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Make Money Writing: The Monster List of 115 Markets


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Ready to make money writing in 2022?

While 2021 was a rough year, there are still plenty of opportunities for freelance writers in the year ahead.

And if you’re looking to get off to a productive start in 2022, we’ve got you covered. This monster list includes 115 markets spanning more than 20 industries. So there’s something for just about everyone!

You’ll find a wide range of places to pitch to help you make money writing, including:

  • Content writing and guest blogging opportunities for new writers and pros breaking into different niches.
  • Print and web-based writing jobs for writers of all levels, from those still building portfolios to writers with substantial experience or expertise in specific industries.
  • Pro-rate gigs at top publishers, like glossy magazines and popular news and lifestyle sites geared toward mid-career and seasoned writers.

We focused on gigs that offer competitive rates – the top five in each niche – and we’ve updated the pay and editor contact information for each market. That way, you’ll have a good idea of what to expect before getting started on your pitch.

The Monster List Table of Contents


1. Alaska Business Monthly

Alaska Business Monthly covers everything related to business in the state of Alaska, including online retail.

  • Stories focus on analyzing issues and trends affecting local businesses.
  • The editors also like to feature articles about innovative local individuals and companies.

Note that while this publication does accept unsolicited pitches, they more commonly assign specific pieces to freelancers. 

Contact: Email managing Editor Kathryn Mackenzie. 

Rate: $0.20/word. 

2. BCBusiness

Interested in writing assignments about issues affecting business and e-commerce in the areas of Vancouver and British Columbia, Canada? Consider pitching BCBusiness. The magazine publishes feature stories that impact the lives of its readers. Your best bet: pitch ideas on issues and trends defining industries in this part of the country. 

Contact: Editor Nick Rockel. 

Rate: $0.56-$0.75/word.

3. B. Michelle Pippin

Michelle Pippin is a business blog for women that focuses on topics like marketing effectively, enhancing productivity, scoring speaking gigs, and overcoming business-related challenges. If you have firsthand experience in one of those areas, reach out and pitch an original, instructive story idea. 

Contact: Send a message to editor Michelle Pippin on LinkedIn. 

Rate: $50-$150 per post.

4. Freelance Mom

Lisa Stern runs the Freelance Mom website designed to help moms build a freelance business to make money from home. Blog posts include a mix of personal experience and how-to guides to teach moms how to run a freelance business. Plus, every post includes a 20 to 30-minute action plan to help moms take the next step, instead of the classic, “I’ll do it tomorrow,” (which really means never) response. 

Contact: Send pitches to Lisa Stein at lisa@freelancemom.com. 

Rate: $75 to $100 per assignment, plus potential $150 bonus for traffic.

5. Inc.

Inc. is a very popular business pub geared toward owners and managers of small companies. Over the past decade, their readership has more than doubled, and they now reach an audience of over 25 million.

It’s not easy to get your work published by Inc., but it’s possible. This publication doesn’t accept one-off pitches; instead, like some of the other markets on our list, they prefer to establish ongoing relationships with contributors. If you’re willing to contribute for at least six months, review their guidelines and send an email with a sample article and your answers to their list of questions. 

Contact: Contact editor Lindsay Blakely by email or on LinkedIn. 

Rate: Pay can reportedly go up to $0.33 per word but is partially dependent on ad revenue.

Christian Markets

6. America Magazine

America Magazine is a weekly print publication that also features online content. They focus on providing a Catholic perspective on faith and culture topics, including political, economic, and social issues. This outlet accepts pitches for feature-length articles (2,500 words or less), personal essays (up to 1,500 words), and shorter opinion essays. They also publish poetry. 

Contact: Read the submission guidelines and submit your query on the submission page. 

Rate: Competitive; reportedly $0.25/word and up.

7. The Christian Century

The Christian Century is a biweekly ecumenical magazine that primarily covers topics relating to theology, human rights, poverty, international relations, and economic justice. Content is published in print and online.

The editors emphasize that their content is geared toward a progressive Christian audience that seeks in-depth analysis and critical perspectives. 

Contact: Tweet managing editor Steve Thorngate. 

Rate: $100-$300 per 1,500-3,000-word article.

8. Guideposts

Guideposts is a widely read bi-monthly Christian magazine published in print and digital formats. Their goal is to help readers solve difficult personal problems, build meaningful relationships and find peace of mind. They look for true, first-person stories about people who have overcome an obstacle, reached an important goal or learned an applicable lesson through their faith. 

Contact: Reach out to editor-in-chief Edward Grinnan and submit a story via their online form. 

Rate: $100-$500.

9. Relevant

Relevant runs a bi-monthly magazine as well as a website, relevantmagazine.com, which features daily articles. The content is geared toward millennial audiences, and topics include faith, lifestyle, national and global issues, culture, and justice. Relevant doesn’t currently pay for articles that appear on their website, but they do pay for stories published in their magazine. 

Contact: Email senior editor Tyler Huckabee. 

Rate: $100-$400 for print features.

10. Today’s Christian Living

Today’s Christian Living is a bimonthly print and digital magazine geared toward a general Christian audience. The focus is on providing articles that encourage readers to fulfill their God-given calling. They publish personality and ministry profiles, personal stories, inspirational pieces, and short humorous anecdotes.

Note that this mag prefers to receive manuscripts as attachments rather than queries. 

Contact: Email editor Dan Brownell. 

Rate: $25-$150.


11. Business Insider

Got your pulse on e-commerce-related news? Check out Business Insider.

This is a U.S business site with a focus on e-commerce as well as finance, tech, and other U.S industries. It’s the largest website of its kind on the internet today and frequently relies on contributions from freelancers who specialize in business writing.

Their editors are especially interested in pitches for:

  • How-tos
  • Reported features
  • Profiles
  • Personal essays

Do your homework, and make sure your ideas are different from what they’ve already published. 

Contact: Email editor Alyse Kalish. 

Rate: Varies; typically in the range of $0.20-$0.35/word. 

12. The Guardian

The Guardian is a British-based publication. But this pub covers American and international news and attracts a diverse global readership. It includes an e-commerce section that’s dedicated to covering current events related to:

  • Online retail
  • Cryptocurrency
  • Big tech
  • And other topics of relevance

Tip: Demonstrate personal or professional expertise on the topic you want to write about to increase the chances of your pitch being accepted. 

Contact: View The Guardian’s U.S editorial team here. 

Pay: $300/1,000 words.

13. The Ken

If you’re knowledgeable about the online retail sector in India and Southeast Asia, pitch The Ken. This publication has over 15,000 paying subscribers and publishes one new story per day.

Want a business writing assignment for The Ken? They’re looking for freelance journalists and subject matter experts to pitch reported stories that are fact-based and analytical. 

Contact: Email commissioning editor Durga M. Sengupta. 

Rate: $0.25/edited word or $50/chart for data stories.

14. SmartBusinessTrends

Virtually every e-commerce business needs to be able to market effectively online. That’s the angle of SmartBusinessTrends. This blog regularly accepts contributions from freelance writers who are able to write:

  • Informative articles
  • Tutorials
  • Product reviews
  • Case studies of use to their readers

Tip: In order for your pitch to be accepted by this blog, you’ll need to have relevant experience or expertise in the topic you want to write about. 

Contact: Reach out to editor Chris Fong here or via Twitter. 

Rate: $200-$500 per article.

15. PracticalEcommerce

PracticalEcommerce provides expert advice, instruction, and insight to help small and mid-sized e-commerce companies grow and succeed. Their editorial policies differ from some publications, though. How? They don’t publish unsolicited pieces. Instead, they rely on a pool of regular contributors who can create content designed to genuinely help their readers.

Tip: Look over their website. If you have a suitable topic or idea to offer, pitch the editor. 

Contact: Email editor Kerry Murdock. 

Rate: Determined by the editor.

Lifestyle & Social Impact

16. Audubon

Birders with a passion for protecting wild birds and their habitats should consider pitching Audubon. Send your ideas for stories on birdlife and conservation in a well-crafted query of 500 words or less. 

Contact: Email features editor Alisa Opar or locate the right section editor for your pitch here. 

Rate: As much as $0.40 per word.

17. Earth Island Journal

Earth Island Journal publishes a blog that focuses on environmental issues pertaining to an international audience, such as wildlife and land conservation, climate and energy, and environmental protection policies.

For the best chance of having your story idea accepted, pitch a newsworthy, relevant topic that’s been overlooked by other outlets.

Contact: Email managing editor Zoe Loftus-Farren or reach out on LinkedIn. 

Rate: $0.25/word for print features; $100 for online reports.

18. Hakai Magazine

Hakai uses short- and long-form journalism to report on coastal ecosystems. This magazine publishes work from freelance writers in two different sections; News & Views (300-800 words) and Features (1,000-1,500 words).

Contact: Senior Editor Shanna Baker or Managing Editor Adrienne Mason on Twitter.

Rate: As much as $1.05 a word. 

19. Truity

Truity is a hugely popular blog about personality types and personality psychology. They look for passionate writers who can create high-quality content about topics like Myers Briggs, the Enneagram, and Jung’s typology.

Contact: Reach out to CEO and publisher Molly Owens on LinkedIn or complete an application to write for Truity.

Rate: $100-$150 per post.

20. Upworthy

The Upworthy blog focuses on making a positive social impact. Stories should be “surprising, meaningful, shareable, and visual.” Review their content to get a better sense of what kinds of pieces are successful.

Contact: Complete the pitch form or reach out to editor Annie Reneau.

Rate: $0.23-$0.35 per word.

21. The Atlantic

The Atlantic is a popular digital magazine that covers news, politics, culture, science and health, tech, and more. They frequently publish high-quality feature stories from experienced writers.

Contact: Email Deputy Editor Ross Andersen or submit your pitch to the appropriate news desk.

Rate: Up to $0.65/word.

22. Business Insider

Got your pulse on business news? Check out Business Insider. This is a U.S-based site with a focus on e-commerce as well as finance, global tech, media, markets, and healthcare. It’s the largest website of its kind on the internet today and frequently relies on contributions from freelancers who specialize in business writing.

Their editors are especially interested in pitches for:

  • How-tos
  • Reported features
  • Profiles
  • Personal essays

Do your homework, and make sure your ideas are different from what they’ve already published.

Contact: Email editor Alyse Kalish to pitch a reported feature. To pitch a first-person narrative or write as a contributor, contact editor Laura Casado.

Rate: Varies; typically in the range of $0.20-$0.35/word.

23. Christian Science Monitor

The Christian Science Monitor is an independent, international news publication. It covers a range of topics, including the economy and e-commerce, science and nature, culture, and U.S and global news.

Write on spec. That’s how they do it at the Christian Science Monitor. It means they want to see the fully-written story before they decide whether or not to accept it.

Contact: Review the newsroom directory and/or editorial leadership guide, and pitch the appropriate editor based on the topic you’re interested in writing about.

Rate: $0.25-$0.40/word.

24. The Economist

The Economist is a weekly magazine that’s published in both print and digital formats. It’s been around for a long time (since 1843!) and today reaches a global audience. It features stories about global news topics, politics, business, and the economy. Its sister publication, aptly named 1843, also accepts freelance pieces of narrative journalism.

When crafting your pitch, plan to write not only about something current and relevant but also to explain the importance of the topic by providing analysis and context. 

Contact: Email finance editor Rachana Shanbhogue or send a message on LinkedIn.

Rate: Pay rates vary widely, ranging from $0.20/word to more than $1 per word, depending on the content and your level of experience.

25. Forbes

Getting an article into Forbes magazine is a huge accomplishment for any writer (Carol would know!).

But if you’re an experienced freelancer with relevant knowledge and business news writing experience, you might have a shot at writing for money for this pub.

On occasion, Forbes also hires experienced news writers to work on a contract basis, and the role is typically remote. You can keep an eye on their job openings for writers here. 

Contact: Reach out to managing editor Joyce Bautista Ferrari by email or on LinkedIn.

Rate: $100+ per published digital article.

Personal Finance

26. ElitePersonalFinance

ElitePersonalFinance features a website and blog that offers actionable advice on topics like:

  • Building credit
  • Securing loans
  • Preventing identity theft (with a focus on millennial readers. They spend over $100,000 each year on high-quality content.)

Pitch a 1,000-3,000-word post on one of the topics defined in their guidelines. Once you’re in, you might even be able to secure regular, ongoing work.

Contact: Reach out on Facebook or send your pitch by email.

Rate: Up to $300 per published article.

27. First Quarter Finance

First Quarter Finance exists to provide readers with helpful advice related to earning, investing, spending, and saving money. They don’t accept one-off pitches. Instead, they strive to establish long-term relationships with reliable freelance writers. If you secure this gig, you can expect to receive one assignment per week on an ongoing basis.

Contact: Submit an application for this gig here.

Rate: Averages $80.00 per article.

28. Investopedia

Investopedia has been a popular personal finance hub on the web for over 20 years. Their goal is to help readers feel more confident when managing money and investments by simplifying complex financial information.

If you’re interested in writing consistently for money opportunities with Investopedia, you’ll need to apply to become a contributor. Be sure to include your credentials and clips related to one of the topics they cover.

Contact: View Investopedia’s contributor openings and submit an application here. You can also send a message to Personal Finance Editor Julia Kagan.

Rate: While Investopedia doesn’t publish their rates, they do state that their pay is competitive. One freelance writer for the company reported earnings of over $50,000 per year (Glassdoor, 2015).

29. Money Crashers

Money Crashers is a well-known personal finance website that covers topics like:

  • Investing
  • Money management
  • Retirement
  • Estate planning
  • Tax preparation

Writing for money opportunities? They regularly hire writers to contribute engaging, high-quality posts related to these issues, and they often like to publish longer, detailed articles of around 3,000 words. Instead of submitting a pitch, you’ll need to fill out an application and provide links to writing samples.

Contact: Submit a contributor application here or reach out to editor Kelly Gurnett.

Rate: Competitive.

30. The Motley Fool

The Motley Fool regularly seeks out writers to contribute content to their network of websites. Instead of pitches, they’re looking for writers who are flexible and able to cover a variety of finance topics regularly. To write for The Motley Fool, you’ll need to fill out a short application and provide links to three writing samples.

Contact: Fill out the writer application or send a message to Editor Michael Douglass.

Rate: Typically $140 for published articles.


31. Backpacker

Backpacker is a bimonthly print and digital magazine focused on foot-based travel-primarily hiking-throughout North America. About 50 percent of the stories in this pub are written by freelancers, which means there may be opportunities for you.

Your pitch will have the best chance of being accepted if you’re willing to start off by writing a short assignment for the pages in the departments section. Plan to write an impactful story with a valuable take-away for the reader.

Contact: Reach out to editor Shannon Davis on LinkedIn or send your pitch by email.

Rate: Varies; reportedly $0.25-$0.50/word depending on the section.

32. Backroads

Backroads USA is a monthly publication with a focus on providing motorcycle touring-related guides, tips, and information. The editors look for articles about unique or obscure roadside attractions or eateries and interesting destinations. Note that all feature articles submitted to this pub must be accompanied by high-quality photographs.

Contact: Email the editor.

Rate: $75 and up.

33. DesertUSA

Interested in writing about topics related to the North American desert or surrounding regions? Consider pitching DesertUSA. This digital resource features a blog that includes articles about travel, Native American culture, regional history and geology, and southwestern arts and crafts. Note that all writers for this blog are required to provide digital images along with their stories.

Contact: Email or Tweet publisher Jim Bremner.

Rate: $50 per article.

34. Escapees Magazine

Escapees is a bimonthly magazine geared toward RVers who enjoy traveling and exploring. They seek general interest RV-related topics, how-to articles, photo features, profiles, and other travel features. All freelance submissions will need to include photos, and stories should be written in a conversational tone. High-quality technical and informational articles are especially needed.

Contact: Email assistant editor Kelly Evans-Hill.

Rate: Typically $100-$200 for feature stories.

35. International Living

International Living offers both a blog and a magazine geared toward helping people retire affordably by living abroad. They need interviews, reviews of relevant new products, how-to guides, and travel features.

Contact: Email editorial director Eoin Bassett to pitch a print article or contact digital editor Annie Hannon to pitch a blog post.

Rate: $250-$400 for print articles; usually about $0.10 per word for blog/website articles.

Writing & Freelancing

36. Copyhackers

The Copyhackers blog is geared toward helping copywriters and marketers achieve success and upward mobility in their careers. It features stories about topics like conversion copywriting, freelancing for hire, and product marketing.

It’s not easy to get your pitch accepted by Copyhackers. They only accept 1 in 30 pitches and only publish a third of those. But if your article is published, you’ll be compensated quite well.

Contact: Email your pitch to the content strategist or contact founder and editor Joanna Wiebe.

Rate: $300-$1,000 per post.

37. Freedom with Writing

Wanna help other freelancers get paid for their writing? If you have useful advice to share, pitch this blog. They’re looking for how-to guides, essays, and case studies. They also occasionally publish eBooks.

Contact: Email editor Jacob Jans.

Rate: Up to $150 for articles; $500+ for eBooks.

 38. FreelanceMom

FreelanceMom is a popular website for moms who work as freelancers and solopreneurs. In fact, it made the top five in two of our niches! The editor is looking for writers who can provide original blog posts offering in-depth, actionable advice for readers. Pitch an article that is deeply personal, well-researched, or education-based.

Contact: Email Editor Lisa Stein.

Rate: $75-100 per post.

39. Make a Living Writing

Did you know our blog pays writers for guest posts about the business and craft of freelance writing? If you’re a current or former Freelance Writer’s Den member, or if you’ve graduated from Jon Morrow’s blog mentoring program, submit an idea! On occasion, founder Carol Tice offers open pitch windows, where anyone who subscribes to the blog can query.

Note that almost all pitches accepted are from subscribers of our blog. 

Contact: Email our editor.

Rate: $150+ per post.

40. WritersWeekly

Writers Weekly is geared toward helping writers earn money from their craft. They publish stories covering topics like self-publishing, corporate writing, and marketing tips for freelance writers.

Contact: Email publisher Angela Hoy or submit your pitch through the contact form after reading the writer’s guidelines.

Rate: $60 per 600-word article.


41. Cannabis Now

Cannabis Now is one of just a handful of specialty magazines about the cannabis industry sold in major bookstores, airports, and grocery-store chains. It’s garnered a massive following of readers and subscribers in just eight years, and it’s a great place to land freelance writing jobs in this niche.

Contact: Senior Editor Ellen Holland on Twitter.

Rate: Competitive rates per assignment.

42. Green Entrepreneur

Entrepreneur magazine launched GreenEntrepreneur.com, to give readers the latest news in cannabis. Land freelance writing jobs for this pub by pitching stories about entrepreneurship, business, technology, and lifestyle to get into this pub.

Contact: Executive Editor Jonathan Small on Twitter.

Rate: Up to $1.50 per word, based on assignment.

43. Leafly

Leafly started out as a resource for medical marijuana patients and focused on the different strains available to treat various health conditions. But it’s evolved since then to serve a larger audience of recreational marijuana users, too.

Want to land freelance writing jobs for Leafly? Include a brief description of your proposed story for the news section, a tentative word count, and relevant clips in your pitch. Send to news@leafly.com.

Contact: Editor Janessa Bailey on LinkedIn.

Rate: Based on assignment.

44. Maximum Yield

Maximum Yield is a trade pub for the cannabis industry. This pub hires freelancers for pieces on the equipment and technology used to grow and harvest the plant.

Contact: Editor-in-Chief Toby Gorman on LinkedIn.

Rate: Honorarium per assignment.

45. Nugg

An estimated 3.5 million people have prescriptions to use marijuana for medicinal purposes in the U.S. And that’s the market Nugg serves, connecting patients with dispensaries and even facilitating doctor-patient telemedicine calls via NuggMD.

Contact: Alex Milligan, co-founder and marketing director: alex@getnugg.com.

Rate: $0.07 to $0.10 per word based on assignment.

Digital Magazines

46. Early American Life

New writers looking for freelance gigs on American life from colonial times to the mid-1800s should to submit queries to this magazine. Topics related to antiques, architecture and decorating, history, studio crafts, and travel are welcome.

Contact: Email editor JeanMarie Andrews or reach out on LinkedIn.

Rate: Estimated $500 for new writers.

47. Foreign Policy

Foreign Policy commissions freelancers for stories with a unique angle on politics, culture, and world events. Do some original reporting, then pitch a topic that will challenge readers.

Contact: Editor-in-chief Ravi Agrawal or reach out on Twitter.

Rate: Average $0.45 a word.

48. High Country News

A monthly magazine with a digital version, High Country News pays freelancers for stories and essays on the modern American West.

Contact: Email pitches to Bear Guerra.

Rate: Varies. Between $0.50 and $1.50 a word for stories, up to $400 for essays.

49. Hoofbeats

About 70 percent of Hoofbeats content comes from assigned freelance pieces. Send your ideas on Standardbreds and harness racing along with samples to hoofbeats@ustrotting.com.

Contact: Email editor Kathy Parker.

Rate: $100 to $500 for features.

50. Smithsonian Mag

Unsolicited proposals are accepted by Smithsonian Magazine from experienced freelancers pitching stories on art, history, science & innovation, and travel. Use the submission form to query the print magazine or the website.

Contact: Print Executive Editor Terence Monmaney or Digital Editorial Editor Brian Wolly on Twitter.

Rate: Varies. Reported at $0.36 a word or as much as $3.50 a word for print.

Digital Magazines: Stories and Essays

51. The American Scholar

The magazine of the Phi Beta Kappa Society accepts nonfiction submissions from new and established writers.

Contact: Editor Robert Wilson via email or through the link on Submittable.

Rate: $100+ per article. 

52. Boston Globe Mag

New freelance writers can contribute to the Perspectives and Connections columns of Boston Globe Magazine.

Contact: Editor Veronica Chao on Twitter.

Rate: About $0.78 a word. 

53. Buzzfeed News

Pitch long-form personal essays and cultural criticism that wows to BuzzFeed Reader.

Contact: Send your pitch via email or contact editor Samantha Henig on Twitter.

Rate: About $0.50 a word. 

54. Longreads

Longreads publishes personal essays and narratives, long-form journalism, features, investigative projects, and even book excerpts. There are various editors to pitch, so check the guidelines for names and contact information.

Contact: Senior Editor Cheri Lucas Rowlands is on LinkedIn.

Rate: $0.23 a word for articles, $500 for personal and critical essays.

55. The Sun

Send daring personal essays, fiction, and poetry to this ad-free magazine to land freelance writing jobs. You can pitch editors Sy Safransky or David Mahaffey by submitting online.

Contact: Associate Editor Finn Cohen is on Twitter.

Rate: Varies. As much as $2,000 for long-form essays.

Digital Magazines: Women

56. Cosmopolitan

Cosmo has an annual readership of 16 million across the US and Western Canada. They hire freelancers for both print and digital content in alignment with their brand, which is focused on the empowerment of young women.

Contact: Contact managing editor Alie Martell on Twitter.

Rate: Average $100 for online content, $200-400 for print. 

57. Glamour Mag

Into women’s style, beauty, entertainment, wellness, or culture? Pitch Glamour! And if you know anyone that makes skin, body, or hair care products, or makeup, tell them about Glamour’s upcoming 2022 Beauty Awards.

Contact: Digital Editor Perrie Samotin on Twitter.

Rate: $0.27 a word reported.

58. Good Housekeeping

The majority of GH’s 25 million readers are women who are married, have children, and work outside the home. This mag pays for short narratives on “blessings” and overcoming health challenges.

Contact: Digital Director Lauren Matthews on Twitter.

Rate: As much as $0.67 a word. 

59. LiisBeth

LiisBeth publishes content focused on feminist entrepreneurs, creators, and leaders committed to gender equality. Writers of all gender expressions can email pitches to Margaret Webb.

Contact: Email editor Lana Pesch using the subject line “QUERY.”

Rates: $250 for personal essays to $800+ for policy/issue analysis. 

60. Oprah Mag

Oprah Magazine launched a new digital version in 2020 to continue inspiring women to live their best lives – online.

Contact: Reach out to digital director Arianna Davis on Twitter or email the editorial team.

Rates: The print version has paid $2 a word, but expect less for digital.


61. American Theatre

The only general-circulation pub for the theatre, this magazine was founded in 1984 by the Theatre Communications Group. Covering stage artists, theatrical events and trends, and the impact of financial and legal issues on the arts, the mag’s main audience is professional, not-for-profit theatres including notable international venues.

Contact: Rob Weinert-Kendt, editor-in-chief, by email.

Rate: $0.25 a word.

62. The A.V. Club

The A.V. Club is owned by the media group that puts out The Onion. However, they publish true entertainment content including interviews, reviews, features, and other entertainment-related articles. They accept freelance submissions and occasionally have staff writing positions.

Contact: Reach out to editorial coordinator Gwen Inhat on LinkedIn.

Rate: Average $0.21 a word reported.

63. Deadspin

Sports fans, get cracking on your pitch to Deadspin. This pub offers in-depth guidance on how to pitch them with real examples from writers they’ve published. They even consider non-sports stories with relevance to their readers, like this example of Native American lacrosse players who were suspended after reporting racial abuse. Make sure to also check out our full guide to sports writing jobs.

Contact: Find Managing Editor Chris Baud on LinkedIn.

Rate: Average $0.11 a word, as high as $0.17. 

64. The Root

If you want to get paid to write “meaningful stories that move the needle on issues surrounding race,” consider pitching to The Root. Content reflects original thought on the intersection of blackness and society. The It’s Lit! section explores books by African American and Black authors, and The Glow Up covers lifestyle and entertainment.

Contact: Editor-in-Chief Danielle Belton on Twitter.

Rate: $0.20 a word.

65. The Smart Set

The Smart Set covers a ton of lifestyle topics including the arts, literature, sports, shopping, and food. Freelance submissions are considered in the form of:

  • Critical essays
  • Cultural critiques and analyses
  • Scholarly articles
  • Food and travel writing
  • Personal essays and memoirs
  • Books
  • Film
  • Television reviews and unpublished excerpts 

Contact: Email pitches to Editor Melinda Lewis at smartsetmag@drexel.edu.

Rate: $0.20 a word reported.

Guest Blogging

66. Her Money

Her Money is a personal finance website written by and for women. Welcoming to readers of all gender expression, but especially female-identified individuals, the mag is particularly concerned about the gender wage gap. Got an idea for smart, empowering content? Pitch Her Money.

Contact: Submit a pitch through the editor’s link on the Contact Page or reach out to senior writer/editor Dayana Yochim via Twitter or email editor-in-chief Kathryn Tuggle.

Rate: Varies. 

67. HowlRound

Are you a theatremaker with a penchant for revolution? Write about the intersection of theatre-making and social justice for HowlRound. You can write pieces for the Journal, participate in a variety of online media events, or propose other content for publication.

Contact: Submit a pitch here or email editor Ashley Malafronte.

Rate: $200 per article. 

68. IncomeDiary

ID is a marketing blog that puts out content on making money online. They solicit freelance pieces from experts in content creation, driving traffic, entrepreneurship, SEO, and website design. You can sign up to be notified of specific paid opportunities to freelance for them. Submit your pitch and quote via their online form.

Contact: Editor Barry Dunlop on LinkedIn.

Rate: For in-depth and well-written articles, IncomeDiary pays anywhere from $200-$500. 

69. iWorkwell

This members-only site offers HR professionals information, tools, and resources to carry out strategic plans and improve day-to-day operations. And they pay their contributing writers! Freelancers write original pieces and revise existing content, too. 

Contact: Follow the guidelines and apply to be one of their subject matter experts.

Rate: $200+ per article. 

70. Penny Hoarder

Penny Hoarder CEO Kyle Taylor is on a mission to help everyday people enjoy their lives more by worrying about their finances less. As such, the content of the site offers actionable advice on making, managing, and saving money through a blend of journalism and creative storytelling.

Contact: Reach out to managing editor John Schlander via Twitter. Submissions accepted online.

Rate: Varies, reportedly $0.09 a word.

Health and Wellness

71. Climbing

Published six times a year, Climbing is looking for feature writing and photography around the hobby of climbing, lifestyle, and wellness. Make sure to look at all departments before pitching.

Contact: Editor Matt Samet on LinkedIn.

Rate: $0.35 a word.

72. Eating Well

Reported in a journalistic style, Eating Well’s science-based content covers all aspects of healthy eating: food originals and social networks; eating culture, traditions, and recipes; and of course, nutrition. There are various section editors, so check the guidelines for names and contact information.

Contact: Editor-in-Chief Jessie Price on Twitter.

Rate: $1.00 a word. 

73. Experience Life

This membership magazine publishes 10 times a year with a circulation of 700,000. It features articles on healthy living and fitness in both print and digital formats. Editors consider their pub a “Healthy Way of Life” magazine.

Contact: Deputy editor Michael Dregni by email.

Rate: $1 a word. 

74. Idea Fitness Journal

This trade magazine is published by the IDEA Health and Fitness Association. The target audience is fitness and health professionals. Recent articles covered online personal training, goal-setting strategies, exercise for older clients, and digital tools for fitness professionals.

Contact: Editor-in-Chief Sandy Todd Webster by email.

Rate: Based on assignment. 

75. Vibrant Life

Vibrant Life is looking for positive, beneficial stories on all aspects of health and wellness, from physical and mental health to spiritual wellbeing.

Contact: Submit completed articles via email to editor Heather Quintana or reach out on LinkedIn.

Rate: Ranges from $100-$300 per article.

Home & Garden

76. American Gardener

Recently featured in the Writer’s Digest, American Gardener is a publication of the American Horticulture Society. From plant hunting, horticultural therapy, and “appropriate” gardening, to plant lore and literature, there are ample opportunities to freelance for this pub dedicated to environmentally responsible gardening.

Contact: Editor David Ellis on LinkedIn.

Rate: $300 to $600 for features and $150 to $200 for departments. 

77. Architectural Digest

If you have a story on “the next best thing” in international design, pitch AD! Be sure that you have a unique point of view and amazing photos before sending your pitch to have a shot with this iconic mag.

Contact: Find Features Director Samuel Cochran on LinkedIn.

Rate: Anywhere from $0.56 to $1.00 a word. 

78. Dwell

Dwell offers multiple options for freelance content, so check the guidelines for specific submission info. They’re looking for stories about modern home design, budget breakdowns, and lessons learned, among others.

Contact: Find editor-in-chief William Hanley on LinkedIn.

Rate: $1.00 a word. 

79. Fine Gardening

Write about all aspects of garden care in your region of the US or Canada for Fine Gardening. Owned by Taunton Press, this mag also puts out three other pubs devoted to woodworking, homebuilding, and sewing.

Contact: Find editor Danielle Sherry on LinkedIn.

Rate: Pays between $100 to $200 per page for feature articles, and $35 to $400 for department pieces depending upon length and complexity. 

80. Hobby Farms

Into urban farming or part of a generational farming legacy? Provide tips for small-scale farmers and those just getting started by pitching Hobby Farms.

Contact: Reach out to editor Roger Sipe on Twitter or LinkedIn.

Rate: $300 and up for features.


81. Country

Do you live on a farm? Out in the country? Or leave the city or suburbs every chance you get for a taste of country life? Write about it for Country, a custom mag published by RDA Enthusiast Brands. You can find links pertaining to submission guidelines, the list of desired topics, and the media kit here.

Contact: Pitch Copy Chief Deb Mulvey.

Rate: Up to $250 per assignment. 

82. Funds for Writers

Making money writing isn’t always easy, but it’s possible when you learn the business and craft of freelancing<. Funds for Writers founder C. Hope Clark accepts guest posts for the site about how to make money writing. Review the guidelines, and don’t overlook the last line for tips on what can help land you an assignment: “a dash of humor, if possible; a positive note and a happy ending.”

Contact: Send manuscripts without attachments to hope@chopeclark.com.

Rate: Pays $50 per assignment.

83. Mother.ly

Parenting isn’t exactly a cakewalk. If you can serve up parenting advice with a dose of humor, pitch a personal narrative or essay to Mother.ly. Like it or not, this pub prefers writers pitch via Submittable. They are currently looking for inspiring essays and expert pieces.

Contact: Editorial director Shannon Vestal Robson on LinkedIn.

Rate: $50 and up per assignment.

84. The New Yorker

Want to combine humor writing and fiction, but not ready to commit to crafting a full-length novel? Check out Shouts & Murmurs in The New Yorker magazine.

This isn’t essay writing. It’s pure fiction and satire like “Shakespeare, Off the Cuff,” “Trump I.Q Test,” “Family Vacation Breakdown,” and many others. Study published Shouts & Murmurs articles, and start thinking like the editors by following Daily Shouts before submitting.

Contact: Send pdf submissions by email.

Rate: Depends on assignment. 

85. Reader’s Digest

If you haven’t looked at a copy of Reader’s Digest recently, it’s not the same magazine it was when it launched way back in 1920. It’s still half the size of the typical magazine, but it’s been redesigned to keep up with competing pubs in the general interest and lifestyle niche. One regular feature includes jokes, gags, quotes and funny stories written by freelancers.

Contact: Summit queries via email to editors@saturdayeveningpost.com with your category of interest in the subject line.

Rate: $25 to $100 per assignment.


86. Better Programming

This programming pub was the fastest growing on Medium in 2019 – hitting 5 million monthly pageviews in record time. They’re looking for tutorials, think pieces, and advice to help programmers learn and improve in their field.

Contact: Fill out the pitch submission form.

Rate: Partner Program. Pay will vary. 

87. Creative Café

The Creative Cafe welcomes all creative writers to share their passions and words. This pub can be a great starting point for newer writers who just want to see their words on the web. But well-done pieces that get views will be paid through the partner program.

Contact: Visit the website during the first week of the month and fill out the new contributor request form.

Rate: Partner Program. Pay will vary. 

88. Elemental

Elemental offers readers information and opinions on health and wellness, as long as it’s backed by science. From coronavirus to meditation, all things for the mind and body can be found here.

Contact: Pitch executive editor Sarah Collins on Twitter.

Rate: $0.83 to $1.00 per word. 

89. Gen

Gen is one of the largest publications on Medium. Editors here are looking for articles on culture, power, and politics.

Contact: Send pitches to gen@medium.com, or track down Editor-in-Chief Kate Green Tripp on Twitter.

Rate: $0.83 to $1.00 per word.

90. Writing Cooperative

This pub is all about writing! Assigning freelance writing pieces on topics from getting started to publishing, this community of writers gives advice and lessons learned.

Contact: All requests to contribute must be submitted through this form to be considered.

Rate: Partner program. Pay will vary


91. ADDitude Magazine

About 11 percent of kids (6.4 million) have attention deficit, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Managing editor Wayne Kalyn is always looking for fresh pitches that include first-person articles by parents, employers, and teachers with personal experience working with ADHD kids. Send submission by email.

Contact: Editor-in-Chief Susan Caughman is on LinkedIn.

Rate: Pays an average of $100 to $200 per assignment. 

92. Adoptive Families

Based on census data and information from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, about 2 million people in the U.S. were raised by adoptive parents. It’s a life-changing event for kids and parents, and managing editor Eve Gilman says she’s always on the lookout for stories that help parents through the adoption process and provide practical tips on parenting.

Contact: Eve is on LinkedIn.

Rate: Varies, depending on assignment. 

93. Fatherly

Moms aren’t the only ones who swap stories about grocery-store meltdowns, money matters, and the curiosities of raising kids. Dads do too. Got some “fatherly” advice that might help other dads or a funny experience with your kids to share? Fatherly pays for freelance pieces on topics like this.

Contact: Editor-in-Chief Tyghe Trimble is on Twitter.

Rate: $0.15 a word. 

94. Grown and Flown

Your kids may be grown and gone, but you never really stop being a parent. Plus, you might have some advice to share for new parents or a story idea for this blog.

Contact: Pitch guest post ideas by email.

Rate: Based on assignment. 

95. Working Mother

What’s it like to be a working mom and parent? It’s certainly not easy and takes a balancing act to make it work, enjoy life, and be a role model for your kids. That’s the focus of Working Mother magazine. Have an idea for a story?

Contact: Check out the list of contacts for each subject here. 

Rate: $100 to $300 per assignment.


96. The American Journal of Nursing

A nursing journal that publishes poetry? Yes. The American Journal of Nursing publishes poems about health and health care, but not necessarily nursing. Check out their instructions or guidelines for submissions here. And make sure to check out our full guide on how to get paid to write poetry.

Contact: Diane Szulecki at diane.szulecki@wolterskluwer.com.

Rate: $150 per poem. 

97. Arts & Letters

This highly-regarded poetry journal based at Georgia University specifically encourages emerging poets and writers to submit their work for consideration.

Contact: Poetry must be submitted via the submission form.

Rate: $10 per printed page (minimum payment: $50), plus one contributor copy, and a one-year subscription; $3 submission charge. 

98. Cricket Media

Cricket Media publishes a series of six journals that feature children’s poetry for different ages. These poetry journals include Ladybug, Cricket, Babybug, Spider, and Cicada. Learn more about the magazine and founder and editor-in-chief Marianne Carus here.

Contact: Upload submissions here.

Rate: Up to $3 per line; $25.00 minimum. 

99. 50 Haikus & Three Line Poetry

These two journals, run by the same editors, want short lines with meaning and welcome new writers. They also reprint poems in an anthology. Read an interview with the editor here.

Contact: Glenn Lyvers at Editor@ThreeLinePoetry.com or reach out on LinkedIn.

Rate: $1.50 per poem plus a subscription; $10.00 for submissions marked as “Editor’s Choice.”

100. Poetry Magazine

If you’ve spent any time trying to publish poetry, you’re probably familiar with this publication. It’s the top journal in the field, the authority on poetry for new and established writers. Crack this mag, and you’ll earn top pay, and build your credibility as a poet.

Contact: Email interim co-editor Holly Amos and associate editor Lindsay Garbutt at editors@poetrymagazine.org or reach out on Twitter.

Rate: For text, $10/line with a minimum of $300 per poem. For visual, audio, and video formats, $300 per poem. For multiple formats, compensation is offered for each format published.


101. The American Conservative

Interested in political writing from a conservative perspective? You’ll need solid journalism skills to report and write about current events, trends, and issues for The American Conservative, a magazine published by the American Ideas Institute.

Contact: Email Senior Editor Helen Andrews or reach out on Twitter.

Rate: $150 and up depending on assignment. 

102. LifeZette

LifeZette features political articles that offer commentary, insight, and explanation of the crazy world of politics.

Contact: Contact contributing editor David Kamioner on LinkedIn.

Rate: $100 to $200 per assignment reported. 

103. The Nation

The Nation was founded on principles of investigative journalism and old-school reporting. Stories include comments and articles analyzing breaking news, politics, social issues, and the arts. Check The Masthead for the appropriate editor and send queries here.

Contact: Managing Editor Rose D’Amora is on LinkedIn.

Rate: $.13 – $.40 per word. 

104. The Progressive

Want to write about things that matter? Like social and economic justice; civil liberties; human rights; the environment; or democracy? Pitch a story idea to The Progressive.

Contact: Managing Editor Bill Lueders on LinkedIn.

Rate: $.10 -$.40 per word reported. 

105. Washington Monthly

Send ideas for investigative pieces, opinion-based features, or book reviews of political titles to the Washington Monthly.

Contact: Reach associate editor Gabby Birenbaum on LinkedIn.

Rate: $0.10 a word.


106. Bee Culture

If you want to write about bees, Bee Culture assigns freelance writing pieces, including features stories about the impact of pesticides, pests, predators, and disease on bee colonies. Queries, as well as full-length manuscripts, are considered.

Contact: Senior Editor Jerry Hayes by email.

Rate: $150 to $200 per assignment, typically 1,500 to 2,000 words.

107. Mother Earth News

Write about science-related topics for Mother Earth News by pitching a feature story idea on renewable energy, green transportation, natural health, or environmental issues. Best way to break in: Start with a short how-to article (100 to 300 words), before pitching a more in-depth feature.

Contact: Editor-at-Large Hank Will on LinkedIn or another member of the editorial team here.

Rate: $25 to $100 per assignment. 

108. New Scientist

The New Scientist has an editorial staff of 40-plus writers who cover news about science, technology, health, and the environment. Your best bet? Pitch a feature story with a strong science focus “that will intrigue, entertain and inform the widest possible audience,” editor Emily Wilson advised. “Besides reporting the latest research,” she explained, “we also try to find interesting scientific or technological angles on major news events.”

Contact: Chief features editors Catherine de Lange and Tiffany O’Callaghan are on Twitter. Scroll down the guidelines page for editor email addresses.

Rate: $300 and up per assignment; $1.12 – $1.26 per word for news pieces. 

109. Science Magazine

The American Association for the Advancement of Science publishes a widely read journal. Science caters to a unique audience of scientists, academics, and everyday people interested in science. Breaking news that hasn’t been covered in depth yet, an inside scoop, or a scandal within the scientific community will put your idea on the fast track for consideration. And there’s opportunity to write for the online version of the magazine as well as the print version.

Contact: Check the “Meet the Editors“ page to find the right staff member to pitch.

Rate: Based on assignment; $0.47 – $1.33 per word. 

110. Sky & Telescope

Even if you’ve never picked up a telescope or studied the stars, you probably heard about the total solar eclipse that passed over the United States in 2017. Millions of people from coast to coast scrambled to viewing locations within the Path of Totality across America to get a glimpse of the moon blocking out the sun for just a few minutes. This is the kind of content you’ll find in Sky & Telescope. Senior editor Kelly Beatty shared that the mag’s readership ranges from “armchair astronomers to professional astrophysicists,” however, “most are amateur astronomers. People from all walks of life who love the night sky and want to learn everything they can about it.”

Contact: Email the editor (preferred) or reach out to Kelly on Twitter.

Rate: Based on assignment.


111. GoDaddy Blog

The GoDaddy blog, dubbed “GoDaddy Garage,” is geared toward helping entrepreneurs plan for, launch, grow, and maintain a business. In addition to its entrepreneurial focus, GoDaddy Garage also includes a section geared specifically toward web professionals. If you have an interesting, original idea, submit it! You can also apply to be a regular contributor.

Contact: Pitch managing editor Andrea Rowland or complete the pitch submission form.

Rate: Per article. Varies according to length, complexity, and influence.

112. Pixlr Blog

Pixlr is a popular online photo editing platform, and its website features a blog that publishes content by freelance writers. If you have expertise relating to photography or graphic design, pitch the Pixlr blog.

Contact: Submit your idea by completing the pitch form.

Rate: $200 per post; more for tutorials.

113. SitePoint

SitePoint is a blog geared toward helping people understand how to use new web technologies, including various types of codes, web-based tools, and design programs. If you have experience in web development, design, or content creation, pitch SitePoint.

Contact: Contact managing Editor Joel Falconer on LinkedIn or submit the pitch form.

Rate: $150 to $250 per post.

114. Smashing Magazine

Know about web building? Consider pitching Smashing Magazine, a website and blog geared toward designers and developers. They accept articles from both new and experienced writers and are especially in need of tutorials, guides, opinion pieces, and case studies. Include a 200-300-word outline in  your pitch.

Contact: Send a message to editor-in-chief Vitaly Friedman or use the pitch submission form.

Rate: $0.07-$0.13 per word. 

115. The Verge

The Verge covers a vast array of tech topics, including entertainment, science, and transportation. Content explores how tech integrates with the public, as well as the impact it will have on the future.

Contact: This pub has over a dozen editors. See the masthead on the about page to find the right person or find Deputy Editor Elizabeth Logpatto on Twitter.

Rate: $0.50-$0.83 a word.

Start pitching to land new work in 2022

While the pandemic continues to cause upheaval for the economy, the freelance writing industry is still going strong – and it’s here to stay. Whether you’re just launching your writing career or have years of experience under your belt, you can use this list as a starting point to help you set fresh goals for the new year. Every gig you land – and every clip you get – can open the door to opportunities for more and better-paying work.

Remember: Review the submissions guidelines. Familiarize yourself with the pub. Read recently published articles. Then craft your customized pitch, proof it, and hit send.

Excited to score some new freelance writing jobs in 2022? Tell us in the comments.

Christin Nielsen is a freelance writer and the editor of The Triangle, a twice-weekly newsletter covering local news in Virginia’s Historic Triangle.


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Get Paid to Write Poetry: 14 Markets for Freelance Writers

Get Paid to Write Poetry: 14 Markets for Freelance Writers

Can you actually get paid to write poetry? Yes. I’ve written poetry for a long list of publications, and ultimately published a book of poetry. It’s not the only way I make a living writing, but submitting poems for money is certainly one of my income streams.

Write for Magazines: 21 Publications That Pay $500+ Per Assignment

Write for Magazines: 21 Publications That Pay $500+ Per Assignment

Get Paid $500+ to Write for Magazines. Makealivingwriting.com

Want to write for magazines?

It’s a great way to make a living writing if you pitch the right publications. How about $500 or more per assignment?

If you’ve been cranking out magazine stories for $50 to $150 a pop, you may be wondering if that’s really even possible. That’s often the going rate for local, regional, or small-circulation magazines.

If you want to write for magazines, and have limited experience, these are great places to get some clips, and earn some money, but it shouldn’t be your last stop.

Many consumer and trade magazines pay $500 or more per assignment. And the pitching process is pretty much the same as smaller pubs:

  • Identify a magazine you want to write for
  • Study the submission guidelines
  • Develop a solid story idea
  • Do a little research and interview a source
  • Write a killer query letter, and pitch your story idea to an editor

If you can do that, you’ve got the chops to get paid well to write for magazines. But you need to know where to look for those $500-plus assignments. Check out these 25 magazines to get started.