Achieve Your Freelance Writing Goals
Tired of working for peanuts?
Learn how to find and land great clients in a high-impact training!
Sorry – this course is over! To check out more offerings from Chris Marlow, click here.
Sick of dealing with bad clients?
If you’ve been a freelance writer for any length of time, you know what a “bad” client is. These are the type who:
- Want to know “what it will cost” – before she even tells you about the project
- Waste your time with questions but never seem to assign you the project
- Talk down the value of your writing, usually to browbeat you on pr
Chris Marlow
- Often don’t pay on time – and sometimes not at all
- Don’t know the difference between good copy and bad, because they’re inexperienced marketers
Bad clients ruin your income…
and your love for the writing life.
But it doesn’t have to be that way!
The world is full of high value, high paying clients who want to work with business writers on a professional level. Really!
You just have to know where to find them, how to approach them, and what to say to them so they say “YES!”
When I thought about how I could help you learn to find great-paying clients, I immediately thought of Chris Marlow, an elite copywriting coach I’ve been learning from for years.
Chris is well-known for her 100s of successful writers – all of whom were taught her success formula for targeting and landing higher level clients who have marketing budgets and expect to pay top dollar for writing that gets results.
And I convinced her to do something she’s never done before…
…offer a workshop that is exclusive to my followers – Make a Living Writing blog subscribers and Freelance Writers Den members.
That’s right – you won’t read about this one on a bunch of other writing blogs. No one else will be offering this opportunity!
It’s coming next Wednesday, Aug. 15. This is a one-time chance to learn with Chris in an intensive course at a very affordable price – just $99.
In this jam-packed, 1-hour workshop, you will learn the secrets of high-level direct response marketing – the tactic used by seasoned marketers to land clients of every size and shape.
You will learn how to:
1. Differentiate yourself – You must have a Unique Selling Proposition if you expect to jump to the top of the pay scale. Chris shows you how to set yourself apart and make yourself the “preferred” resource – even if you’re brand new to the business.
2. Select your highest paying market – Few writers ever think of this incredibly important income-boosting step. Think like big business: go where the money is!
3. Target the right demographic – Find your sweet spot! You get a clear picture of what size business to shoot for, and what size to AVOID.
4. Create your “bait piece” – The secret to getting high quality, high value leads. Every smart lead-generating business offers powerful free information. Yours must too!
5. Connect with your potential client – What to do and how to do it! The most effective marketing for freelance writers.
6. Follow up – A simple but effective script for what to say on the phone that will make the right impression.
There you have it, writers: Six steps to changing your life – and your income!
How much CAN you earn as a high paid writer?
Well, that depends on the kind of writing you do and the niche market you pick. Some niches are tightwads (like non-profit), others are flowing with money (like technology).
In general, however, the more you can tie your writing to results – sales, leads, influence – the more you’ll be paid. Chris starts her newbie writers out at $75/hr. Within one year they often raise their rates to $100/hr. Seasoned writers get anywhere from $125 to $250+ per hour.
Past students include Ed Gandia, who earned $167,000 in his first full time year copywriting for the software niche.
Chris took Nan. D. of Portland, Oregon from $80,000 per year to $120,000 and is now working with her to pull down $200,000 per year. Many of Chris’ writers are happy at $60,000 or $70,000 per year. But most shoot for $100,000 per year – a very reasonable expectation if your writing is results-oriented.
Does that sound good to you?
Of course it does! We all want to earn what we’re worth.
And in today’s new marketing world, I don’t have to tell you that the demand for business writing has skyrocketed.
I asked Chris to create this 1-day event to keep the cost low, so we can reach more writers with her proven formula for landing high-paying clients who already have budgets for the writing work they need you to do.
It’s hard to commit to a multi-week course during the busy summertime – so here it is, a quick shot of marketing knowledge to get you earning more for the rest of this year!
It’s really a no-brainer to make the decision to attend. After all, you’ll probably make your money back on the first job you get after using Chris’ information.
PLUS Chris tells me your investment is 100% satisfaction guaranteed, or your money back!
I can’t promise you I’ll be able to get Chris to share so much of her proprietary information in the future, so jump on the bandwagon now. The online workshop is less than a week away… you’ll want to be on the call and watching the PowerPoint.
Your course fee includes:
- Access to the live event – ask Chris your questions!
- Audio mp3 recording
- Full event transcript
- PowerPoint presentation
All yours to keep and refer to again whenever you want in the future.
If you need to earn more now – grab this one-time opportunity to learn how to skyrocket your income.
See you on the Webinar!