Have you noticed that many people online would like you to pay them to teach you how to freelance—even though they just started doing it themselves? Yes, bad freelance advice is another thing we need to watch out for in the online marketplace. Maybe it’s because...
Make piles of money writing from home…even if you don’t have any experience. Yep, hucksters are out there and there are scams that target freelance writers every…single…day. Have you ever wondered if a freelance-writing opportunity you’re...
Do you wonder, is freelance writing a sure thing? If so, there’s a newly minted online writing “expert” who’d love to take your money. You may have heard that if something seems to be too good to be true, it probably is. Well, if someone tells...
One of the most frequent questions new writers and authors ask is how to price an ebook. With many factors that go into this decision, there aren’t many easy answers or hard and fast rules. I’ve learned how much to charge for my books through trial and...
Many freelance writers tell me they’ve never gotten a nibble off their writer sites. If this is you—or you have yet to put up a website—let me spotlight some of the biggest problems right now. See, there are some basic approaches, and some key phrases, that you...