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Business Writing: 14 E-Commerce Markets That Pay Freelancers


Are you looking for business writing gigs?

There’s a niche industry that’s absolutely killing it.

And chances are pretty good you know more about this business-writing niche than you think.

Why? Because it’s become a part of everyday life. E-commerce is a massive global industry that refers to the buying and selling of goods or services online.

Retail sales alone in the U.S amounted to over $700 billion in 2020. Experts expect the industry to sustain exponential growth as COVID-19 drives more people to conduct business online.

That means there’s ample business writing opportunities in e-commerce if you tap into the right markets. And those opportunities are for both B2C and B2B audiences.

To successfully land business-writing gigs in e-commerce, you’ll need to:

  • Identify potential clients you want to write for
  • Carefully study the submission guidelines
  • Come up with a strong idea for a story
  • Write your pitch, and send it to an editor
  • Keep on pitching!

If you do these things, you’ll be well on your way to getting paid business writing assignments related to e-commerce. But you’ll need to find the right markets to pitch, first.

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Check out these 14 markets to find business writing opportunities in this booming niche.

1. Alaska Business Monthly

Alaska Business Monthly covers everything related to business in the state of Alaska, including online retail.

E-commerce is one of the most important industries in Alaska because of the region’s rural nature.

  • Stories focus on analyzing issues and trends affecting local businesses.
  • The editors also like to feature articles about innovative local individuals and companies.

Note that while this publication does accept unsolicited pitches, they more commonly assign specific pieces to freelancers.

Contact: Editor Kathryn Mackenzie

Rate: $0.20/word

2. BCBusiness

Interested in business writing assignments about issues affecting e-commerce in the areas of Vancouver and British Columbia, Canada? Consider pitching BCBusiness.

The magazine publishes feature stories that impact the lives of its readers. Your best bet, pitch ideas on issues and trends defining industries in this part of the country.

Contact: Editor Nick Rockel

Rate: $0.56-$0.75/word

3. Business Insider

Got your pulse on e-commerce-related news? Check out Business Insider.

This is a U.S business site with a focus on e-commerce as well as finance, tech, and other U.S industries.

It’s the largest website of its kind on the internet today and frequently relies on contributions from freelancers who specialize in business writing.

Their editors are especially interested in pitches for:

  • How-tos
  • Reported features
  • Profiles
  • Personal essays

Do your homework, and make sure your ideas are different from what they’ve already published.

Contact: Editor Alyse Kalish

Rate: Varies; typically in the range of $0.20-$0.35/word

4. Christian Science Monitor

The Christian Science Monitor is an independent, international news publication. It covers economic industries, including tech and e-commerce, among other topics.

  • Write on spec. That’s how they do it at the Christian Science Monitor. It means they want to see the fully-written story before they decide whether or not to accept it.

Contact: There’s two editors you can pitch business-writing type stories to at the Christian Science Monitor:

Rate: $0.25-$0.40/word

5. EcommerceBytes

EcommerceBytes features two blogs:

  • The EcommerceBytes Blog. Publishes news and information about e-commerce in general
  • The AuctionBytes Blog. Publishes content about marketplace selling and the auctioning of collectibles and other items.

EcommerceBytes also operates a bimonthly newsletter. Editors are looking for articles that will help their readers navigate the world of online auctions more successfully, both as sellers and buyers.

If you have business writing expertise in this area, consider pitching:

  • How-to-articles
  • Profiles on successful online auctioneers
  • News related to online auctions

Contact: Ina Steiner

Rate: Pay for articles is pre-negotiated

6. Entrepreneur

If you want business writing assignments related to e-commerce, entrepreneurs, and small business owners, check out Entrepreneur.

Founded in 1977, this magazine and its website are widely read by entrepreneurs and business owners. They’re looking for practical, engaging stories-especially how-to articles-featuring actionable advice that will help their readers start, grow, or run their own business.

Contact: Editor Jason Feifer

Rate: Up to $1.50/word

7. MoneyPantry

MoneyPantry aims to provide its audience with practical ideas for earning money, including e-commerce opportunities.

They’re looking for detailed stories-generally 1,000 to 2,000 words-written in a conversational style with the goal of helping the reader.

Want a business writing assignment from Money Pantry? Pitch article ideas with real numbers and useful strategies.

Contact: Editor and Founder Saeed Darabi

Rate: $30-$150 per article

8. The Ken

If you’re knowledgeable about the online retail sector in India and Southeast Asia, you can pitch The Ken.

This publication has over 15,000 paying subscribers and publishes one new story per day.

Want a business writing assignment for The Ken? They’re looking for freelance journalists and subject matter experts to pitch reported stories that are fact-based and analytical.

Contact: Editor Jum Balea

Rate: $0.25/edited-word or $50/chart for data stories

9. The Penny Hoarder

Have tips for starting or growing an e-commerce business from home?

Pitch your story idea to the Penny Hoarder.

This is a popular website that helps people learn ways to save and earn money.

Tips to land a business writing assignment for The Penny Hoarder:

  • Focus on offering actionable suggestions.
  • Use the website’s search engine to make sure your idea hasn’t already been published.
  • The editors prefer informative articles that are written in a relaxed tone.
  • You’ll be more likely to have your pitch accepted if you feature interviews from people who have useful advice to share.

Contact Editor John Schlander

Rates: Rates are determined upon acceptance of a pitch and are typically in the $0.07-$0.09/word range.

10. IncomeDiary

IncomeDiary is a blog that focuses on helping people earn money online.

They’re looking for writers who have expertise and the skills to handle business writing assignments on:

  • Creating successful websites
  • Buying and selling websites
  • Driving traffic through search engine optimization
  • Engaging in affiliate or social media marketing

Tip: You’re more likely to have your pitch accepted by their editor if you can provide business writing samples of similar content.

Contact: Editor Barry Dunlop

Rate: Up to $200

11. SmartBusinessTrends

Virtually every e-commerce business needs to be able to market effectively online. That’s the angle of SmartBusinessTrends.

This blog regularly accepts contributions from freelance writers who are able to write:

  • Informative articles
  • Tutorials
  • Product reviews
  • Case studies of use to their readers

Tip: In order for your pitch to be accepted by this blog, you’ll need to have relevant experience or expertise in the topic you want to write about.

Contact: Editor Chris Fong or reach out here.

Rate: $200-$500 per article

12. The Guardian

The Guardian is a British-based publication. But this pub covers American and international news and attracts a diverse global readership.

It includes an e-commerce section that’s dedicated to covering current events related to:

  • Online retail
  • Cryptocurrency
  • Big tech
  • And other topics of relevance

Tip: Demonstrate personal or professional expertise on the topic you want to write about to increase the chances of your pitch being accepted.

Contact: To pitch U.S-related e-commerce stories, contact John Mulholland. The rest of The Guardian’s staff can be viewed here.

Pay: $300/1,000 words

13. FreshBooks Blog

FreshBooks is a popular software product used by businesses of all kinds.

Many e-commerce companies, small businesses, and freelancers use FreshBooks to:

  • Manage invoices
  • Handle accounting and tax-related tasks.

They accept articles from freelance writers for their blog. While they’re not currently looking for new contributors, they’re still accepting pitches for topics they haven’t yet covered.

Pitch an original idea with actionable suggestions for topics such as:

  • Scaling a business
  • Dealing with taxes
  • Managing invoices
  • Accounting needs
  • Winning at project management

Contact: FreshBooks asks writers to submit story ideas using their pitch submission form.

Rate: $200/post

14. PracticalEcommerce

PracticalEcommerce provides expert advice, instruction, and insight to help small and mid-sized e-commerce companies grow and succeed.

Their editorial policies differ from some publications. How? They don’t publish unsolicited pieces. Instead, they rely on a pool of regular contributors who can create content designed to genuinely help their readers.

Tip: Look over their website. If you have a suitable topic or idea to offer, pitch the editor.

Contact: Kerry Murdock

Rate: Pay is determined by the editor

Ready for some e-commerce business-writing assignments?

Before you send a pitch to one of these e-commerce markets, make sure you carefully read all of the guidelines.

It’s also important to review the existing content of the blog, website, or publication you’re pitching.

Make sure your idea is in line with what they publish-and that the topic isn’t too similar to an angle they’ve already covered.

Then write a solid pitch that gets the editor’s attention. And keep on pitching. That’s how you move up, earn more, and make a living writing.

What business-writing markets do you recommend? Share in the comments below.

Christin Nielsen is a freelance writer based in Virginia. She specializes in writing for digital and print publications as well as nonprofit organizations.

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Freelance Writing Jobs: 39 Online Magazines That Pay $100+

Freelance Writing Jobs: 39 Online Magazines That Pay $100+

Freelance Writing Jobs for Online Magazines. Makealivingwriting.com.

Wondering where to find your next freelance writing jobs during COVID-19 craziness?

You’re not the only one. It’s a volatile time for almost everybody. But businesses, magazines, and digital publications still have freelance writing jobs they need to fill.

In many niches, the demand for well-written articles and writers who know how to dig up solid research, interview sources, and hit tight deadlines is even greater than pre-pandemic.

How do you get some of that work? There’s an old-school skill that works in any economic environment. Pitch great story ideas to editors.

And if you don’t get a response right away…keep going. Just about every editor is scrambling to fill their editorial calendars right now.

Show up in their inbox with a fresh idea, and you’re a lot more likely to land an assignment than if you sit back and do nothing until “things get better.” Make sense? Good.

To save you some time, we’ve compiled a list of 43 digital magazines you can pitch right now. Check out the list and get to work.

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