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Free Blog Review Day! Let’s Make Your Blog Earn

Carol Tice

Free Blog Reviews by Carol Tice. Makealivingwriting.comWould you like advice from a successful pro on how to turn your blog into a money-maker? Well, today’s your chance, because I’m calling a free blog review day.


Well, I’ve been quietly working on a whole new blogger training program that’s getting some pretty cool results. But I suspect many of my readers don’t even know about it!

So I’m here to give you a free taste of my blog coaching and introduce you to what I’ve got. And celebrating by putting my two Small Blog, Big Income ebooks on a 2-for-1 bundle sale this week.

These e-books outline my 7-Step system for positioning your blog to earn (without a huge audience).

They unpack all my tips from 9 years (!) writing this blog, and building it into the basis of a multi-six-figure business.

First tip: When you have a small blog audience, one way to stand out is to surprise readers with fun, free goodies. That way, your audience thinks you’re awesome, and they never want to unsubscribe.

And so…free blog reviews today!

Ready to turn your blog into a money-earner? Here are the blog-review rules:

How to get your free blog review

It’s simple: Every blogger who leaves a comment on this post the day it’s published gets a piece of feedback on their blog from me.

A few ground rules:

  • Put your URL in the right place. If you leave your URL in the body of your comment, the comment will go straight to spam. To get your free blog review, don’t get lost in the shuffle — leave your URL only in the box provided. It’s right at the top of your comment form. I don’t want to miss you, and won’t have time to dig through my spam to hunt for lost comments. It’s going to be crazy here!
  • State the age of your blog. When I know how long it’s been around, it helps give me a sense of where you’re at.
  • Tell me your top blog question or problem. That way, I can give you the feedback you need most. If you have a question, I’ll just pick the thing that jumps out at me as the biggest issue.
  • Deadline is midnight Pacific time. That should be enough time to see this post and leave me your URL, no matter where in the world you live.
  • Allow 48 hours for response. I usually get pretty swamped when I offer free blog reviews! So please be patient.
  • One blog per customer. Be fair and let everyone have a chance. Remember, if you try to list more blogs in the comment text, you’ll just go in spam.

Small Blog Big Income ebooks - free blog review dayI’m excited to give back to my terrific readers. I check out your URLs when you post on my blog comments, and I know a lot of bloggers really need help!

Happy to share my (sometimes contrarian) advice on how small bloggers can earn real money. This post’s comment thread will be like a free taste of those Small Blog, Big Income e-books.

Extra: 3 winners get review videos

To give you an even more robust taste of what my blog mastermind group is like, I’m going to pick three interesting cases and do a more thorough, 15-20 minute blog review video for each of those.

I’ll get those video reviews on a page and share that link with everyone on the next post coming up.

The videos will give you a much better sense of the level of feedback you get as a member of my Small Blog Big Income small-group mastermind.

UPDATE: Videos taking a little longer than expected, thanks to a cold — I will email them out to subscribers later next week. If you’re not already one, subscribe here to get that link.

On beyond blog reviews

If this whets your appetite, how can you get more feedback from me on your blog?

That’s what my blog mastermind is for. In this small group, I help you execute on my 7-step system, saving you a boatload of wasted time and helping you see your best earning opportunities.

The mastermind has got room for a few more members — and once it’s full, the price is going up. A lot.

It’s an application process to get in, so if you’re interested in that, read up on the group and apply now.

Ready to get started? Then let’s fix your blog!

What’s your biggest question about your blog? Tell me in the comments, and I’ll give you a quick free blog review.

Make your small blog EARN BIG! Join the Blog Mastermind with Carol Tice, Author of Small Blog, Big Income: One Niche Blogger's 7-Step Formula



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