? I’m still working on it, and found this how-I-did-it piece very enlightening. NOTE: This site appears to be broken.
  7. How to Quit Your Job, Move to Paradise, and Get Paid to Change the World by Jon Morrow on Problogger. If you want to know how to be personal, authentic, and share useful information with your audience all at the same time, this post from the always-amazing Jon Morrow is like a training course. You’ll laugh, you’ll cry, you’ll learn.
  8. Putting a Price on Your Capabilities: Setting Your Fees as a Freelance Copywriter by Debra Jason on The Write Direction. Cool new blog and voice here! If you need more details on how to set fees than my usual advice to “charge a lot and aim for $100 an hour,” here is a detailed analysis of how to calculate rates.

BONUS GOODIE: It’s not an article, but I loved this video of “The Inverted Pyramid Song,” which features a surprise guest appearance by a great journalism teacher I was lucky enough to take a class from years back, Jacqui Banaszynski. Coolness for journalism dorks here…


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