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Christian Writing Jobs: 18 Magazines & Blogs That Pay Freelancers

Make A Living Writing

Want to get paid to write for Christian markets?

It’s definitely possible and can be a great way to make money writing.

There are hundreds of different writing niches, but writers often find that their work really shines when they can write about subjects they’re passionate about. For Christian writers, writing about faith-related topics can be deeply gratifying.

Christian writing jobs can also be surprisingly lucrative. In fact, the faith economy in the United States is worth approximately $1.2 trillion per year-more than the combined revenues of both Apple and Google.

Another perk is that there may be less competition when it comes to finding writing opportunities in Christian markets. That’s because many writers overlook this sector.

TIP: Remember that if you pitch a market on this list (or any other markets), it’s vital to read the writer’s guidelines carefully. Editors take time to put those guidelines together to help you boost your chances of having your pitch accepted. If you ignore those instructions, your pitch will probably just be tossed out. 

How Much Do Christian Writers Get Paid?

The pay for Christian writing jobs can vary widely-as is the case for all niches-based on the markets you write for. You may come across outlets that pay very low rates as well as ones that pay very well.

When possible, try to get a sense of how much freelance writers are paid before deciding whether or not to pitch. We’ve provided pay rates for as many markets on our list as possible.

These publications pay from $0.10 per word all the way up to $500 per article. How much you earn depends heavily on the specific gigs you take on and the amount of writing you do.

And remember: If the rates you initially earn are on the lower side, keep pitching higher-paying clients and work your way up so you can truly make a living writing.

How Do You Become A Christian Writer?

You’ll need to have a relatively strong understanding of topics related to Christianity. There are opportunities to write for markets within a wide variety of denominations, so if you’re a Christian, there’s a good chance you’ll find one that aligns well with your beliefs.

While this list is a great start when it comes to identifying specific markets to write for, if you want to write within this niche, don’t stop here. 

Christian writing opportunities extend into many areas of the economy, encompassing not only traditional outlets like websites and magazines but also Christian businesses and nonprofit organizations. In fact, about 40% of the top charities in the U.S are faith-based. Opportunities abound, so keep pitching. 

Christian Writing Jobs to Pitch Right Now

Check out our list of 18 Christian markets that pay freelance writers.

1. America Magazine

America Magazine is a weekly print publication that also features online content. They focus on providing a Catholic perspective on faith and culture topics, including political, economic, and social issues.

This outlet accepts pitches for feature-length articles (2,500 words or less), personal essays (up to 1,500 words), and shorter opinion essays. They also publish poetry.

Contact: Read the submission guidelines and submit your query on the submission page.

Rate: Competitive; reportedly $0.25/word and up

2. Angels on Earth

Angels on Earth is a bimonthly print and digital magazine that aims to tell true stories about heavenly angels-as well as angelic, inspirational humans-who encourage others with kindness, reassurance, or comfort. They publish both short anecdotes and feature-length articles up to 1,500 words.

Review the writer’s guidelines and pitch a relevant personal experience story.

Contact: Send a message to editor-in-chief Colleen Hughes.

Rate: $25-$500

3. Charisma

Charisma is a monthly digital and print publication geared toward Charismatic/Spirit-filled Christians. They publish articles that highlight particular authors, artists, and ministries; reviews of newly published books, music, or movies; and in-depth feature stories of up to 2,600 words. 

Most articles are assigned, but the editors occasionally accept freelance pitches. All prospective writers are asked to first become familiar with the magazine by reading through at least one to two recent issues.

Contact: Send an email to managing editor Christine Johnson.

Rate: Unspecified.

4. Chicken Soup for the Soul

Chicken Soup for the Soul is a book series that publishes about a dozen new trade paperback books annually. Their purpose is to share short stories that are both hopeful and inspirational. 

The editor is especially looking for powerful stories about people performing an act of love, service, or courage for another person. Stories cannot exceed 1,200 words.

Review the writer’s guidelines and story topic suggestions and pay close attention to the deadlines for each submission category.

Contact: Email editor-in-chief Amy Newmark.

Rate: $200 plus ten free copies of the book

5. The Christian Century

The Christian Century is a biweekly ecumenical magazine that primarily covers topics relating to theology, human rights, poverty, international relations, and economic justice. Content is published in both print format and online.

The editors emphasize that their content is geared toward a progressive Christian audience that seeks in-depth analysis and critical perspectives.

Contact: Tweet managing editor Steve Thorngate.

Rate: $100-$300 per 1,500-3,000-word article

6. Christianity Today

Christianity Today is one of the most popular Christian magazines on the market, reaching millions of readers every month. While the majority of articles are written by regular contributors or staff writers, they do accept freelance pitches. The editors usually consider profiles, feature stories, interviews, opinion pieces, and book reviews. All articles should contain a combination of research, reporting, and biblical analysis.

Contact: Email editor-in-chief Daniel Harrell.

Rate: Varies; pays on acceptance

7. Guideposts

Guideposts is a widely read bi-monthly Christian magazine published in print and digital formats. Their goal is to help readers solve difficult personal problems, build meaningful relationships, and find peace of mind. They look for true, first-person stories about people who have overcome an obstacle, reached an important goal, or learned an applicable lesson through their faith. 

Contact: Reach out to editor-in-chief Edward Grinnan.

Rate: $100-$500 

8. Homeschooling Today

Homeschooling Today is a magazine geared toward providing encouragement and helpful tools for homeschooling parents. It’s published quarterly in both print and digital formats. This pub doesn’t accept queries, so you’ll need to email the editor your written manuscript as an attachment with “Article Submission” written in the subject line. 

The editors look for feature articles (900-1,200 words) about a specific topic relating to homeschooling or unit study. They also seek articles that provide encouragement, feature an interview, or share helpful information about overcoming homeschool-related challenges. 

Contact: Email editor Ashley Wiggers

Rate: $0.10/word

9. Light + Life Magazine

Light + Life is a monthly print and digital magazine affiliated with the Free Methodist denomination. It aims to provide relevant news and inspiration and offer faith to unbelievers. 

This publication focuses on monthly themes, and your pitch will generally need to align with them in order to be accepted. Contact the editor to find out what the upcoming themes will be.

Contact: Email editor Jeff Finley

Rate: $100 for feature articles

10. The Light Magazine

The Light Magazine is a monthly Canadian publication geared toward the Christian community in Greater Vancouver. They seek to inspire faith in everyday life and publish articles about parenting, travel, senior life, and Christian living.

The editors generally prefer pitches from writers who live in Canada or have Canadian experience.

Contact: Email editor Steve Almond.

Rate: $0.10/word

11. Power for Living

Power for Living is an eight-page weekly publication geared toward Christian adults aged 50 and older. Its focus is on providing encouragement and insights on faith-related issues pertaining to topics like relationships, parenting or grandparenting, careers, health, and personal growth.

Contact: Email managing editor Karen Bouchard.

Rate: $375 for feature articles

12. Presbyterians Today

Presbyterians Today is a bimonthly print and digital magazine that covers a wide range of topics pertaining to the Presbyterian church. It especially seeks to explore issues relating to faith and life. The editors look for articles about topics like theology, the church’s role in society, and Bible study. They also often publish profiles.

Your pitch will have a better chance of being accepted if you can provide samples of other published writing.

Contact: Email editor Donna Frischnecht Jackson

Rate: $75-$300

13. Relevant

Relevant runs a bi-monthly magazine as well as a website, relevantmagazine.com, which features daily articles. The content is geared toward millennial audiences, and topics include faith, lifestyle, national and global issues, culture, and justice.

Relevant doesn’t currently pay for articles that appear on their website, but they do pay for stories published in their magazine.

Contact: Email senior editor Tyler Huckabee.

Rate: $100-$400 for print features

14. St. Anthony Messenger

St. Anthony Messenger is a family-focused Catholic magazine, published in digital and print formats, with a primary audience of women ages 40-70. They aim to offer inspiration to their readers and publish articles about topics such as spiritual growth, education, marriage, family, and social issues.

Send a pitch with a proposed topic and include your intended sources as well as details about your qualifications.

Contact: Email executive editor Christopher Heffron

Rate: $0.20/word

15. Today’s Christian Living

Today’s Christian Living is a bimonthly print and digital magazine geared toward a general Christian audience. The focus is on providing articles that encourage readers to fulfill their God-given calling. They publish personality and ministry profiles, personal stories, inspirational pieces, and short humorous anecdotes.

Note that this mag prefers to receive manuscripts as attachments rather than queries.

Contact: Email editor Dan Brownell.

Rate: $25-$150

16. U.S Catholic

U.S Catholic is a monthly print magazine geared toward a general Catholic audience. The editors look for feature articles between 2,500-3,500 words that offer in-depth analysis of relevant issues. They also publish essays that contain reflections or opinions on topics that impact the everyday lives of Catholics.

Contact: Email managing editor Emily Sanna

Rate: $75-$500

17. Vibrant Life

Vibrant Life is a print magazine geared toward Seventh Day Adventists. It provides articles focused on maintaining physical, spiritual, and mental wellbeing from a Christian perspective. The editors especially look for how-to articles, profiles, interviews, and personal experience stories related to health, nutrition, and exercise.

Note that while Vibrant Life covers health and wellness issues, all articles are expected to be written in an informal, interesting tone-and they shouldn’t contain complicated scientific or medical jargon.

Contact: Pitch editor Heather Quintana by filling out their pitch form

Rate: $100-$300

18. War Cry

War Cry is the Salvation Army’s monthly digital and print magazine. Widely read, special editions are also published for both Christmas and Easter. Their readership consists of members of the denomination as well as a general audience. 

Common topics include parenting, contemporary issues, and Christ and culture. War Cry also frequently publishes interesting profiles.

Contact: Reach out to editorial director Jeff McDonald through their pitch submission form

Rate: $0.35/word

Ready To Start Landing Freelance Christian Writing Jobs?

If you want to write for the Christian industry, there are some basic guidelines you’ll need to follow.

  • Identify paying markets you’d like to write for. Our list here provides a great start, but there are also many faith-based businesses and nonprofit organizations that hire writers to help them reach their content development goals.
  • Familiarize yourself with the publication before you pitch. As a general rule of thumb, you should plan to read through at least 1-2 issues of any print or digital mag you’re hoping to contribute to. To pitch a website or blog, take time to read through recent blog posts and make sure you don’t pitch a topic that’s already been covered.
  • Follow the guidelines. In many cases, editors won’t even consider a pitch unless the writer has followed the directions laid out in the submission guidelines.

Follow these general rules of thumb, and you’ll be well on your way to getting paid to write for this industry.

Have you written for any Christian markets?

Christin Nielsen is a freelance writer based in Virginia. She specializes in writing for digital and print publications as well as nonprofit organizations.

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Get Paid $500+ to Write for Magazines. Makealivingwriting.com

Want to write for magazines?

It’s a great way to make a living writing if you pitch the right publications. How about $500 or more per assignment?

If you’ve been cranking out magazine stories for $50 to $150 a pop, you may be wondering if that’s really even possible. That’s often the going rate for local, regional, or small-circulation magazines.

If you want to write for magazines, and have limited experience, these are great places to get some clips, and earn some money, but it shouldn’t be your last stop.

Many consumer and trade magazines pay $500 or more per assignment. And the pitching process is pretty much the same as smaller pubs:

  • Identify a magazine you want to write for
  • Study the submission guidelines
  • Develop a solid story idea
  • Do a little research and interview a source
  • Write a killer query letter, and pitch your story idea to an editor

If you can do that, you’ve got the chops to get paid well to write for magazines. But you need to know where to look for those $500-plus assignments. Check out these 25 magazines to get started.