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Power Up: 5 Super-Charged Resources for New Freelance Writers


Super-Charged Resources for New Freelance Writers. Makealivingwriting.com.Ever wonder what new freelance writers should do to ramp up, land clients, and start making money?

Some go with the slow-and-steady approach. But it could literally take years of trial and error to master essential marketing skills, get good clients, build a portfolio, and make good money.

Have you been trying to get your freelance writing business off the ground?

Most new freelance writers need a faster way to jump start their career. You know, like one of those rapid chargers for your phone that can get your battery to 100 percent…quick.

You don’t have to be one of those freelance writers who spends months or years waiting around for things to take off. In fact, that’s usually a sign of a bad battery plagued by fear, uncertainty, and a poorly-working, take-action mindset.

Fortunately, you can change that just as easily as you can replace or recharge a battery.

Ready to power up your freelance writing career? Plug into these five super-charged resources to get started:

Freelance writers: Power up your career with these super-charged resources

I just hit the 1,000 mark for blog posts about the business and craft of freelance writing published on this site. You’ll find lots of great advice from yours truly, and guest posts written by other freelancers here.

But that’s just too many for new freelancers to sift through to get fully-charged…fast.

So I’ve hand-picked the best posts to help you power up your freelance writing career:

1. The Advice I Wish I’d Had as a New Freelance Writer

Doubt your skills because you don’t have a journalism degree? Wondering if you should write for anyone who will pay? Need a roadmap or boost of confidence from someone who knows the ropes? If you want a rapid charge for your freelance writing career, read this to avoid draining your battery.

2.  Do You Attract Bad Freelance Clients?

If you’re among the ranks of new freelance writers, you might not know the warning signs of bad freelance clients. And even if you’re an experienced freelancer, you can’t always predict a writing project or client turning into a total nightmare. Wondering why you’re a magnet for bad freelance clients? Here’s how to tell and what you can do about it:

3. Unlock Your Potential With the QTIP Method for Freelance Writing Success

Ever heard of the Q.T.I.P method? You’ll want to read this to find out what it is, because it can help you overcome one of the biggest challenges freelance writers struggle with: Confidence. A client critiques your work, or ask for edits and you start freaking out. Hold on, and use the Q.T.I.P. method to change your perspective.

4. How to Get Skeptical Clients to Hire a New Freelance Writer

You get a bite from a query letter or LOI (letter of introduction), and now this potential client wants to see your portfolio. But if you’re new to freelancing, or just cut ties with the content mills, maybe you don’t have any clips or experience. Now what? Here’s how to fix this and land your first clients:

5. 7 Inspiring Thoughts to Cure Your Newbie Writer Jitters

When you’re just starting out as a freelance writer, it’s easy to second guess yourself. But if you let fear and uncertainty dominate your thoughts, you’ll be stuck in that J-O-B, or settle for crappy clients or content mill work. But you’re better than that. Here are seven ways to change your mind and power up your freelance writing career:

Power up your freelance writing career

If you’re a new freelance writer, or need to recharge your freelancing business, tap into these resources to power up. It’s a quick way to get fully charged to help you work hard, find clients, land contracts, and make money writing.

Need to power up your freelance writing career?  Let’s discuss on Facebook and LinkedIn

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