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7 Inspiring Posts For Fearful Freelance Writers

Carol Tice

Scared freelance writerWhat’s holding you back from pitching editors?

Are you afraid you don’t have enough experience? That your ideas aren’t good enough? Editors won’t like your ideas or your writing?

Even if you get the assignment, do you worry you won’t have the chops to pull it off?

Or maybe there are just too many things you could write about – so you don’t end up pursuing any of them.

Whatever your fear block is, don’t worry – we’ve gathered a compendium of the most popular posts we’ve ever had here at Make a Living Writing on how to move past your freelancing fears:

  1. How to Get Over Your Paralyzing Article Writing Fears: Carol looks at some of the most common writing fears she sees and walks you through how to end their power to stop you.
  2. How to Stop the Psychodramas and Get Your Writing Done: Do you have trouble writing at certain times? These patterns can run deep – but you can change the rules and write when you need to get the work done, not just when you feel ‘inspired.’
  3. How to Avoid Overwhelm and Launch Your Freelance Career: Are you completely boggled by all of the information out there about getting started as a freelance writer? Learn how to cut the clutter, prioritize, and get your freelance writing career going.
  4. Why You Need to Go For Your Freelance Writing Dream Now: Carol looks at one particularly damaging fear in this post: the fear that you will fail and destroy your fantasy of the life you might live as a freelance writer. But that fantasy will not pay your bills, so follow Carol’s advice here for making your career a reality. Time’s a-wasting.
  5. Is This Irrational Fear Crippling Your Freelance Writing Career? When you say you’re afraid of freelancing, are you clear on what you’re afraid might happen? Turns out not a lot of writers are. Carol looks at what writing fears are really all about.
  6. How Writers Can Stop Being Crushed by Fear of Rejection: One man embarked on a quest to get rejected repeatedly. Sound crazy? Find out why it helped him become a success – and how you can stop being afraid of rejection, too.
  7. The Advice I Wish I’d Had as a New Freelance Writer: A glimpse back in time at Carol as a newbie freelance writer and byline junkie. Learn the lessons she wishes she’d known when she started – and read the advice from other readers, too.

 What are your biggest fears about freelancing? Tell us in the comments below.

Jennifer Roland is a freelance writer and the guest-blog editor here at Make a Living Writing. She focuses on edtech, lifestyle topics, marketing and public relations, and content creation. Her latest book, 10 Takes on Writing, will be out in late 2014.


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