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Could You Write A Blog Post That Changes People’s Lives?

Carol Tice

Words Matter WeekMost writers I know have two needs:

First, we need to eat.

I spend most of my time on this blog helping writers meet this goal.

But most writers also have another goal, that sometimes keeps us at our desks until late at night:

We are driven to write something meaningful.

How we define that may be different. But that’s really why we sit down and sweat it out day after day.

We’re hoping somewhere, in the grind of landing clients and getting better-paying assignments and keeping a roof over our family’s heads, we’ll also get that rare opportunity to write something transformative.

Something that makes a difference.

We’re hoping to get good enough to write something that will create a change.

Maybe it will help lead to reform of drunk-driving laws and save some innocent lives.

Maybe it will motivate people to donate to a worthy cause, like one Freelance Writers Den member who recently wrote me that her article about a charity caused people to donate 300 turkeys for the hungry…and that she still is so moved she cries whenever she thinks about it.

Or maybe, it will help uplift people, make them feel less alone, help them make sense of their journey, or lighten their load.

I was reminded of this recently when I had Copyblogger editor Jon Morrow as a guest on my podcast.

He related that after writing one of his most popular blog posts, he heard from people who said they were contemplating suicide before they read it.

Jon’s inspiring story changed their minds.

Words have so much power.

When the Arab Spring was at its height, Egypt shut off the Internet. That wasn’t because they wanted to restrict game-playing. It was to stop the flow of empowering words that were arriving from Twitter and Facebook.

Words have the power to topple governments and free people.

Why does this all come up? Well, Words Matter Week begins Monday. It’s sponsored by the National Association of Independent Writers & Editors (NAIWE), of which I am a proud member.

Next week, you’ll be seeing daily writing prompts bouncing around social media, stimulating new ideas. It’s a great opportunity to reflect and ask yourself where your writing passion truly lies, and to commit to devoting at least some of your time to that goal.

What do you want to write most?

What is the most important writing you could do?

How will it change people?

Will they make more money? Keep more of their money? Be happier, freer, or more uplifted?

I’m proud of many feature articles I’ve written, but probably my most important writing of my career has happened here on this blog.

When writers tell me they took my advice and now they’re able to earn more, or able to live where they want and be their own boss, I am over the moon.

I’ve changed a life. It doesn’t get any better.

Today, I’d love to learn more about the change you are striving to make with your writing.

Why don’t you leave me a comment and tell me —

What have you written that was the most meaningful to you, and why? Leave us a link to it if you like.

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