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How to Eliminate All Your Freelance Writing Obstacles — With a Simple List

Carol Tice

When you think about trying to grow your freelance writing income, does it seem overwhelming? Just too hard?

Do there seem to be daunting obstacles in your way?

I’m going to show you how to remove them all.

For you to understand my solution, I must begin with a Jewish folk tale from the Old Country — for me, eastern Europe.

Once there was a large extended family living in poverty on a tiny farm plot. The father felt he was losing his mind.  His life was just too difficult! His children were always crying. His mother-in-law was constantly complaining. His tiny house was always so noisy and chaotic.

Life was horrible.

So he went to the rabbi, and explained his plight. His rabbi hesitated not a moment before advising him:

Bring your chicken into the house.

The man tried this immediately. Now, things were worse! The chickens pecked at him, there was even less room…now he was really miserable.

Complaining to the rabbi,  he was advised to bring his goat into the house, with similar results. Then his cow as well.

By now, as you might imagine, things were truly wretched. He went back to the rabbi one last time. And the rabbi said:

“Now, take all the animals out of your house.”

The man complied with haste. Immediately, he realized life was wonderful! With no one but his family in the house, things were relatively peaceful again.

Of course, things were exactly the way they were in the beginning, when he was miserable. What was different?

Get a perspective on your problems

The key to eliminating your obstacles is to change your attitude.

Instead of thinking about all of the reasons pursuing a freelance writing career is difficult for you, consider all you’ve got going for you.

Adopt an attitude of gratitude for all you have. If you think this won’t make a huge difference in the energy and self-confidence you bring to freelancing, I challenge you to give this a try.

For instance:

Are you able to use all your fingers to type? I know a gifted woman writer, as well as a kick-ass brilliant blogger, who don’t enjoy that advantage. Yet they have productive, successful writing careers. They have managed to overcome this formidable obstacle.

All your family members safe at home? I know a wonderful writer who copes with being a single mom because her spouse is in jail. She’s still out trying to hustle up freelance gigs.

Have access to modern healthcare? Consider the millions who must work sick because they don’t.

Feeling down? Make a gratitude list.

I find making this list never fails to cheer me up. A few of the items I’ve put on it over the years:

Both my parents are still living.

My house is not in the path of a lahar (sudden, deathly volcanic mudflow), like some in my region.

I live in a beautiful part of the world.

All of my children are healthy.

My spouse is not deployed on a submarine or aircraft carrier for six months at a time.

Because I have loose change in my home that I don’t need to immediately spend to feed my family, I know I am among the richest people on earth.

Hopefully, my examples above have given you a little fodder for your gratitude list. Can’t wait to hear what’s on it.

What’s on your gratitude list? Leave a comment and let us know.

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