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One Stop For Writers Review: 11 Crucial Features To Consider

Sarah Rexford

With so many tools for writers, a One Stop For Writers review is past due. This particular tool has a variety of features and credible founders, Angela Ackerman and Becca Puglisi. These two established authors know what it takes to create an engaging story world! 

But more than this, Ackerman and Puglisi are professionals at articulating ways to think through your story in profound ways. Their work in One Stop For Writers is profound, and reviewing it is a must. However, along with the pros, there are a few cons. In this One Stop For Writers review I cover it all. Let’s dive in with an overview of what it is.

What is One Stop For Writers?

One Stop For Writers is an online tool created by authors to aid writers in their storytelling process. When you first enter the website, the following copy jumps out at you:

“With the right tools, your writing career can soar. Spellbinding worlds, unforgettable characters, and powerful storytelling are just a click away.”

One Stop For Writers

Every writer wants to write a great story that boasts compelling characters and a plot that keeps readers turning the pages. So what exactly are these tools, features, and how do you use them? 

One Stop For Writers Review: Key Features

To begin this One Stop For Writers review, it’s important to list the key features so you know exactly what you’re getting. The website’s landing page shows the following menu bar: Information Desk, Thesaurus, The Stacks, and Connect. If you click “The Stacks” the following features show up:

  • Storyteller’s roadmap
  • Character builder
  • Story maps 
  • Scene maps (formal)
  • Scene maps (informal)
  • Timelines 
  • Worldbuilding surveys
  • Idea generator 
  • Templates and worksheets 
  • Checklists and tip sheets
  • Tutorials

With so many options to choose from, it may seem a bit overwhelming, but let’s break these features down.

Storyteller’s Roadmap, Character Builder, and Story Maps

If you are new to writing, want to stay organized as you write, or want to take a deep dive into your characters, these first three features are for you. 

Not only can you roadmap your story through learning how to plan, write, and revise, but you can create in-depth characters and maps that enhance your story. 

Scene Maps, Timelines, Worldbuilding Surveys, and Idea Generator

Scene maps aid you in creating each scene, while timelines help ensure you avoid plot holes and inconsistencies. 

The worldbuilding survey acts as a guide as you create a completely new world (fantasy, science-fiction, etc.) or build a world from what you know (historical fiction, crime fiction, etc.). 

And if you ever struggle with writer’s block, the idea generator gives you different angles and ideas to push you onward. 

Templates and Worksheets, Checklists, and Tip Sheets

This is for writers who:

  • Prefer to work from a template
  • Follow a worksheet
  • Want to make sure they check off every important aspect
  • Need a few tips

These next features provide the guidance you need. What’s particularly helpful with these features is that successful, established authors created them. They know what you, the writer, are going through because they’ve been there themselves. 


Additionally, what sets this One Stop For Writers review apart from other reviews of services is its hands-on, in-depth guidance from authors. If you’re unsure how to move forward or need a bit of help, One Stop For Writers has an entire section dedicated to tutorials. 

Pros and Cons

Like any service, there are pros and cons. A One Stop For Writers review would not be complete without discussing both the positives and negatives. First, let’s look at pricing. 


One Stop For Writers offers three tiers of pricing options, starting with a monthly payment and progressing to an annual payment. 

  • Monthly: $11 per month
  • Biannually: $60 
  • Annually: $105

The pro for these payment plans is that if you find you benefit from the service, you can subscribe for an annual fee that is significantly less than paying monthly. Additionally, One Stop For Writers offers a two-week, free trial so you can get a feel for the service before any financial investment. 

However, with these price points in mind it’s important to take note of which features you will use and which ones may not fit your needs.

For instance, if you don’t enjoy plotting your story out and prefer to discover your characters as you write them, several of the features you pay for won’t be used. When choosing whether or not to invest in this service, note which features will benefit you and if it is worth the price point. 

Plotters versus Pantsers 

Throughout this One Stop For Writers review it’s become clear that this service is extremely beneficial, well thought out, and crafted for writers. However, many of the features discussed above seem best suited for plotters. 

If you are a pantser and prefer to write your story as it comes to you, rather than plot it out, many of One Stop For Writers’ features will lie dormant. 

That said, a few of their features stand out among the rest. These features work for either type of writer, and even hybrid writers who partially plot. Specifically the Thesaurus feature, deemed the largest show-don’t-tell database for writers available anywhere, may be worth the annual investment. 

Great writing heavily relies on showing the story rather than simply describing what happens. For a little over one hundred dollars a year, access to this database may be worth considering. 

Alternatives to One Stop For Writers 

Now that you are aware of One Stop For Writers, reviews, and have processed some of the pros and cons, there is one final step to cover. If you do not require all the features and prefer to invest in a service aimed at a specific aspect of writing, below are a few options.

Inkarnate—This service was created for fantasy writers as they seek to create their storyworlds. If you want to focus strictly on map-building, Inkarnate offers a free and paid version. 

TypingChimp—This is a software for fiction writers and focuses on the following: your characters, plots, and story worlds. Rather than pay monthly or annually, this is a one-time investment and offers integration with Scrivener

SelfPublishing—This service is geared for writers who desire: coaching, online education for writing and publishing, a like-minded writing community, and a book production package. If you have your book idea but want help using it to create impact, this service is for you.

Post This One Stop For Writers Review: Next Steps

You may want to consider signing up for the free, two-week trial for One Stop For Writers, see if you enjoy it, and then go from there.  One Stop For Writers is a comprehensive service for writers who desire a formulaic process for creating their stories and characters. 

If you find yourself at this part of the writing process, investing several hours browsing the website during your free trial could be extremely beneficial. 

Remember, all writers work differently. Writing is subjective, so what works for you may not work for others. Take some time to familiarize yourself with One Stop For Writers, come up with your own pros and cons, and then consider taking the plunge!

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