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Readers: Can You Answer These 4 Freelance Writing Questions?

Carol Tice

As you read this, I plan to be lounging by a lake in the hotter part of my state, enjoying the summer. But there’s a problem: Freelance writers have a lot of questions!

My mailbag is bulging. However, I think I have a solution.

This month, I got some questions that I strongly believe my smart blog readers can answer for you.

So this post is an experiment.

I’m just going to post the questions, and let the savvy writers who read my blog give you their answers in the comments.

We’ve got questions about pricing, taking low-paying gigs, breaking into new markets and…pricing. Take your pick!


I have a burning question that comes up every time I am presented with a big project: What should I charge?  Is there a resource freelancers can use to determine what to charge?  I refer frequently to the Writer’s Market, but some projects aren’t as cut and dry as the ones listed in the book.

I have an opportunity to edit a bi-monthly newspaper working from home.  The project requires editing four to 10 stories a month, fact-checking some, rewriting others from press releases and writing photo captions.  I would also be responsible for editing four columns and writing headlines.  The managing editor is open to a flat fee or rate per article.

According to the Writer’s Market, I could charge anywhere from $2,000 to $5,000 per issue, or $185 to $230 per page.  What would you suggest or can you refer me to a good source to help determine rates since this question always comes up?



How do you feel about blogging on HubPages to get at least a little pay? Is it worth it?



I would like to write for business magazines. What advice can you give me to get started?

–Marcie Hill, MarcieWrites


One of my new writing clients asked me for an explanation of my fees. I sent her an e-mail and told her that I charged a flat fee based on each individual project and that I would let her know upfront what that fee was. I also asked her for her writing budget, and told her that I would work within that budget.

She e-mailed me and asked me how do I determine the flat fee for each project. They have a large amount of projects and they want to know what to expect. She also evaded the writing budget question.

She is not a difficult client; I already did a major project for her and quoted her a fee, to which she paid without question. I’m a bit confused as to how I should answer her question.

— Taheerah B.

Take it away, readers! I know many of you have freelance-writing experience to share.

When I return from vacation, I’ll add my own advice in the comments, too.

What’s your advice for these writers? Post it in the comments below.

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