FEAR NOT! Confidence-Building Insights, Tips, and Techniques for Freelance Writers

Are fears holding you back from writing?
If so, you’re not alone. I know, because fear-busting posts have been among the most popular on the Make a Living Writing blog, year after year!
Now, to help you push past those fears and put your writing out there, we’ve collected our very best posts on how to slay those fear demons in a new e-book: Fear Not! Confidence-Building Insights, Tips, and Techniques for Freelance Writers.
Get Fear Not! for just $3.99:
What’s inside Fear Not? In this handy, short e-book, you get:
- Real-life success stories from six working freelance writers who overcame fears
- Practical exercises to help you write despite paralyzing worries
- Easy marketing tips for introverted writers
- Inspiration to build your self-confidence – and your writing craft
- Useful techniques for banishing fear and taking action
- All of Make a Living Writing blog author Carol Tice’s best fear-busting advice, culled from 20+ years of moving up, earning more, and making deadlines!
Whether you’re an aspiring or newbie freelance writer – or a longtime freelance writer looking to go after bigger, better-paying markets – you’ll find valuable insights and ideas in Fear Not!
Early Praise for FEAR NOT!
I am casting aside all thoughts that I must “be ready”… I really do appreciate the book. I have put my plan in action, ready to send out a query tomorrow. I am casting aside all thoughts that I must “be ready”-I’m just starting where I am right now. -Mary Rosewood
This book will be my go-to weapon for tackling the fear gremlins when they next leap out of the closet.
Fear Not! is a treasure trove of information and wisdom that really tackles all the big freelance writer’s fears: failure, rejection, instability, confidence, etc. Not only does it give real-life examples of those who have overcome their fears and moved on up to success, but it provides clear, step-by-step instructions on how you can do it too. This book will be my go-to weapon for tackling the fear gremlins when they next leap out of the closet. -Anna Warrington
Fear Not! is a reference book that merits its own icon on my desktop.
Fear Not brings writers the confidence, wisdom and life experience of a seasoned and successful freelance writer and entrepreneur. It offers support and encouragement for writers of all levels, to help them conquer their many fears. This e-book offers simple and constructive ways to bust through the fears, and gives readers the tools to ensure that these fears won’t derail them again. THANK YOU! – Elizabeth Ellis
You’re not alone. Really.
Carol’s put out another great book, but for me, this is probably the most important one I have. Got a fear of writing, marketing and/or editors? Learn the techniques used by Carol and other writers with the same fears in this collection of writings. You’re not alone. Really. Let Carol and her fellow authors help you. They helped me. – RJ
It’s been super useful. I finally feel like I have one resource to go to for my freelance writing questions, rather than getting lost down the rabbit hole of Internet surfing! From now on, I’m cracking this book open first for all freelance questions! (if I don’t choose to search through the Den’s forums!) -Gina D’Andrea Weatherup
A must-read for every start-up freelance writer!
“For me, the overriding theme of this book points to success-stop worrying about all the potential pitfalls, put your fears in perspective, and write!”
John Morland – Author
Need more info on what’s in Fear Not? No problem! Here’s a download for you with the table of contents and a sample chapter:
About the Author
I am a journalist, business writer, and blogger. Besides writing this blog, I founded the writer support and learning community Freelance Writers Den in 2011 (see that “Writer Community” tab up top for more on that). I’ve earned a full-time living from writing since the early ’90s, and have freelanced for over a decade, for clients including Forbes, Entrepreneur, Alaska Airlines Magazine, Costco, American Express, Dun & Bradstreet, Lending Tree, and many more.
Be fearless!
If you’ve always wanted to be a writer – or to earn a good living as a freelancer – but fears are holding you back…let’s fix that right now! Fear Not! is on sale for just $3.99.