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10 Writer Websites That Kick Butt and Get Clients

Carol Tice

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Have you been wondering how to create a standout freelance writer website that would impress clients and get you hired?

You know you need one. Without a site, it’s like you’re invisible. You just don’t seem totally legit, especially if you’re going after online markets.

The good news is setting up your writing website is way easier than you might think.

Even if you don’t know the first thing about designing a site, you can build one fairly easily with Squarespace (try it free).

Squarespace makes it super simple to create a site with tons of awesome design templates to choose from.

Click here to learn more about Squarespace and begin building your writer website.

10 Examples of Great Freelance Writer Websites

I’ve talked about writing websites and online writing portfolios before, and have done many reviews in the Freelance Writers Den, but today I thought I’d just show you some fine examples of successful writer websites so you can get inspired and build your own site.

These sites have a few things in common:

  • They have clean, uncluttered design.
  • You can get a good sense quickly of the type of writing the writer does.
  • The clips are presented in a way that’s easy to read.
  • It’s easy to figure out how to contact them.

Some of them were done very affordably, too. And the best part is it doesn’t really take much expertise or tech know-how to setup your own freelance writer website.

Take a look for yourself. There’s a lot of variety in the approach in these sites, and they each have some particular strengths. They’re in no particular order:

1.Emily Thompson

emily thompson

Emily Thompson’s site is a good example of a clean, professional freelance writer site built using Squarespace. I love the way the homepage flows and lets the visitor know they’ve found the solution to their content needs. The page guides the visitor toward conversion with buttons and calls to action placed throughout.

2. Michal Eisikowitz

michal eisikowitz

Michal Eisikowitz’s site is arguably the best looking writer website I’ve come across. Everything about this site is just fantastic. There’s great copy above the fold, a high-quality picture of the writer, and it leads you through the site in a smart way. Check out this homepage section that speaks directly to the type of clients the writer can help:

michal website

3. Millie Lapidario

millie lapidario

Millie Lapidario is a successful freelance writer. Her website has everything a great writer website should have — clear, compelling messaging up top; a well-defined niche so she attracts the right type of clients; testimonials; a strong portfolio page; professional pictures of her throughout the site; and more. She even has her own custom logo for her business, which goes a long way to making her look like a legitimate business.

4. Kristi Hines

kristi hines

The popular Kikolani blogger’s own writer site is a often highly competitive for great search terms clients will search when looking for a freelance writer. If you have more than one skill, check out how Kristi Hines presents herself smoothly as a writer, blogger, and photographer.

5. Sally Bacchetta

sally bacchetta

A fairly busy-looking site, but Sally Bacchetta’s site is packed with clips, and a top-ranker for “freelance writer.” A basic headshot is enough to make her seem friendly and relatable.

6. Yolander Prinzel

yolander prinzel

I like Yolander Prinzel’s all-in-one home page approach (which you’ll notice I sort of adapted for my own site). Note how some of the client mentions are live links to clips, and how she plays up her expertise as a financial writer in her “about me” box. Love the testimonial right at the top, too. Only thing missing here is a nice shot of her for the home page.

7. Rachel B. Levin

rachel levin

Rachel B. Levin’s site has a few good things going for it. First, it has the hero section up top that you see immediately upon landing on her homepage where she clearly lays out exactly what she does. Then, as you scroll down, her portfolio is very heavily featured in an enticing way, quickly establishing credibility with potential clients. And then, Rachel provides more info about who she is, where she’s from, and what she offers. This site is also a good example of one that ranks well in local searches (she’s from Los Angeles and ranks highly for terms like “Los Angeles freelance writer”), which can be a great approach for attracting clients.

8.David LaMartina

david lamartina

David LaMartina joined the Den and got his site set up. I think it’s perfect for a simple freelance writer website. This is a visually pleasant, clean, simple site that gets the job done on a budget.

9. Mary Yerkes

mary yerkes

Mary Yerkes’ site is an example of what you can accomplish with the basic WordPress blog site you get when you join the National Association of Independent Writers and Editors (NAIWE). Is it the most stunning writer site out there? No, but it’s clean, simple, and gets the job done with some clips and a really inviting photo that makes her seem happy, professional, and accessible. If you don’t want to learn a lot about WordPress and which host would be best for you, this NAIWE site offer is a turnkey solution. Plus, you get a whole writer support organization thrown into the deal.

10. Carol Tice

carol tice

OK, obviously, I’m biased here. But I did work hard redoing my site a while back, and I do get a lot of nice gigs through it. I’m particularly pleased with my resume/about page, which is now called Where I’ve Been.


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