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Writers: What are Your Year-End Goals for 2011?

Carol Tice

Hard to believe, isn’t it? All of a sudden, there is just one month left to get our freelance writing work done and billed before the New Year dawns.

In Freelance Writers Den, we have a forum where members “weigh in” each month and talk about their goals. Then they come back at month-end and discuss what got done, and set new goals for the coming month.

It’s a simple exercise.

It’s also one of the most powerful methods I’ve discovered for keeping your writing goals on track.

Stating your goals to a group tends to create accountability. You don’t want to let people down, so you get it done.

December is always a tough month for productivity, too, with the holidays and school breaks.

Personally, I’m contemplating taking my family on a 3,000-mile road trip and trying to work a bit along the way on a laptop, getting work done on two articles and three book chapters. Wish me luck on that.

As we approach the end of the year, in an effort to help everyone stay on track with their freelance-writing income goals, I’d like to offer a weigh-in opportunity to everyone who reads this blog.

What are your goals?

Leave a comment and tell us:

  • What did you get done this year? What accomplishments made you most proud?
  • What remains undone that you hope to complete before year-end?

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