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Writing Goals: 7 Proven Ways to Move Up & Earn More in 2021

Evan Jensen

What are your freelance writing goals for 2021?

Wait, what? You’re supposed to have freelance writing goals.

Yes. Yes, you are. It’s the best way to get from where you are to where you want to be.

If you don’t have any freelance writing goals, you just kind drift in the wind…blowing here and there without any real destination in mind.

So what’s on your freelance-writing-goals bucket list for this year?

Maybe something like:

  • Land your first client
  • Drop your low-payers and find better clients
  • Say goodbye to content mills once and for all
  • Break into a new niche or get a clip for a new type of writing
  • Make your first $10K, $25K, $50K, $100K+

If you want to CRUSH your freelance writing goals this year, you need a game plan to help you make it happen.

No wishy-washy thinking, curling up into a ball when it gets hard, or an endless supply of excuses. Make sense?

Get clear on a couple of freelance writing goals you want to accomplish this year. Map out a plan to make it happen. Then get to work.

And how about a little help? Here’s a few tips, resources, and motivation to help you CRUSH your freelance writing goals this year.

Writing Goals: The Fast-Track to Freelance Success. Makealivingwriting.com

1. Writing Goals Reboot: 4 Moves to Fast-Track Freelance Success

If 2020 came to a close with less than stellar results for achieving your freelance writing goals, you’re not alone.

Some crazy stuff went down (COVID-19, elections, rioting/protests, wildfires, a recession, and lots of other unexpected stuff).

Maybe you’re just staring at last year’s goals, ready to crush them this time around. Yes?

Check out Carol’s advice to get back on track.

Writers Work: 3 Freelancers Tell How to Smash your income goals. Makealivingwriting.com

2. Writers Work: 3 Freelancers Reveal How to Smash Your Income Goals

Want to go from making peanuts as a freelance writer to earning $20K a year?

How about moving up from $40,000 a year to $80,000 a year? Or crossing the six-figure mark?

Take a look at how Celeste Altus, Neil Pope, and Georgie Smith mapped out their freelance writing goals and used smart marketing strategies to make it happen.

3. Use This Mind-Bending Process Goal to Win More Writing Jobs

Feeling beat down by the hustle and grind of chasing your freelance writing goals? Or maybe every time you get a rejection, it sends you into a tailspin.

FYI…it happens to just about every freelancer at some point. But if you look at rejection a little differently, even set a rejection goal, you might be surprised by the results.

Here’s what freelance writer Beth Casey recommends to retrain your brain to CRUSH your freelance writing goals.

The Productivity Checklist to Write Faster

4. Write Faster With This Productivity Checklist for Freelancers

Ever feel like there’s not enough hours in the day to accomplish your freelance writing goals?

Maybe you’re spend too much time on crappy clients. You know, the one that’s a total time suck, but doesn’t pay well.

Or maybe you’re working from home, surrounded by laundry, dishes, and kids doing online school. Sound familiar?

If you want to crush your freelance writing goals, you’ve got to clear a path to be more productive. Here are some things you can do.

5. How to Be a Freelance Writer: The Mindset Manifesto

Are you getting in your own way when it comes to achieving your freelance writing goals?

Lots of writers have the skills and experience to be successful at freelancing. But too many let fear, doubt, and uncertainty hold them back.

Been there, done that?

It’s time to change that with Carol’s 10-point mindset manifesto.

Freelance Writers: Punch Up Your Confidence Level. Makealivingwriting.com

6. Punch Fear in the Face: 9 Confidence Boosters for Freelance Writers

Freelance writer Linda Formichelli knows what it takes to win at freelance writing…a no-fear attitude.

She’s the co-author of The Renegade Writer, the founder of the content marketing business The Hero’s Journey, and she’s been a successful freelancer for more than two decades.

If you’re tired of fear holding you back, it’s time for some straight-talk lessons and some tips to boost your confidence level.

Ready to crush your freelance writing goals this year? Put on your gloves. Linda will show you how it’s done.

Best Writing Tools for Freelance Remote Work

7. 25 Writing Tools I Use for Spectacular Freelance Remote Work

Ever wonder how Carol Tice gets some much work done?

No. she doesn’t have legions of minions working around the clock. She works smart. And so can you.

Ready for a spectacular year of freelance work in 2021? Check out Carol’s list of writing tools.

Crush your freelance writing goals in 2021

Guess what? There’s no magic, unicorns and rainbows when it comes to being a successful freelance writer. Yes, you need writing skills. And you need to pitch editors and market your services.

But more than anything, you need to do those things consistently. It’s a proven path to help you move up, earn more, and make a living writing. Here’s to an amazing year ahead!

What are your freelance writing goals for 2021? Tell the universe in the comments below.

Evan Jensen is a freelance copywriter for health and fitness businesses. He’s also the blog editor for Make a Living Writing.

Freelance Writers Den 2X Income Accelerator. Double your writing income program for working freelance writers. FreelanceWritersDen.com

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