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Writers: Get Feedback on Your Blog – Free!

Carol Tice

Blog Laboratory(NOTE: The free blog review day is now over. But you can still benefit from all the advice I gave — just check out the blogs listed in the comments and then click on ‘1 reply’ to see my reviews.)

Would you like some free advice on how to improve your blog? Here’s your chance.

Leave me a link to your blog in the comments below, ask any questions you have about how to grow your audience or make it better, and I’ll reply with some tips. It’s just that simple!

I’ve been asked to do this kind of thing in the past, but I didn’t feel qualified.

Now that I’ve spent some time in A-List Bloggers Club, I’ve made a lot of changes to my own site, been named a finalist in the Top 10 Blog for Writers contest. I’ve seen my site grow its traffic to more than 300,000 hits a month and begin to earn its keep. So at this point, I feel like I have some useful insight to offer on what makes a good blog.

If you’re wondering why I’m willing to do this, know that taking a look at your blogs will  help me, too.

I’m getting ready to put on my next Webinar with Anne Wayman, and it’ll be on breaking in and earning big in freelance writing. Having a strong blog is definitely a key tool for freelance writers these days. So seeing your blogs and hearing your questions will help us to design the Webinar so that it delivers the information you need most. Stay tuned for more blogs soliciting your questions in the next month or so.

Thanks go out to Amy Spreeman for suggesting that I hold a “blog laboratory.” Thanks for participating in my writer poll in October, Amy!

Let the blog laboratory begin! Bwa hahahaha…um, sorry, saying “blog laboratory” makes me feel like a mad scientist.

Leave your blog info below for a free critique! I’ll close comments for this post tomorrow morning (Wednesday), so don’t delay.


(NOTE: The one-day free blog review time has now expired. Thanks to all who participated!)

Photo via stock.xchng user 123dan321

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