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Freelance Success: One Writer’s Scary Secret You Should Copy

Carol Tice

Ever wonder what the secret to freelance success is?

You might think freelance success looks like this…

You’re always on, working around the clock…even on weekends, and checking e-mails at all hours.

That’s how you get ahead, right?

It’s kind of the status quo for a lot of freelance writers, entrepreneurs, and workaholics.

You’re afraid you’ll miss a deadline, fail to connect with a prospect, or miss an opportunity that could make you $$$. So you work…all the time.

Been there, done that chasing freelance success?

If you’ve even remotely found yourself thinking like this or working this way, it’s time for a change.

Want to know a ‘scary’ little secret about freelance success?

During my wonderfully restful winter break + working as a digital nomad I realized I’ve given a lot of advice about how to make a living writing.

But I’ve dished out a lot of writing advice over the years without discussing the one rule that’s really made it possible for me to achieve freelance success,  and become a well-paid freelance writer.

So I’m going to tell it to you now…

Fasten your seatbelts, because this one piece of advice will be the single most powerful thing I will ever tell you.

This one has the potential to completely change your life. If you’re the workaholic type, this might even sound a little scary.

Ready? Here it is:

Every week, from Friday sunset until Saturday after sunset, I don’t work.

Not ever.

  • I turn off my computer, my phone, my cellphone and whatever other devices are around that might lead to working.
  • I am not posting on LinkedIn, Facebook or Twitter.
  • I’m not updating my Web site, prospecting for clients, filing articles, or conducting interviews.

Even more radical than not working for 25 hours each week…

During that time period I don’t think about work, either.

I don’t plan what I’ll do when I get back to the computer.

I don’t talk business with friends.

I slam the door on my business life and leave it completely behind.

Go ahead, copy me!

Each and every week, I take a complete vacation from working.

It’s called Shabbat, or the Sabbath. And it’s the most amazing tool for personal growth ever invented.

Without that time away to reflect, relax, unplug…we humans tend to just grind along, slowly getting more and more burned out.

We don’t progress as fast. We don’t fully realize our potential.

Freelance success requires time to recharge

When Stephen Covey made “sharpen the saw” one of his 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, he was echoing a timeless truth: we need time off to recharge in order to be our best.

There’s a reason we’re not called “human doings” but “human beings.”

We need time to just be.

To discover who we really are, apart from our ability to earn, meet deadlines, and take meetings.

To simply marvel at our good fortune at being alive in this beautiful world.

Discover the power of a digital detox

FYI…I’m not trying to convince anyone to practice my religious faith – Jews don’t seek converts.

But in today’s real-time culture of 24/7 connectivity, I’m finding it’s more important than ever to carve out a big block of time away from work each week.

Why? It’ll save your sanity, refresh you, inspire you, and make you a better friend, sibling, spouse, parent…and writer.

It may sound scary to take one-seventh of your time each week and commit to making it work-free.

When people start doing it, they’re often terrified they’ll earn less.

But the reality is you’ll probably earn more, because you’ll be so much more effective. Either way, I guarantee you’ll be happier.

Remember, nobody’s tombstone says, “I wish I had spent more time at the office.”

All I can say is try it, you’ll like it!

Maybe for you it’ll be Sundays, or Mondays, or it’ll start in the morning, or whenever. However you do it, know that you deserve a day off.

Take it, and see what happens. You might be surprised by the freelance success that follows.

Do you unplug to become a better writer? Tell us about it in the comments.

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Freelance Writing Websites: 5 Essentials to Attract Ideal Clients

Freelance Writing Websites: 5 Essentials to Attract Ideal Clients

Writer Websites: 5 Tips to Attract Freelance Clients. Makealivingwriting.com

What’s the secret to creating one of those writer websites that get’s noticed?

You know…an ideal client lands on your writer website. And you’ve got all the right stuff there to get that person to call, email, or connect on social media.

Great writer websites can:

  • Generate freelance writing leads
  • Grow your network
  • Show off your portfolio
  • Help you stand out as the writer in your niche

…while you sleep.

Chances are pretty good you already know writer websites help the pros stand out.

But what does your writer website look like?

Maybe you keep putting it off or avoid giving it an upgrade because you’re not a graphic designer, web developer or tech genius.

Sound familiar?

If you aren’t sure where to start or how to improve your online presence, you’re in luck. I’m going to show you the 5 essentials writer websites need to help you stand out, move up, and earn more.

How to Find Entry-Level Freelance Writing Jobs for Beginners

How to Find Entry-Level Freelance Writing Jobs for Beginners

Best Freelance Writing Jobs for Beginners. Makealivingwriting.com

Right now, a record-high number of people are considering a freelance writing career. My inbox is overflowing with questions from newbies. And the first question is: “Where can I find freelance writing jobs for beginners?”

If that’s you, sending hugs! I totally feel your confusion. The freelance marketplace is a big, complicated place. There are lots of types of paid writing, and different kinds of clients, too.

I’ve been helping writers get started for a dozen years now. And I know how mystifying it can be. You feel like there’s a door you need to find, a person you need to know, a secret you must unlock to become a freelance writer.

But really, the path to freelance writing jobs for beginners is simple.

You need to find someone willing to let you write for them. That’s it.

You get a few samples and boom — you have a portfolio to show. And you’re on your way.

There are fairly simple, break-in writing assignments that newbies tend to get. I’m going to outline what they are below.

But first, I need to explain something…